Monday, September 10, 2012

Nicolas Cage Says He Didn't Stalk Vanessa Hudgens

Star Magazine has reported that Vanessa Hudgens was scared out of her mind because Nicolas cage was stalking her during the filming of The Frozen ground. I can see that. Look at his son. Look at Nicolas. Can you see him stalking someone? I can. Nicolas however, was not amused and has denied he ever stalked Vanessa. The report said that Vanessa wanted him banished from the set and that Nicolas would show up even on the days when he was not filming. Vanessa also says the report is not true.


  1. He's stalking her in this photo! Lol

  2. Is there any blind that this would fit?

  3. And here's the answer to the blind about the A+ actor none of his costars can stand!

  4. @Cathy, I'm betting it's the answer to this blind:

  5. Anyone who would want to own the LaLaurie House in NOLA is creepy as all hell, whether he has stalked anyone or not.

  6. @figgy - i don't know what scares me more: nicolas cage or the fact that if this blind is him, it means he's still considered A+ list.

  7. that A+ actor is said to be Bradley Cooper...

  8. ITA selenakyle. That is one creepy house. He said he didn't know the history when he bought it. Ya right...

  9. I don't think Cage was the answer to this blind. Let's say he is still A+, as he certainly is at least on name recognition. Vanessa Hudgens is definitely does not fit either actress, B+ or B+/A-. Being generous she is a B-. The Bradley Cooper/Jennifer Lawrence/Zoe Saldana guess made much more sense.

  10. I know he has a temper and is weird, but I like him. Maybe it's because I like cheesy Sci-Fi movies and all. Hell I think I'm one of the few who watched Season of the Witch.

  11. 1. Nicolas however, was not amused and has denied he ever stalked Vanessa.

    2. Vanessa also says the report is not true.

    If both of them say the report isn't true, then what are we talking about?

  12. I would love to interview Nic and Wesley Snipes about their money and what happened to it and how.

    LaLaurie House.. on my someday trip to NOLA..

  13. I just googled that creepy sad house. Now I'm wondering about the blind about the actor who won't work with black people or the blind about the actor who collects nazi and racist memorabilia. Was Cage nominated for either blind? I could see buying this haunted house if you're into ghosts or if you're very disgustingly a racist and actually like the history. That would terrify me about Nick Cage. I like him bc he just seems himself and goofy weird.

  14. Oh please! He also had owned (and subsequently lost to foreclosure) a house on Prytania St. which had been owned by Anne Rice.

    You don't just plunk down over $3,000,000 each on fancy NOLA houses without knowing SOME sort of back story. and it is no coincidence he owned two of them with spooky backgrounds.

    NOLA is one of the most haunted places in the US, regardless of the hype/tourist stuff. The place gets under your skin.

    Old Niccy-boy is a bit of a weirdo, you can bet on it.

  15. Other than kiss of death 1995 With Samuel L Jackson Nicolas Cage has been in a lot of lily white films.

  16. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I'm amazed at some of the stories Star Magazine makes up. A lot of them sound like they're written by a bunch of high school mean girls.

  17. I don't think it's true -- and not just because both of them say it's not true (though, duh, that's a pretty good indication). Nicolas Cage notoriously suffers from agoraphobia. And in the years before he won his Oscar behaved extremely strangely on the streets: He's not stalking someone else. If anything he's paranoid (to the point of almost being incapacitated) that someone else stalking him.

  18. Nicholas coppola's wife is asian. No way he's a racist. And he took the name 'cage' from the black marvel comics superhero, luke cage power man.

  19. Oh jeez, I too looked up the LaLaurie house. Talk about bad juju. No way I'd want to own any piece of that.

  20. Cage is a weird-o. Wasn't it a rumor years back that P Arquette left him in part because of some weird fixation/collection (nazi stuff?)??

  21. I've mentioned this here before, but gotta say it again - Mr. Frufra's boss collects Nazi stuff. Beyond creepy and weird, and just plain unethical in my book. It freaks me out. He has mannequins dressed in WWII uniforms IN HIS BEDROOM under spotlights. The stuff of nightmares - and yes, he has a wife and kids :O!!

