Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monica Lewinsky Is Getting $12M To Write About Bill Clinton

It appears the rumors of a Monica Lewinsky tell all book are true. The former White House intern is set to earn about $12M to write a tell all which will include details details details of their nine sexual encounters and all of the letters she wrote to him. Yes, you read that correctly. The letters she wrote him, not ones from him. You and I could sit down right now and write a letter. So, are these unsent? Do any ask where the nearest dry cleaner is to the White House? Apparently Bill Clinton loves threesomes so she will write about that. Monica also plans to write about how he hated Hillary and how Bill thought Hillary was having sex outside the marriage too.


  1. No gag reflex WHORE

  2. How can she write about the encounters unless she kept a diary? Boring.

  3. Ugh. Leave Bill alone.

  4. Rutting season is upon us, again!

  5. What else does she have ? He life was basically ruined, so I guess 12 million sounds great. It's only her side as she remembers it and memory is faulty.
    As for those letters without his they are worthless.

  6. Good for her. Why's she a whore? Why is Bill Clinton the hero? All politics aside, Bill Clinton was FAR more at blame for this affair than Lewinsky, and he was forgiven and she's called a whore. Oh yeah- and he lied under oath about it- but she's the whore. F.O.

    1. Um she's a whore for having sex with a married man. He's a whore too, but she's a freaking whore as well. How is that even a question? F.O.

    2. There's this defining fact about whores - sex workers, working girls, prostitutes, floozies, working girls, those on-the-game, rent gals, etc - one defining characteristic you may have missed. The getting paid for the sex part - sorta fundamental. Without that you're just called 'sexually active.' Minor distinction, I know, but there it is!

  7. Of course she is writing a book. why not? 12 mil is a lot of money.

  8. He probably told her he thought Hilary was having an affair to gain sympathy and make Monica feel like it was less wrong.

  9. I lived in NoVA for 3 years and there was an upscale lingerie boutique near my house - I SWEAR she owns it or works there - unless she has a twin.

  10. Who. Fucking. Cares. About any of these people.

  11. girls' gotta eat. she was basically put out with the trash. people with nothing left to lose are very dangerous.

  12. I love that she is wearing an A over her left breast ala Hester Prynne. Aside form that I could care less.

  13. Anytime someone talks about Monica Lewinsky, all I picture is John Goodman as Linda Tripp on SNL. That skit was amazing!!!

  14. The only adults I care about having affairs are the ones who preach about fidelity and then get caught having affairs. Rush Limbaugh anyone?

  15. Let's tar and feather the woman, forget about the married man in a position of POWER.
    ::yawn:: I don't care one iota about this but let's not go whore slinging on Monica when she was half of the damn equation.

  16. ITA @kcqueen. She was a young woman working under the President. That to me is like a teacher having an affair with an 18year old student. Abusing their power of authority. Period.

  17. @VIPblonde - I totally forgot about that! Thank you for reminding me. It most definitely was hysterical. Ah, the good ol' days...

  18. This book is 20 years too late and 12 million too much.

  19. Forget about these two. Check out the TV and computer monitor in the back. Talk about the dark ages, LOL.

  20. 12 million dollars?!?

    What's it going to be? 50 Shades of Bubba?

    1. Lol that's the perfect title!

    2. Lol that's the perfect title!

  21. I predict that book will be in the bargain bin faster than Sarah Palin's.

  22. @Patty, LOL!

    (Slightly on topic: I have long suspected the Clintons of having an open marriage. Don't ask me why, because this isn't 'inside knowledge'. Just a suspicion. And if they do, it's really none of my beeswax.)

  23. Good for her- she has every right to write about her experiences with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

  24. I say take the money and run with it! If they are stupid enough to pay you that much, then why not!

  25. How could there be anything new that wasn't written in that exhaustive book of pornography that Baylor University President Ken Starr wrote? Did he leave out some details? The Starr Report was pretty graphic.

  26. agree with kcqueen. and this is another book I won't be buying - even in the bargain bin. Nothing new is going to come out.

  27. Ha!! Fifty shades of Bubba!!!

    Good for her! I don't like what she did but her life was ruined while Bill still has a career and high approval ratings. I like Bill but can't forget he was as much as fault as her, if not more.

    Oh and I hope Hilary did have an affair! After all the cheating her husband did! Lol

  28. ChurchLady sez: How Convenieeeeeeeent! Right at election time toooooo!

    Whatever, whatever, whatever. The only people with a right to be pissed is Hillary and Chelsey. Everybody else can stop clutching their damn pearls and mind their damn business.

