Friday, September 14, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHAT popular Olympic gymnast is ready to trade in her gold medals for an Oscar – or at the very least an Emmy? This adorable brunette is desperate to break into Hollywood and has signed with a major talent agency, but they’ve given her strict orders: You’ve got to lose the attitude, young lady.


  1. Mckayla what's her face

  2. The one with the internet meme about not being impressed

  3. McKayla Maroney- the ungrateful little girl with the bitch face when she won a silver medal.

    She should have been thankful she even got that after landing on her ass.

  4. @Robot - agreed, well said

  5. @Robot - agreed, well said

  6. She seems incredibly pretentious. I'd love to wipe that smirk right off her smug little face.

  7. So Gabby, it said gold medal.

  8. @The Dude--They won gold for the team competition, they all they gold medals.

  9. Oh wait, you're right. It says gold medals plural. But does it necessary mean this year's team?

  10. Gabby is the only one that won more than one gold, right?

    1. no ali has the most gold medals

    2. meant to say aly has the most medals but her & gabby both have 2 gold

  11. They all won gold medals and I'm pretty sure McKayla is the only one already signed.

  12. Aly Raisman won 2 golds and a bronze, could be her or Gabby.

  13. @ Robot. She is ungrateful? Ungrateful to who exactly?! She worked her arse off to be the best and when she came second because of a mistake that could have been easily avoided (the placement of her hands)she was disappointed with herself.

    Also if you are somehow trying to imply that she was lucky to get silver then... you really need to look into how tough the judges are. Also have a look at her move that won the gold and look at the judges faces if you think she isnt good enough. God I judgemental people.

  14. Usually when people say brunette they imply that the person is Caucasian no?

  15. I agree, she was disappointed in herself, not ungrateful.

  16. @Sam

    Disappointed in herself?! Rightttttt. That's why there's a meme of her acting like a pretentious snot on the medal stand. And no, I'm not implying she's lucky at all- she landed on her ass! She didn't deserve gold and frankly is lucky she didn't get a bronze or not medal at all for her mistake.

    I don't need a lecture on high stakes comps/athletes. I am a world class athlete myself.

  17. Where did she land on her ass? And yeah gymnastics is so easy that if you land on your ass you still get silver. (Btw you should look up what she did to win gold... as I already mentioned, the judges jaws dropped it was so good). As for the meme she was pulling that face after she got silver because of a mistake. Please explain how she wasn't disappointed in herself (especially as she was interviewed afterwards and said it was her fault) and how she was being pretentious?

    If you are a high stakes athlete then you should know how crushing it can be coming second because you lost it, because of your own mistake.

  18. Anonymous8:50 AM

    That Makayla girl

    I think she busted her ass on the vault. I missed that particual day of gymnastics, but I saw it after.

  19. @Sam of course it's crushing but it's not an excuse to get on the podium an make an ass out of yourself.

    She fell in the second vault attempt which she got silver for.

    And BTW, if you hate judgemental people let me suggest CDaN might not be the place for you. We all have and express our own opinions.

  20. Im fine with opinions but there is a big difference between voicing your opinion that "she showed poor sportmanship and maturity" and "ungrateful little girl with the bitch face" or "her acting like a pretentious snot". Thats very clearly a personal and judgemental call.
    Also I've not seen the rest of CDaN share your style of "opinions". in fact most of the time I like these boards of the lack of judgemental, bullshit negativity and personal attacks... most of the time.

  21. Haha @Sam, apparently you haven't been around here long.

  22. McKayla Maroney Love it!

  23. Getting close to my 1st year but hey nice try to justify your bitter judgemental attitude by saying everyone is doing (even if they aren't). Anyway I've said what I wanted to so I'm gonna leave it at that.

  24. Did we forget she's a KID! I know it was inappropriate to make faces but I really think it was more angry at herself because she knows she couldve done better. And I think this blind is about her.

  25. I thought Mcayla was blond?

  26. McKayla....she was the one with the most attitude.

    Aly Raisman gives it pretty good too, but i really like her.

    Jordyn looks like more like a man that Bieber does.

  27. The one that was getting hit on by a actor on the red carpet ecen after she told him that she is only sixteen. She's not impressed.

  28. Aly Raisman. Won two gold medals– team and individual floor exercise. Wasn't there a pic of her with Lauren Conrad and Michelle Trachtenberg at a fashion show? To me She seemed to have an attitude. Specially when she beat Jordyn for the all-around.

  29. @i do the robot

    girl please!!! she acted like a snot? were you there? did you witness her behavior personally? or did you see it on tv or a blog?

    maybe she had that face cause she was upset with HERSELF? possibly she was scared, tired, maybe she had to go to the loo.

    your a "world class athlete"? lol lol says who? YOU?

    if you have to brag,online, to strangers.......I am sure it is not true or you like attention. is that why you dissing this YOUNG girl who won the SILVER?
    Where are your olympic medals?

    Gossip is fun, opinions are priceless ,but, BITTER LIES are just sad and pathetic.

    My guess is MM

  30. Aly Raisman- She looked like she had a lot of attitude at the Olympics(but many of the gymnasts seem to be the same way-maybe it's just the young hormones and elite competition level they're at) and was just photographed at NYFW (I think?) I believe with some actresses as mentioned above.

  31. @Christopher, I didn't brag, I don't need attention and it is true.

    I diss her for the same reason you diss me. It's my opinion and I'm entitled to one. Same as you.

