Sunday, September 09, 2012

OJ Prosecutor Says Defense Tampered With Glove

It has been almost 20 years, but former OJ Simpson prosecutor Chris Darden said this week that OJ Simpson's defense team tampered with the glove that did not fit. In a panel discussion, Darden says the defense had access to the glove during an entire lunch hour and that someone on the team changed the lining of the glove so it would not fit when OJ put it on. Of course, that gave rise to the line of, "If the glove does not fit, you must acquit." Today, the defense team insisted they never had access to the glove and that Darden is just trying to blame everything on a dead man. Shawn Holley was on that defense team and she told The Los Angeles Times that Darden is just upset that he made the worst blunder in the history of trials.


  1. It doesn't matter now because OJ is sitting in jail where he belongs.

    Plus, OJ was going to get off no matter what.

  2. Is Darden really thinking this is going to shock anyone?! I was in high school when this went down and remember thinking "this shit is rigged"

  3. I had read in somebody's book - (one of the people on his defense team - sorry can't remember who) - that it was a combo of his arthritis acting up because they told him to stop taking his meds - and the chemicals used on the gloves during testing that made them too tight. They specifically wanted him off the arthritis meds so his hands would swell for this little display.

  4. OMG! Really? You lost the case and now all of a sudden, now that Cochran is dead, you say that it was rigged!? Wow. Well if you and your team had done a better job maybe we would not be doing this right now.

  5. Shit like this and Casey Anthony angers me. It is the Prosecutors job to have air tight evidence. It's crappy lawyers who assumed that they had their cases in the bag, they slacked off when it came to supporting their claims in the actual trial, and now want to blame everyone but themselves. EVERY lawyer I know says having OJ try that glove on for the first time during the trial was the DUMBEST shit anyone could have ever done....don't blame others because you're an idiot.

  6. I still don't believe that OJ and only OJ killed them because that many stab wounds by one person with the bodies being so close together was enough for reasonable doubt. If they would have alluded to a helper it would have being easier for the prosecution to win.

  7. Hold it- I used to be an accessory buyer (gloves) back in the day. This was a leather glove that had been soaked in blood (and frozen, I think but not sure). Think of up north when you stupidly used leather gloves to make snowballs and the next day they would be at least 2 sizes smaller. That plus his arthritis.. The defense screwed that up themselves. I remember sitting there screaming at the TV- you morons !

  8. I knew from a kid that if u get your leather gloves wet, they will not fit. I too couldnt understand why no one else did. Of course it wasnt going to fit. It didnt prove or disprove a thing, except leather gloves shrink when wet. Duh.

  9. of course they tampered with the glove.

    but more than that, you had a jury that didn't care that OJ killed nicole, and a couple of weenies who thought he did, but weren't willing to argue over it for weeks, when they'd already been sequestered for months.

    california's justice system is a joke.

  10. Found the book - it's called "How I helped OJ get Away With Murder..." by Mike Gilbert. If you look it up on Amazon and search inside it for "glove" the arthritis meds part is on page 81 -82

  11. or go here - (copy and paste)

  12. OJ is a convicted murderer (civil) but i'll take it.

    Cosmic justice did prevail and I hope he dies in jail for what he loves the most. His sports trophies.

  13. Vincent Bugliosi wrote an excellent book dissecting that trial and he pointed out several mistakes made by the prosecution that might have changed the verdict. I don't think so. If they brought Nicole in on a gurney and she rose up and pointed a bony finger right at OJ and said "He did it". That jury would have acquitted him. payback whitey.

  14. hey isn't Shawn Holley Lindsay Teflon Lohan's long suffering lawyer??

  15. I feel for Chris Darden. It wasn't his fault how it all went down. He couldn't have known how he was going to be attacked by his community for doing the right thing. Unfortunately I can imagine how unbearable the dissappointment was and still must be knowing a monster was set free and that justice was not served that day.
    I'm sure this will haunt him for the rest of his days.

