Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pamela Anderson Is First To Go In Dancing With The Stars

Basically confirming the fact that Pamela Anderson does not really care if she stays on Dancing With The Stars or not, Pamela told everyone last night when she became the first person eliminated from Dancing With The Stars that she and her partner would continue to dance all the time. See, Pamela might only get $200K from her appearance on the show, but the other DWTS programs around the world will pay her at least that just to appear on one episode and she does not even have to be that good. No competing, just a special guest star. She has performed on three or four of them around the world and I think her philosophy is why should I bust my butt for months and not make much more than I would if I just perform for a few shows here and then take it on the road. Pamela is already as famous as she is going to be. The other contestants need every week on the show they can get for more exposure and more fame and a chance at some real money for them down the road.


  1. I decided to boycott this season when I found out Kate Gosselin didn't get chosen...bahaha!

  2. I cannot watch this show! Oh yeah real hard to learn to dance when you have all day to learn and with professionals too! When they do dancing with the plumbers, or maids, or just your average Joe, give me a call and I will watch!!!!

  3. I don't watch this, but sounds like Pam has a nice gig going.

  4. I saw Pam & Tristan on Jimmy Kimmel last night, and I noticed two things. She looked wasted, and they looked like they were about to go for it, if you get my drift. Tristan can do so much better.

  5. So, I'm a total live and let live gal, but have we established who's raising her kids in the midst of all this? Did someone on here say once that her parents take care of the boys? Sorry, I can't remember, but I always wonder how they are faring in all this - they've got to be teenagers by now, right?

  6. She looked wasted on too. She was awful.

  7. I don't watch it either, but those poor boys. They must be teens by now, imagine if all your friends snicker because they have seen the infamous sex tape of their parent's undying love which apparently displays not only their father's enormous uh, sexual apparatus, but also Mommy's skill at BJs.

  8. @shauniebear I hope you're kidding.

    I used to watch her show VIP years ago and liked it. I can't dislike her but, yeah, she looked wasted last night and she's aging very very badly.

    I'd bet the boys spend a good amount of time with their dad, Tommy Lee.

  9. She was a hot mess last night.

    She did apologize to her partner and seemed a little bit sorry for letting him down. Otherwise, I'm sure she was relieved.

    I think Drew was shocked to be at the bottom.

  10. Her boys are the same age as my kids I'm pretty sure, 15 and 16. They need her more than ever now.

  11. Did she have work done on her face? It look different..

  12. Pam Anderson was supposed to be on "VIP Big Brother" being shot in Bulgaria this year. Apparently she left after the first night complaining that all the hot water was gone. She still got paid $300,000.

    I don't know if I should hate her or admire the sh*t out of her.

  13. Not Emmitt..he doesn't need the exposure or does he?

  14. @ g.strathmore - she was on a couple nights. I just returned from BG Monday after being there a month.

  15. I watch, she was crappy, no effort put in at all. Someone always has to go and she was the right call.
