Wednesday, September 05, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH handsome Oscar winner – also known for his profanity-laden outbursts – quit smoking cigarettes and has become even MORE impossible to be around? The actor/director made a grand entrance at a Malibu party by screaming: “I want to tear someone’s face off!” He then explained he’d been nicotine-free for two weeks and was just joking, but guests still kept their distance.


  1. He's not handsome anymore....

  2. Down with sean, altho he wldnt say kidding, so mb mel, lol

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Sean Penn, handsome? Uh, no.

  4. I would say Sean, however the word handsome doesn't really come to mind with him. I would lean towards Mel, or... maybe our mascot! Ben Affleck! Is he know for profanity laden outbursts? He's the only one coming to mind as handsome.

    1. Handsome? With that flat face and no upper lip? I dont think so.

  5. Don't think Bale has done any directing.

  6. On paper it sounds like Sean Penn.

    1. He's disqualified by the word "handsome." It is not even relative. In no world is he handsome. This is Mel Gibson.

  7. According to J.Gar, Affleck quit smoking when their first child was born. But he may have picked it up again.

  8. Ah, Bale's never directed.

  9. Unless Bale has directed something, I think this is Affleck.

    Neither Mel nor Sean would be described as handsome. (Btw, watch The Year of Living Dangerously. Gibson was shockingly beautiful.)

    1. Mel Gibson was very handsome when he was younger, and some still consider him good-looking. Perhaps you're too young to remember, but he used to be known as a sex symbol. Ben Affleck would not be singled out for his looks. This blind is certainly about Mel. Is Affleck known for angry outbursts and being difficult to be around? No.

  10. Unless Bale has directed something, I think this is Affleck.

    Neither Mel nor Sean would be described as handsome. (Btw, watch The Year of Living Dangerously. Gibson was shockingly beautiful.)

  11. I think this is Mel and they're just living in the past with calling him handsome. Affleck isn't known for profanity laden outbursts.

  12. those nic-fits are nasty with some people. I have a brother in law who's the biggest asshole when he's trying to quit.

  13. Since this is a National Enquirer blind item, I can see them describing Mel Gibson as handsome, as dumb as that seems nowadays.

  14. I happened to walk past Mel a couple of weeks ago in full anger mode outside a hotel in SF. He was so handsome before the crazy hit, which is why I think the blind refers to him.

  15. Well, if the actor/director had entered the party brandishing a wooden paddle yelling "Where are the freshmen ?!!" We could all easily agree on Affleck

    I'll just leave this here...

  16. If I recall, Mel had quit smoking a long time ago...unless he started up again...

  17. I think Denis Leary quit awhile back. Could it be Alec Baldwin?

  18. Loved BA in Dazed and Confused!!

  19. my first thought was crowe. imdb says he's directed, but nothing of note.

  20. I brought up O'Banion a couple of weeks ago! Truly proves the power of veneers and a tan, hard to believe it is the same guy... and it's def Mel, remember back in the day he was the "handsomest man in the world" according to Kneepad mag, I think you get to always be described as handsome once you have that distinction.

  21. LMAO, sounds like a Rob Riggle character!

  22. Mel used to be just beautiful when he was young. He wasn't bad looking up to a few years ago when he started going crazy.I don't think the alcohol has helped his face or brain cells. He kinda of just looks like a scary old drunk now. Too bad cause he was really hot back in the day.

  23. Obviously Mel Gibson. Sean Penn left Malibu when his house burnt down. Plus, he's not that big of an ass.

  24. i was thinking the blind would go on to say that he was now smoking weed, and thought "oh good idea, that will calm him down".

  25. nick cage?

    he smoke --live in the bu --and can sceam alot--check him in NO drunk


  26. I had a major crush on Mel back in the day and actually had a Mel Gibson Film Festival going back to his first picture with Piper Laurie "Tim" about a "slow" man who falls in love with an older woman. (He never went full retard.)Yes, he was incredibly handsome.
    And Katie, you must be a Bay Area girl too..Really wished I could have seen that spectacle...

  27. Oops..Wrong, Tim was after Mad Max and his third film. Doesn't matter. It was stolen in the break in (those BASTARDS!!!).

  28. I love that Mel has totally turned into his Riggs character

  29. Anonymous8:10 PM

    @Sherry, I did like the "Tim" movie as well. Sad to see what he's become, or rather, what he always was.

  30. Mel Gibson was the first Sexiest Man Alive back around 1985 or so. See The Year of Living Dangerously.

    While most guesses would probably be considered handsome (if not now, once upon a time), that may be a clue about Mel. And I can totally see an outburst from him like that scaring people off, where someone with a more laid-back demeanor would just get a laugh.

  31. too easy - Mel Gibson ... and no matter how much he is based by the media. The public still loves him because we know his heart and what he's dealing with.