  16. @Canadachick, yes! I didn't know she was on that defense team. *face palm*

  17. I live in Portland and I have known since I was a child that when I went out in the rain my leather shoes would be very tight when they dried up. It was totally stupid for them to have him try on the gloves but that jury wasn't going to convict regardless. Few trials have that much evidence against a defendant, whether the glove fit or not. I was in college when the trial was on and I missed a lot of school that year while I watched the "gavel to gavel" coverage. For whatever reason I was obsessed with it. Whether is was shrinkage;)or arthritis or torn lining is silly now. Karma got that guy and he is where he belongs, probably serving a longer sentence for burglary in Nevada than he ever would have for murder in California. We lived in Southern California for several years (several years too long) its a crazzzzy place! No offense to those of you who live down there, it is just a little bit of a strange place to us. We refer to out time there as "the Palm Springs debacle". Most of the actors/actresses that stayed @ our Hotel were total douchebags. Sorry, now I've gone off topic:) OJ is creepy!

  18. Chris sucked at his job. Period.

  19. The prosecution screwed the pooch on this one and is now looking to share the blame; tough titty. This has nothing to do with the jury as they could only operate on what both sides provided and OJ's team was continually on the ball.

    If the prosecution believed that the defense tampered with the evidence, they should have filed a complaint with the appropriate entity but Darden said he didn't want to be a 'snitch' (he actually used that word; a PROSECUTOR used that word...sigh). He's a professional flop: between his relationship with his co-worker during the most celebrated case of his career and making the bonehead mistake of asking that OJ try on the glove, he should have enough shame to just shut up and bring as little attention to his mistake as possible but here we are.

    @ Kim's World: I have always believed that either OJ was directly involved OR knows the people responsible for the murders but I have NEVER believed he could have killed two people by himself. Any 1L would plant the seed of reasonable doubt from the get go and plan from there.

  20. Chris didn't suck at his job Marcia Clark sucked at her job. She was so busy getting hollywood makeovers and mugging for the cameras she forgot she was prosecuting murderers.

    Let's not forget the prosecution thought it was going to take a year to get to trial and would have more time to prepare.

    The dream team played the right to a speedy trial card and the prosecution had to put on their case within 30 days.

    There was also Mark Fuhrman who claimed he never said the N word and they had him on tape saying it. There goes credibility out the window. And DNA at the time was so new, the jury either didn't understand it or didn't believe it.

    The whole case was a three ring circus. I wouldn't put the blame on the glove. But the prosecution was outplayed by the legal dream team time and time again.

  21. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Duh. I knew, watching the trial, that the glove didn't fit because it had probably been wet, or tampered with, or he was holding his hands funny. If the prosecution knew that too, where were their objections? They blew it, and it's too late now. Not that he would have been convicted anyway, with all the racism involved.

  22. A friend of mine, also a big guy, said at the time, "Those gloves were a gift from his wife. Of course they never fit correctly!"

  23. I absolutely think someone could stab 2 people just like he did.

    Think about it, you are with a friend and talking. Out of the blue a person with a knife starts stabbing your friend. Odds are it will take you a few seconds to even process what is going on, much less react. When you do it's probably too late and the person so filled with rage turns on you.

    Just a thought.

  24. They BOTH sucked at their jobs. A disgrace.

  25. Did anyone see Christopher Darden on Oprah? I really felt for the guy. I just went back and read the transcripts from his interview online

  26. Lawyers glorying in *their* moment and not doing their jobs.
    Lawyers willing to put a murderer of two people back on the street.
    I'm very glad he sits right where he should be, in jail.

  27. Also it's hard to get any glove over a latex glove....

  28. I thought OJ killed Nicole first and then Ron happened upon the scene. I read OJs book I Did It (If I Did It) and he basically lays out how it happened.

  29. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Slightly OT, but Dana Carvey's stand-up special from 1995 is a hilarious re-cap of all things OJ. He points out every way in which this entire trial was a circus. It's quite a trip down memory lane.

  30. This is a man who in a public interview claimed Nicole was always picking at her zits as an excuse for her face to be covered in bruises she claimed he was responsible for. I don't for one second doubt that he was the one who did the murders. The only acceptable accomplice would be Kato...and that is because people were treating him like a rock star during the whole trial. I thought that was just ludicrous and couldn't understand the whole concept of his sudden rocket to fame.

  31. Post-LA-riots, tensions were really high at that time and I think it was completely rigged because if he was found guilty, there would have 100% been an LA riots part 2.

    Plus it totally fit.

  32. It's been 20 years. People need to get over it.

  33. Wait a second.... if this is 1995, why am I not a size 2 with perky C cups?

    Go find something useful to do, Darden. Or do you prefer rehashing your poor performance as a prosecuting attorney in one of the most laughable trials ever to take place?