    Know what I remember about the Clinton administration? EVERYBODY had jobs, the rich got richer AND the poor got richer too, AND get this - when he left we had a damn SURPLUS! Remember that?

    So who cares who he fucked at the end of the day - not my business. He did a good job, and that's what all I care about.

    1. Yes, Hazeldazel! And now people are finally being forced to admit, aw shucks I guess he was a good president. He also was very good with international relations for the most part, he was excellent with diplomatic affairs. For the most part. I felt safest while he was president. I wish he could run again.

  29. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Funny, what I remember about the Clinton administration is "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," after he'd explicitly promised during the campaign to allow gays to serve openly in the military. And the "Defense of Marriage" act, which prohibited the recognition of gay marriage at the Federal level. The second law is still in force.

  30. If people start shit talking my beloved Billy again, I'm going to be forced to take my shoes and earrings off and vaseline up for a fight. Leave him the fuck alone!!

    1. Haha, Shauniebear, I love Bill too and I dont give a shit what he and Monica did with cigars or her dresses. They're both fa-reaks but I still love Bill, he was a great president in a lot of ways. Why all the pity for Monica? She was a grown woman who made her own choice to screw the president and then she chatted about it. What an idiot. She's an idiot! She ruined her own life. Wa! She's not a freaking victim! I don't care one way or another but if you are an idiot intern who screws the president, expect people to think you're a whore and keep it to yourself.

  31. If people start shit talking my beloved Billy again, I'm going to be forced to take my shoes and earrings off and vaseline up for a fight. Leave him the fuck alone!!

  32. As someone who works in the economics field, what I remember about the Clinton administration is a massive expansion of consumer and mortgage credit - remember when you used to open you mailbox and find all those unsolicited credit cards inside? And people would refinance their houses and have all sorts of extra money to go on vacation?

    It's the crash of the Clinton (and early GWB) credit explosion that created the 2007 financial crisis and the terrible recession we have today. Sorry.

    1. Props to u for remembering what was in your mailbox while bubba was pres!!! I dont even know what mail i got yesterday!!!

    2. @auntliddy, you are too f'ing funny.

    3. Nutty Flavor I observed the same re credit expansion and the fall. People see what they want.

  33. I can't really blame her for not wanting to turn down 12 mil, but what about the door she will be opening again? I mean she just got out of the media onslaught, and she wants to go back in??

    I don't think she is a whore, she was a silly young intern. Bill Clinton is a dog, no doubt but a brilliant politician. I think his marriage is one of convenience, and they are both happy with the status quo, so really none of our business.

  34. Though Hilary was a lesbian?

  35. Ten years too late IMO.

  36. Monica went to the London School of Economics - that is a very good school. I wonder what she did with her degree? Was it tough to get out from under the shadow of the scandal and make her own way in the world?

  37. @Lynette: That's what I kept hearing but her alleged sidepiece up and married a politician/idiot not that long ago, so maybe it was just a misunderstanding.

  38. Go get it, girl. If a publishing house is willing to pay her that and she's willing to tell her story, then go for it. Unfortunately, in this day and age, seediness sells. Back when this happened it was THE story. Bet you it will be timed to be released when there talk of Hillary running for President again.

    I don't hate on Bill Clinton, but he was a shady motherfucker when it came to the ladies. And since I was a young impressionable college student during the Monica L days, I remember being really pissed off that a man in power could get away with this shit.

    Always felt really bad for Chelsea. Her parents have such a sham of a marriage.

    When Clinton made his glowing remarks about Michelle Obama at the Dem Convention earlier this month, I just had to roll my eyes. As if he is an authority on marriage. Ha ha. As a married woman, I wouldn't want him reflecting on that aspect of my life at all.

    I don't pity Clinton at all that this book will come out. You play hard, you have to deal with the outcome.

  39. She is entitled to do what she wants, but I can't help think that the whole thing is a republican ploy right before the election.

  40. F, for $12M, I'd write a book about their affair. Why not? She has nothing to lose.

  41. LOL @ Fifty Shades of Bubba!! For $12M, I'd make up sh*t. I'll wait till I see this book at a garage sale.

  42. I agree with posters who say go for it. Her life was ruined, while he's a revered statesman. He was supp to know better and act better- jesus, hv these men ever heard of jerking off?- he was culpable. Still like and admire bill policticslly, but he had/has trouble keeping it in his pants. I think he and hilary are devoted to and understand each other. Thats their business. But hus seedy behaviour involved all of us. Anyhoo, water under bridge, write u r book, try to hv happy life.

