Monday, September 17, 2012

Nicki Minaj & Mariah Carey Will Kill Each Other

Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey have been working together for all of two days now and they already hate each other and have almost come to blows. Well, Nicki would have come to blows. Mariah has people who handle that kind of thing for her. You can either come to blows with someone like her bodyguard or if she really likes you then she has a person on standby who looks and dresses like her that you can come to blows with. Anyway, every contestant who appears in front of them will hear two different answers from Nicki and Mariah. If Nicki likes them, Mariah hates them, unless they are very good. If Mariah likes them, Nick always hates them whether they are good or not. This should be really interesting. I expect people will be sick and miss shows and eventually quit.


  1. All aboard the trainwrek express. First stop, crazy divas!

  2. MC has a clone on stand by to argue with people? Genius.

  3. Maybe I'm just being a conspiracy theorist, but I think all this tension and strife are created by the producers to gain viewership (same with Simon Cowell and everyone, especially Paula). For all we know, they could be best pals backstage. Or at least not gunning for one another...

  4. I'd be pissed too if I were Mariah. They both have huge egos, but Mariah has a singing career that has spanned decades and all Nicki Minaj has is autotune.

  5. God forbid people suck it up and act like the professionals they're being paid millions to be. It's so selfish, and the only people that really suffer are the hopefuls.

  6. I hope they both claw each others eyes out. Can't stand either of them.

  7. Team Mariah. She has earned the right to her divatude. Minaj should be replaced by her producer and stylist, because that's where her talent really lies

  8. I can't say that I really believe this (yet). It sounds like hype.

  9. I wouldn't be surprised if much of their fighting is scripted, but it's no way to run a talent show. To deny a good singer due congrats to spite another judge is to give up your right to judge anyone.

    Idol is so far off track now I don't see how they can get back on it.

  10. HYPE. Not watching either way. I actually believe women are capable of being professional and successful and around other women who are professional and successful without there being drama.
    So if it's true: They can sukkit.
    If it's hype: They can sukkit.

  11. its american idol, so seriously, who cares? its taking its final breaths.

    as people have pointed out, its not about the contestants. except for a few, the winners are mostly doing dinner theatre kinds of things, if that.

  12. @ Del - ITA. I haven't even flipped it on for the horrible auditions in about 3 years.

  13. That pic makes them look like they're filming a porno--"Diva Nurses Delights" or something like that. I couldn't care less about either of them.

  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Amazing how the women are perceived as being cats ready to claw, but I supposed Randy Jackson and Keith Urban will get the best buddies edit. Something about this smacks of anti-female attitudes to me.

  15. What @layna day said.

  16. Oh, FFS. Grow up.

    And if this is some kind of engineered publicity stunt: please, this is 2012. Can we stop reenforcing this stupid, old, tired gender stereotype?

    (aka I agree with @Layna Day.)

  17. Nicki had better watch her step 'cuz I think MC could go Tanya Harding on her ass.

  18. @califblondy, LOL! I think you're right!
    @Amber, I know, the auditions have been horrid for a long time, and the shows are pretty damn lame.

  19. One is a has-been and the other is on the road to has-been. So I do not care Simon.

  20. I love Mimi and I think her wacky antics are hilarious. If something good happens I'll just watch a clip of it online somewhere so I don't give the show any help in the ratings department. That show is so tired at this point.

    Btw, hi everyone! I've been reading cdan since around 2007 but never posted a comment until the other day. Nice to "meet" you all! Keep the great comments coming!!!! :)

    1. Hey girl welcome! I even remember when you posted BC I thought awww I love bubbles AND I love kittens!

  21. Hi BubbleKitten, welcome aboard!


  22. I just cant wait till Nicki M is screwing Nick Cannon.
    so hot

    they will leave mariah with the kids,

    travel - get in all mag/blogs-shove in MC face then

    will break up six months later

  23. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Ugh Nicki bothers me. Team Mariah.

  24. i'm really excited for this...this is the first season i will be watching in full other than the David Cook season

  25. Star Ships! Were made to fly! Where's my piece of the Idol pie?

  26. I want to punch them each in the face. You can guess why...

  27. They're both terrible people so this is 100% unsurprising.

  28. Welcome BubbleKitten!

  29. Enty let's hope they do. Murder in prime time....
