Wednesday, September 12, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

Chatty cathy pimps out pet prosties with fanatical glee as coworkers huddle in shame! THIS bighearted talk-show host has been warned to stop taking in rescue animals! Her exasperated producers are concerned because the fanatical animal lover adopts homeless pets, then pawns them off to the show’s staff, network execs...and anyone else she can corner! Who is she?


  1. This is a bad thing? She should take them over to the pet store and do an "Adoption Saturday" or something.

  2. Whoa. is Ted C. writing for NE now? That blind is so cutesy I could vom.

    On the Ellen train. Chugga chugga...

  3. Well clutch my pearls, she mingles with the non pure bloods!

  4. @Amber~ I thought the exact same thing.

  5. Definitely Ellen. I remember reading an article from a rescue agency that approved her to adopt the dog and did a home inspection and everything. Ellen then immediately pawned the dog off to one of her staffers who I think put the dog up for adoption again. The rescue agency was pissed.

    1. Yes and then she bad-mouthed an excellent rescue in retaliation. I haven't watched her since that incident.

  6. Sounds like Ellen, but I would have thought that after what happened with that one dog she gave away several years ago, she wouldn't be doing that anymore.

    I don't see why she doesn't set up a legit rescue organization. That way she could rescue animals from high kill shelters without breaking any rules. Plus, she'd get so much publicity for the poor animals.

  7. My babies are rescues...I love her already

  8. "pimps out pet prosties" What the hell are they talking about? *smacks forehead*

  9. Holy cow- that first sentence made my brain hurt

  10. I'm with y'all on the clarity of this. Is "prostie" short for "prostitute"? Animal prostitutes? She gets fifty bucks a pop? What the hell? "Is Ellen Degeneres gonna have to choke a bitch?" and all? Whaaaa?

  11. @Brenda L, I think the problem would be that she "corners" people and perhaps tries to "shame" them into taking in these pets. It's one thing if she wants to find homes for them--that's great--but I know that I'd be uncomfortable if someone tried to persuade me into taking an animal that I don't want and/or can't care for properly.

  12. Yeah, someone needs to explain the first sentence to me.

  13. Ellen, and I hate this because I adore her show and personality. It's Ellen.

  14. "Chatty Cathy" Griffin? Sounds like a deliberate leak to stop her from pawning off animals to others.

  15. Yes, it's a bad thing, or can be. Look, I rescue animals but I don't put subordinates in the uncomfortable position of supporting my habit. Totally cool to rescue, totally not cool to expect others around you to support your habit.

    It takes commitment to adopt a pet. It takes planning. It takes MONEY. Not everybody is up for it.
    Your enthusiasm can be interpreted as being a bully pretty damn quickly - and for good reason. It's not a responsibility to be borne by anyone else.

    I'm with her producers.

  16. i had a vet try and shame me once when i brought a stray in for shots and spay. he would not accept my answer that i did not want an indoor animal. i explained that the cat was welcome to stay as our outdoor pet, or that he could find a home for it, but i was NOT going to have an indoor pet. my kids were there and he kept saying things like, "tell mommy you don't want your kitty to get hit by a car" to them. MY HOUSE, my rules. whoever this BI person is needs to back off. you don't get to make decisions for other peoples families/homes.

  17. Hope it's not Ellen. Just love her. And whomever this is I hope she is at least honestly convinced in her own mind that she is doing a good thing. I'm all for animal rescue...have had about 7 or so cats from that situation over the years. But I wanted them...not sure it's right to push them on people because the poor animals might end up right where they started. :(

  18. this is terrible. She is doing a disservice to the animals AND staff. If you really love animals, you dont want them to go to the wrong forever home, nor should you bully people into taking on a huge commitment that they not want or be ready to handle.

  19. While we only adopt rescues, a dog or cat that is taken out of shame and not because they want the pet is not much better off than they were before.

  20. @Amber - naw, Mike Walker does that Hollyweird gayspeak thing too. He probably wrote this. But oh, how I would love for Ted C. to start writing a column again!

  21. Ellen D.

    I have a coworker who does this. She lives out in the sticks and is always finding cats and kittens. She takes the Moms in to be fixed but then comes to work to push the kittens on those of us who love cats.

  22. Absolutely Ellen, and this is shameful behavior. She's no better than an animal hoarder, if you ask me. Rather than force pets onto unwilling recipients, she should leave them in the shelters for people who genuinely want them and will keep them. Who knows how many of the animals she's pushed onto other people have ended up homeless again, or being passed from unwilling owner to owner?

    Get help, Ellen. And leave 'helping' poor creatures to people who know how to do it right.

  23. Ugh, wth wrote this? The luckless spawn of Ted C and Courtney Stodden?

  24. What about Rosie?

  25. What Hubbel said. No one should be shamed into owning an animal and they deserve much better. Like children, animals should be wanted completely.

  26. Maybe Ellen should give a pet to each person in her studio audience.

    I kid!

    I adore Kathy Griffin, but I wonder if Countervail is right and this one is about her. She's often talked about her dogs Pom Pom and Chance. I know at least one of her dogs is a rescue.

  27. It seems like I have read this one before. At the time it was worded like the hostess and her staff were doing a good thing. I would think that someone with celebrity status would make a bigger difference trying to promote a spay/neuter program à la Bob Barker or trying to get a bill signed that made spaying/neutering mandatory for all pets that were not owned by licensed breeders. It is shameful that there are so many homeless pets in our country when there is a simple solution.

  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Cathy is right, she should set something proper up.

  29. I don't think it's Kathy---

    And her dog Chance died---she adopted Larry after that--I think he is a rescue dog.

  30. Anonymous8:45 PM

    its a ted me me. and yall are full of disinformation about ellen so you blow chunks

  31. Don't care who it is. You don't 'BULLY' people into adopting a cat/dog/animal.... It's only done 'correctly' through love and carrying. Nothing good will come out of threatening people into taking in an animal.