  43. I'm surprised she didn't write a book a long time ago. Good for her.

  44. I am sick to death of these women who stalk married men and then whine when they are left in the cold after being caught. She pursued him, plain and simple. She told dumbass Linda Tripp about her pursuit of the then President and the whole thing blew up in her face. If she had been doing her actual job instead of a different kind of job think of where her life would be. I am just so sick of it. I about killed a laptop while watching Tiger's mistresses cry on Gloria Alred's shoulder because he didn't apologize to them. THEM? The hell! How about you apologize to the wife that you so conveniently ignored while getting your jollies. Disgusting.

  45. So my friend is good friends with her brother. The thing is is a smart woman. Internships at the White House are extremely competitive and she got one. She has a Masters degree from the London School of Economics, and can't get a job. A bad decision in early adulthood has followed her everywhere! And let's be honest, just about everyone made some bad choices in their 20s. At the very least she can be compensated in some way. The family lost a ton of money paying for legal fees during that fiasco which involved a much older and more powerful man. Now if I were her, I would have changed my last name to my mother's maiden name and moved on with my life.

  46. Wow. I had developed respect for her. She said in 2002 she would never talked about it again publicly and she appeared to have kept that promise. She also stayed out the limelight and went to college.

    This certainly refutes my opinion that she was a young woman of poor judgement and maturity who made a bad choice and paid or it in front of the world. Guess $ talks

  47. @Maria 100% agree with you. She tried to have a life that wasn't banking on the scandal. But you have to earn a living someway. With all the renewed interest in Clinton after the DNC it was a perfect time to make a deal.

    She was just a child that got caught up in Bubba's charm and was used by people looking at you Linda Tripp for their own nefarious reasons.

    Even if she changed her last name, you can't change your face she will always be recognized for what happened.

  48. Maria - I agree. They're not poor - she should have moved to Europe where her past wouldn't matter as much. Clinton is the bad guy in this situation - like any pro athlete, he knew he could get all the tail he wanted because of "who" he was and he used that to its full extent, upon easily-impressed young women, ignoring the fact he was married. He is not the victim here, never was.

  49. I love Bill Clinton, and Hilary. Don't have an opinion on her, but I wonder why any publisher would be interested in this book now. I wonder if it's Rupert Murdoch that owns the publishing house. Enquiring minds would like to know, lol

  50. I'm sure the $ is coming str8 out of republican pac wallets.

  51. Didn't Monica also have an affair with her HS teacher for several years? And it only ended when the wife found out? Mind you, she was bold enough to even babysit their kids.

    You can't ignore a pattern with this girl: she likes boning married men and will probably smile in the wife's face right after doing so. If she can't pay her bills, go ahead and reopen that wound for some cash but Monica a victim? I'm going with 'no'.

  52. If Bill doesn't like what she writes nothing is stopping him from writing a followup book with his side of the story.

  53. She already wrote a tell-all book. I can't believe they're paying her $12 million to spit out the same Bill stuff twice.

  54. she still hasnt dry cleaned her evidence. gross hoe hoe.

  55. Can't call Monica a victim or say this ruined her life or that she was naive and young and stupid if she's going to air this shit out again. She's an opportunist. No one will care. He's not running for office. This will just make him look like a bigger stud. Yay that she can make 12 M off Chelsea and Hillary's humiliation. This girl needs adult supervision. She may be book smart but she's in over her head in life. Yes we were all young and stupid. I cringe over my mistakes. How many of you screwed a President of the US?

  56. Nothing to read here. I mean why not dig up Donna Rice and Fawn Hall while we are at it?

  57. I freakin' love Bill (and Hilary)

  58. Oh, and it's not having slept with BC that has kept Monica from getting a job; it was her complete inability to have any discretion. If you were an employer, would you trust her to keep your company's secrets?

  59. I don't think it matters what any of us personally think about any of the folks involved. What does matter is that Monica Lewinsky is permanently a part of history. Because the POTUS lied about the affair, he was impeached (only the 2nd president in US history to have that distinction) and was nearly thrown out of office. "Lewinsky" became a verb and the woman's face and name was disseminated worldwide. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up in a high school history textbook in the near future, if she hasn't made it there already. This book just lets her have more control over the message, if you know what I mean.

  60. The book has already been written. It's called the Starr Report and can be downloaded for free.

  61. I love the guy in the background lol

  62. “Wow, I can't wait to read that”, said 1998. --Seth Meyers