    And @Sam ooohhhh you sure put me in my place calling me bitter and full of bullshit negativity.

  32. RObot....just stfu already.

  33. @robot I didnt try to put your place nor did i say you were full of bullshit negativity.

  34. Nothing blind about this. McKayla has talked about acting forever. Considering she just broke her leg on the tour, though, and is currently in the hospital getting surgery, this news is either old or wrong.

  35. And I just love it when all these four year gymnastics fans chime in like they know a fucking thing about this sport. You don't.

  36. Sorry i never claimed to be a fan, expert or know anything more than what i said above. My issue was with robot giving shit to someone for no reason.

  37. My goodness, go back and look at the VIDEO of that medal ceremony. McKayla's face is twisted that way because she didn't want to cry during the ceremony, not because she was angry. She was horribly disappointed, she landed her signature vault flawlessly, and slipped on her lesser, easier vault, the one that she didn't practice as much.

    She didn't create that internet meme, someone else did.

    I believe this is her. She grew up in So Cal and there are a few stories of her having a bit of an attitude problem. Also, she's already signed with WME.

  38. Let's not be too hard on McKayla; she was pissed off at herself for screwing up her vault, especially because it's her best event and she should have totally nailed it. Surely we've all been there and done that in terms of kicking ourselves for something we did or didn't do, right? The only real difference is that there was a camera around to get a picture of her face when she did it. I'd say the fact that she's cool w/the meme shows she at least has a sense of humor about her own foibles, which is more than can be said for a lot of other people...

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Kristen Stewart is b*chfacing at the very idea of some amateur young twerp encroaching on her specialty. Kristen rules that territory. The kid won't last in Hollywood past a few episodeso of "Dancing With The Stars' gig, unless Clooney signs her for his Young Ladies Scholarship Program (This is a nod to Alan King and Ali McGraw in "Just Tell Me What You Want." Enty is old enough to get it.)

  41. I always thought she looked like she was biting the inside of her lip, that's a bad habit I have.

  42. Anonymous11:57 AM

    @robot's comments were mild. I didn't watch the Olympics this year *gasp* so Un-American of me, but ingratitude would describe much of this nation's youth. And I work with youth and adore them. As for "b****" face, harsh? Perhaps but others have said worse and as a public figure, McKayla has most likely heard worse.

  43. Well on the upside, at least we know she's pretty good at showing emotion in her face, lol.

    You've got a yellow brick road paved smooth and shiny in front of you, honey. Milk those medals for all they're worth!

    ...and invest in padlock iron undies ala "Robin Hood Men in Tights".

  44. @FS Ooooh, that's a big-un too. CAA's probably fuming they didn't get there first lol.

  45. The picture of her on the podium is the screen saver on my phone. I love it!

  46. McKayKay. She's not nearly as hot as her 15 minutes would suggest.

  47. IDoTheRobot , NTW. Just please don't say the V.C. word "rice" or we'll be here all night:)

  48. @supapimp Curious where you read that

  49. To be honest, I think I would have an attitude as well.
    I don't think most folks realize the scope of discipline and training it takes to make it to the FUCKING OLYMPICS (pardon my french).
    If it's M or A or B or whomever, odds are they don't have the tolerance of seeing coddled people whining about the color of their M&M's and hurt someone's feelings.

    " I am a world class athlete myself. "

    At what? Eating? Because I bet I could give you a run for your money :D

  50. @Robot do you know how childish it is to go back and forth with people like you're doing? Just keep it to yourself and move on. You may be a world class athlete, but all you're looking like now is super jealous.

  51. I once heard about the Olympics that you pour your whole life and childhood (and your family's financial resources) into getting there, and you can then show yourself to be the second best in the WORLD, and still leave feeling like a failure (because you didn't get gold).

    When the whole crowd of thousands and thousands of people gasp at once when you make a mistake, that it feels like your soul has come out of your stomach.

    And you can tell yourself a million times that you were fortunate just to go, and even know it's true, but to FEEL it is harder.

  52. Not talking about you, Sam. I'm talking about these morons who think they saw one picture of a girl or saw her compete one or two times, and think they know what a bitch she is. For people who actually follow the sport, you get a different picture than a stupid snap shot of a girl who threw away a guaranteed gold medal. The idea that anyone thinks Aly Raisman is a bitch is laughable. She's one of the nicest people you could hope to meet and a huge supporter of her own team, as well as the other teams. She was the first to greet the Russians and congratulate them on their silver.

    Also, all of those girls (except Kyla) have at least 2 gold medals, because four of the five were gold medalists at the world championships.

  53. This is so obviously Mary Lou Retton.

  54. McKayla is what, 16? making an ugly face is pretty mild stuff for a kid that worked a dozen years and then had an off 5 seconds that changed everything.

    but i would say Jordyn Wieber is the one that comes off as snotty. McaKayla looks like trouble to me. teen trouble, not jail trouble.

  55. definitely Aly Raisman. she's been at fashion week and parties all over the place.

    Mykaylas been in surgery all week

  56. definitely Aly Raisman. she's been at fashion week and parties all over the place.

    Mykaylas been in surgery all week

  57. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I also thought McKayla had a snotty bitch for most of the Olympics, not just when she screwed up and got silver. By acknowledging this, it doesn't automatically make one ignorant of gymnastics. Her whole persona screams brat.

  58. Anonymous3:14 PM

    *snotty bitch face



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