Monday, September 03, 2012

One Of The Women Who made Out With A Naked Prince Harry Speaks

I feel like the first woman to speak about her time alone in a hotel bedroom with a naked prince harry should have waited until we could have filled in some of the gaps like exactly how he ended up naked. You know, a timeline of nudity and debauchery. Carrie Reichhert is British but happened to be in Vegas and Harry liked what he saw and she was one of many women who was brought up to the party. As far as I know she is not a professional hooker or a drug dealer so we are still missing those gaps. She says she went up to the room, Harry was already naked and within 30 seconds he had grabbed her and taken her into his room. She immediately took off all her clothes except for her bikini and they rolled around on the bed for 30 minutes. She says she didn't have sex. You know, because she is classy.


  1. Well, you knew this story was coming.

  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Yeah right...that slut is lying. Who doesn't have sex with the prince if the situation arises?

    A lady doesn't talk about such intimate detail. But she's not a lady.

    1. Oh c'mon! You know only a lady would pose on all-4s on a chaise! It's a CHAISE! That's French for "fancy ass chair!"

  3. No, she said, "The alcohol affected him..."
    She admitted he was too drunk to get it up. Then she adds it wasn't private enough anyway.
    They had fun. The story isn't that trashy. Who of us WOULDN'T take a chance on PHG if he asked, nude?

    1. You have to wonder how much he actually does remember and how much is news to him.

  4. She did everything, but...wink,wink. Nudge, nudge.

  5. She 's saving herself for marriage.

    1. Is "marriage" Welsh for "anal"?

    2. AAAhhhhh hahaha! Well played

  6. LOVE the slut/lady demarcation. Do we get to choose which side we're pretending to be on? Obviously, it would seem.
    IMO, slut-shaming this chick brings us ALL down. Even Amish people have drunken make-out sessions in their past.

    1. I would think the slut/lady demarcation may have more with her telling the media, rather than the act, itself.

  7. Eh, they were both young, hot, naked and drunk. Other than the fact that he supposedly had a girlfriend I'm not sure I see the big woo in them fooling around...even taking into account him being a prince and all.

  8. If he couldn't get it up for that then he's in trouble.

    (Yes, I realize that that is not how these things work. I don't need an anatomy lesson.)

    Seriously. Girl is lookin' ffffffine. *Let me tell you that them heeeeels really complement your frame (ooooh look at your body baaaby)*

  9. I also think most of us WOULD 'tell the media'. "I kissed PHG"--give me $100,000 for my exclusive story too.

  10. ...Or maybe I'm blinded by my student loan debt.

  11. Her mama must be so proud...oy vay.

  12. I started reading the post and thought Enty was coming out as a woman.

  13. Amber, naughty girl.

  14. Why come out to the media? Because it's a story that must be told? There's nothing to it we couldn't have guessed. She wants attention and/or money. That's why I don't think she's classy (despite the fancy ass chair).

  15. Amber! You are on a freaking roll! Chaise! It's French for fancy ass chair. :) hahaha.

  16. That disco ball dress really highlights her winning personality!

  17. Amber, none of this makes her deserving of the word 'slut'.
    'Wooed by money'? -maybe
    'Famewhore'? -possibly

    Out of the gate with slut is the issue. And don't get me started on 'lady'!

    1. Libby- kelgela was actually the one to use the S word.

  18. I like her dress, but I'm a sucker for sequins. When I was last in Vegas, I managed to wear sequins every day.

  19. @Libby, Amber didn't call her a slut, she was just joking around (the chaise thing was solid).

  20. the story is getting old,
    The guy is allowed to go have fun like everyone else.

  21. Anyone else remember that panicky feeling when one of your friends would say "Wow you were on fire last night"?

    I'm thinking Harry's had a few of those moments

  22. Anita- I love sequins. I have wanted a more classy style of her dress actually in black for NYE, Gunner did an amazingly cute dress on Project Runway this week that I loved with black matte sequins. :)

  23. I have said it before, I'll say it again, Can't anyone keep their big mouth shut??? I would never in a million years sell someone out like that. oh, wait. Because I have ethics, like hopefully most people.

  24. That girl was paid to say that!!!!

  25. Thanks, Anita! :) Libby - I don't think she's a slut, I wouldn't call her a slut, etc etc. They're young, and they're having fun. I know nothing of this girl's history and therefore cannot pass judgment on whether or not this is a pattern if behavior for her. TBH I have absolutely no opinions of the entire situation and was just making light of the situation - as was everyone else, I assume. Let's not jump to the worst possible conclusion, please? :)

  26. @Smash, I have a drawer full of sequined clothes. My favourite is a tank top and the front is a sequined Union Jack. I love the Christmas season. I go to Winners (Cdn version of Marshalls) and buy sequined items. I got a gorgeous, to the knee black sequined skirt there for $30. I can't resist the stuff. Some stuff is so ridiculous, it's never seen the light of day (red sequined leggings).

