Thursday, September 06, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH huge reality star is scrambling to get her failing finances in check before cameras start rolling on her popular show? The usually bossy lady is pleading with producers to help her get out from under the $20,000 she owes in back taxes!


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM


  2. Abby from Dance Moms?

  3. Hmm. For a "celeb", $20K in back taxes isn't really that much. I don't think it's Kris J, or any of the RHoBH. Their back tax issues would be up in the 6-figures, minimum. I'm not sure about Dance Moms. What about Patti Stanger? Is her show still on?

  4. Plus the Ks wouldn't have a problem coming up w/ 20k.

  5. Please, the Kardashians probably have 20K in one of those hide-a-key magnets you keep under your wheel well.

  6. I like the Jillian Michaels guess, huge reality star = biggest loser, didn't she have a few lawsuits against her a while back for her diet stuff being phony?

  7. 20K is nothing for a "celeb" Patty Stanger is bossy and I get the impression she's cheap so she would try to get the producers to pay it.

  8. OT- I will go back and try to find it. But does anyone recal talking about celiac yesterday? Someone posted a website of foods that would set off an attack.

    1. Anything containing gluten, smash. Wheat for sure but barley can also be an issue in celiac. Not sure the website. Thought I had it so I had to avoid all breads, cereals, pastas except rice & potato. Studied it in school, too.

  9. Jillian Michaels and Patti are a good guess! Jillian seems like she would have money but she did just go back to Biggest Loser after saying she wouldn't ever again.

  10. smash - it might've been in the Jessica Simpson post

  11. Kris is starting her own church to complete her money laundering adventures. Not her.

  12. Agent - are you serious?

  13. Bethanny frankel

  14. Amber- thanks :)

  15. I would like the BF guess, but she is raking in dough from her Skinny Girl drink lines. $20K is chump change.

    Who is Big Ang?

  16. I hear "bossy" and I think of Patti. I wouldn't call her "huge" anymore, though. So I guess I have no guess.

  17. I think Big Ang is one of the Mob Wives who got her own show? I don't have cable or watch it, but a friend called me Big Ang the other day and explained it.

  18. I am going with Patti Stanger.

    She is a known fraud and rude. She is scrambling to find anyone who will be on her show, most of the men are not million dollar sugar daddies.

  19. There is a list out there that lists people in Calif that owe back taxes (that assumes this person is in Calif).

  20. Definitely agree with the Abby from Dance Moms guess. She's "huge" and a "bossy lady". Yup.

  21. Huge reality star...I'm going with the loud lady on Dance Moms.

  22. bossy, and jillians return to biggest loser. 20k isn't much for a HUGE reality star... jillian is huge because her fans begged for her return....

  23. Abby is getting her own kids dance competition show. I don't know if it has started filming yet.

    I think that's the clue--what show is getting ready to start production.

  24. WHat about the Mom from the train wreck Honey Boo Boo? Is that Abby? I was just thinking "HUGE" might be literal...

  25. @Amber, you really need to google a couple videos of Big Ang being interviewed. She's quite something.

  26. I am also thinking Enty is being literal when he says, "huge." It is either Dance Mom, June from Honey Boo Boo or Big Ang's chest.

  27. It says it is already popular. So the new Abby Miller show doesn't really work. I could see it being big ang, it is her second season and the first one did very well.

  28. Why in the hell does Abby Miller need another fucking dance show where she treats people like shit? Isn't one poor representation of a dance studio enough? I still think this is her--Dance Moms is the biggest hit Lifetime has ever seen. Ugh.

  29. I pick NeNe and Jillian. Patti seems very business savvy to me. She doesn't seem like a big spender despite those lavish meet and greets. Actually, she is exactly like someone I used to hang out with. And that chick was the most financially savvy person I knew, hands down. Lots of money. If she could get something for free, she would. I have to say, I had a good time with her. Nothing was off limits. She was amazing to see, which is why we're not friends anymore.

  30. Juicy Joe Giudice's wife for now, Teresa

  31. IDK, they've already been fimling Abbys new show