  22. It was in Star magazine. I believe Vanessa and Nicolas.

  23. Nic Cage has always been weird, but I still like him. I'm sure he is a weirdo too.

    Kathleen Turner wrote about him stealing somebody's dog off the street in her autobiography when they did Peggy Sue Got Married. Francis Coppola and Nic said it was a lie. The story is still funny though.

  24. He's weird but I just don't believe this story.

  25. I guess I am weird, cuz I would looove to live in either of those NOLA houses.

  26. I will admit, I'm weird too because I'd definitely go inside them both myself!

    I would not want to own the LaLaurie house but I WOULD own the one on Prytania. Shoot, I'd own any house in the Garden District and Anne Rice having owned it? All the better.

    And I forgot all about Nic Cage in Vampire's Kiss! That was a great movie!

  27. Until today, I'd never heard of the LaLaurie house. Creepy woman. That's some sick stuff right there. I wouldn't go in, myself, because spirits like that follow you home if they feel like it and/or you're not protected.

    Also didn't know that Cage had two homes foreclosed on. You'd think he'd have more money. He's an actor! Not just ONE home, but two. Yikes.

  28. @selena kyle - Totally with you about Cage HAVING to know something about the LaLaurie house. You can't spend any time in NOLA without hearing about it. It seems like a house full of despair.

    I agree the Anne Rice house is totally awesome and would be worth owning.

  29. I just read the history on that house. If he didn't foreclose, no one would know, he was the owner.

    In April 2007, actor Nicolas Cage bought the LaLaurie House through Hancock Park Real Estate Company LLC for a sum of $3.45 million The mortgage documents were arranged in such a way that Cage's name did not appear on them

  30. Yes and there are other properties that he owned under LLC's which got into a lot of financial problems. He has made a stream of kind of crappy movies to get the bucks back in. I still want that interview with him and Snipes !! I think he sold his Bahamian home but not sure.

  31. he off the wall, I cld believe it.

  32. it's STAR MAGAZINE!!! they said Aniston had broken with Theroux the week when she's engaged!
    it's bulls**t! they wrote the sky is blue,i would not believe them

  33. OK, I've figured it out. Remember this picture of Nic Cage being a vampire in old-fashioned clothes?

    I think he might have lived at LaLaurie house or partied there a loooooong time ago.

    BTW - check out this pic of John Travolta - Creepy!!!

    or maybe I'm wrong...

  34. My sisters dragged me on a ghost tour when I was in NOLA. Of course that house was on the tour. The tour guide told us that he never spent a single night there and didn't know the history of the house. Who knows what's really true.

    I will tell you, as a sensitive, that I did NOT enjoy being around that house - even on the side walk next to it. I can't imagine going inside. Bad mojo evil vibes! For sure!

  35. Valley Girl is still one of my all time gave films :)

  36. Seattle, those pictures are so cool, and Gabi, I just mentioned VG in the popular song thread! The most romantic movie of the 80s IMO...and I think I read (on Gawker?) that Nics fascination with all things dark and creepy led him to buy and subsequently be cursed by a dark object d'art, so there's that!

  37. He said he didn't stalk her; she said he didn;t stalk her. Did he stalk her?

    Well, since people have been known to lie to protect their publicity, this is how we will find out, if ever. Give her an opportunity to work with him again in a year or two. See if she suddenly has "prior commitments" that keep her from signing on.

    Until there is some kind of corroborating evidence; I don't care since apparently they don't want me to.

  38. I wouldn't mind living in a haunted house, but knowing the history of THAT house (I'm a big fan of "Ghost Hunters" and historical haunted places), no effing way would I even set foot in it.

  39. I would totally own one of Anne Rice's old homes. NOLA is odd and fascinating. I went twice, in HS and right after Katrina hit to help clean up.

    During the HS trip, my friend and I went back to the retail shop of the tour guide we booked. Chick gave me the creepers but I ended up falling asleep on the tour lol, so I missed seeing Anne's house!

    Anyway, when my friend & I were in the retail shop we asked her some sort of general business question and she looks at us with the classic crazy eyes and says, " Oh you'll come back...they always do." Then turns and walks away. It felt like I was in the middle of a cheesy horror thriller and a plot point had just touched down.

    Wierd ass shit that happens in my life, example #27958821    :/

  40. Where does Star come up with this crap???
