Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Naked Man Interrupts Television Interview

What happens when you are a reporter in Arkansas who is trying to interview an elderly couple about a powerful storm which damaged their home? Well you don't get much excitement until a naked man decides to come out of the woods during the middle of it. High and drunk, Nathaniel Koba was arrested, but not before he made every newscast in the world with his timing.


  1. Why was Shia in Arkansas?

  2. I hope someone cleaned the seat after the guy was taken in.

  3. I have an OT question, anyone mind?

  4. Go for it, goes in circles.

  5. "But it was absolutely plumb busted. His eyeball. What is this out here we got?"

    "That's what buddy was looking at."

    When his eyeball exploded?!?

  6. Must be a Prince Harry fan.

  7. I snorted at the "ass kicking contest" line.

  8. I sure would hate to be a cop.

  9. Ok, I can't ask IRL or fb because it involves family. Thanks.
    My brother and his wife recently divorced. For a wedding gift i gave them a painting I'd done. One of my best and favorite pieces. They never hung it; in fact when I babysat my niece I saw it on a shelf in her closet. I would really like to have this painting back.
    how tacky and rude would it be to ask for it?

  10. Back on topic.
    I wonder how well police cruisers are cleaned.
    I know a guy who peed in the back of one and I am sure there are worse bodily secretions and fluids on the seats.

  11. @goes in circles

    Etiquette would suggest that once a gift is given, the receiver can do whatever they want with it.

    However, since this is your brother, perhaps you can ask him if you might be able to display it in your home rather than ask for it back. He might cherish it more than you think, though.

  12. Ughhhhhhhhh. I live in Arkansas. I swear we are not all ignorant hillbillies. :/

  13. Home sweet home... I live in Arkansas as well. Just gotta laugh at that fool.

  14. @goes in circles - agree with Ms. Cool. You may find he will be relieved that he isn't hurting your feelings. Or you may find it was the ex that didn't want it displayed and that he wants to display it. Of course, if the ex took it, you may be out of luck.

  15. @goesincircles, been in the same position found mine in the rummage sale pile so I took it back. Also depends on the cop and if the car is theirs or is used by multiple cops. The cops I know are very finicky about their vehicles and keep paper towels, clorox wipes and sometimes even bleach in their trunks.

  16. My beloved is a police officer, and the stories he has are crazy. He has tons of naked ones (what's up with all these nakkid f*ckers?!)

    Once, he arrested a naked lady who pooed in the backseat of the cruiser on the way to jail and threw it at him..he was not a happy boy.

    He also arrested a man who was naked except for his shoes. He told my love he had his drugs in his shoe...when he was bending down to get in his shoe, he tried to smack my bf in the face with his swinging penis. I love picking on him about this...lol

    This is why I don't work in law enforcement...

  17. Thanks ladies. :)
    I know the ex doesn't have it; now that you mention it she probably was the one who didn't want it up. She's a piece of work.
    I'll wait it out a bit, but @Different Guest...the rummage sale pile! Argh! I thought hidden in a closet was bad. :/

    yeah, I have a friend who works as a jailer in the women's unit. Great stories of nudity and human waste. no thanks!

  18. @Belle ITA haha! Where at?

  19. My favorite part of the video is when the officer puts on rubber gloves.

  20. My brother is a police officer in Arkansas and the back of their cars are hard plastic so they can be hosed down.

  21. I like the way the man says, "do you know this gentleman?" when naked guy makes appearance. they are so polite!! At least he wasnt worried about storm, lol

  22. @goes in circles - I'm a painter, too, and if I were in your shoes, I'd say that I'd like to hang it. In any other situation it wouldn't be cool to do this - but it's YOUR artwork! Maybe I'm wrong, and rude, but I would definitely talk to him. If it were a piece that I loved that much I would want it displayed, not stuck in a closet. I'd be very willing to lose points for tackiness in that situation.

  23. @ ShaunieBear - Honestly, I do not understand why more prisoners are not beaten. Certainly not condoning or advocating this, but human nature being what it is...

    I am convinced I would be the worst cop in the country and would end up on the front page of a newspaper for using excessive force...

  24. @shauniebear - I just laughed really hard (and cried a little) reading your stories to my husband. Thanks for the giggles. :)

  25. Shaunie! So funny I had to read it to my beloved. He laughed so hard.

    Goes in circles- I agree. Ask for it back nicely. :) it's yours and if he doesn't want to display it tell him you will.