    Now I want to go play dress-up.

  27. I love sequins too. I have some T shirts with some sequins scattered on them I wear all the time. And like Anita, I have a tank top with a sequined flag, only the USA flag. Hmm - today's a holiday - think I'll put that on!

  28. I'm still watching a Friends marathon and it's the one with Brad Pitt. :(

  29. Sequins always make me itch. I can't remember the last sequin I wore!

  30. @DJ, they scratch the underarm something fierce.

  31. You know, we need to come up w/a good term for men and women who kiss and tell for money, or whose behavior, particularly in a romantic/sexual sense, is seriously trashy, that doesn't automatically come down to slut-shaming. I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to draw a mental distinction between those basically good people engaging in some degree of joyful promiscuity (they're not cheating/leading on anyone and aren't blatantly gold-digging or selling out their partner(s) somehow, and everyone involved had a good time with no hard feelings afterwards) and those who are just plain sleazy, who do any or all of the above or are known as awful people (I'm sure we can think of any number of examples of this). Having an STD isn't necessarily a marker of the latter, since you certainly don't have to sleep around a lot to get one (besides, 20-25% of the general population has the genital herpes virus, and 90+% has the oral herpes/cold sore virus; God only knows what the stats on chlamydia and HPV are at this point), but being clearly careless with your partner's well-being is. Any ideas?

    Oh, and is a chaise a "fancy-ass chair" or a "fancy ASS chair"? Just wondering... ;-)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I know, guys, I know! I was replying to Amber, her last comment.
    I'm sorry to Amber if YOU thought I was talking about your comment being the one that demarcated sluts & ladies. I was not at all. Please re-read my comment in that light.

    I've proven myself a strong reader, guys. Give me a break on my not being clear that I wasn't accusing Amber, just replying to her last comment regarding my being bothered.

    (Edited for FUCKING CLARITY. I'm trying, I swear!)

  34. @libby now I really want to see an Amish drunken make-out sesh.

    1. Ack! Really DJ? All those beards and buttons and lace doilie hats. Ack!

      I believe they made this porn film already. A documentary called Rumspringer or some crazy ass Amish word. The Amish youth go crazy and do everyone and everything and every illegal drug in a horse and buggy radius!

  35. djphob---I was reading yesterday about the success of "Bonnet books"--romance novels based in the Amish world are huge sellers in flyover country (like mine), in Wal-Marts, etc. I can't remember where the story was. Here? nah.

    Anyway, the Amish supposedly allow these authors to visit for research purposes, but beg them not to expose the drunken and/or sexual antics of their youths.

  36. Agent and Amber, hats off to you ladies! Making us all laugh today!!!!

  37. That's the ladylike pose I use in all family photos.

  38. @Del, you sound elegant.

  39. lol x 2 @ Amber. Fancy-ass chair. Funny.

  40. people that kiss and tell suck!

    how can people cheat and still feel safe?

    sex is private and all the ho's (male and female) who cant keep they mouths closed-- get a job!

  41. @anita_mark, Ah yes, elegant am I.

    It can be a bitch though, the little kids want to sit on your back and the dog wants to sniff your almost exposed ass and I've hurt myself with the stilettos more than once.

  42. SOMEBODY'S going to get a top-secret visit from the Palace PR team with a boatload of cash for her not to "remember" any more details!

    Smart cookie.

  43. So there's a question as to whether she's a professional hooker as opposed to a hobbyist hooker? Or perhaps she's still training for her license and still getting apprenticeship hours.

  44. So she'd never met him before? She arrives and he is naked? 30 seconds later she is down to her bikini? They don't complete the act because he's consumed too much alcohol to seal the deal? Young or not that famewhorish.

  45. Amber, as I was simply saying a lifetime ago.. ... naughty Amber.... hehe...

  46. oh, Oh, OH... There we are!

    Well done!

  47. @Bubbles - Maybe she's just a gifted amateur. You know, like the Olympics.

  48. Oh, who CARES? They're young and crazy and horny. Just like everyone in their 20s. Have fun. Kick up a scandal. Live a little.

    It's Vegas, ferchrissakes!

  49. Darn! I wish this commenting system had the ability to "like" and "dislike," or to give arrows up and arrows down or thumbs up and thumbs down.

    Because today (reading backwards from the most recent post to this one, at 8 pm Eastern Time), there have been several comments worthy of thumbs up.

  50. omg I can't imagine rolling in bed naked with PHG and NOT having sex!!
