Monday, September 17, 2012

Mom Steals Money From Her Son While He Was Serving In Afghanistan

How low of a mom do you have to be to be thought of as worse than Dina Lohan? Well, a mother in Ohio has been arrested after she stole about $9,000 from her son who was serving in Afghanistan. Jennifer Fletcher forged her son's name on tax refund checks and kept them for herself. A warrant had been issued for her arrest but it was not until she got pulled over for driving a stolen car that police were able to charge her for that crime and the stolen vehicle one too. The son was not the one who noticed the missing money, but his wife and mother of his child who noticed and called police.


  1. We have a new queen of the POSs.

  2. She basically stole money from her grandchild too. Lovely woman. Yes, Patty, she is the new Queen POS>

  3. Just lovely. I imagine if they start digging they'll find other things she's stolen from them, as well. Queen of the POSs, indeed.

  4. Since he mentioned Dina Lohan, don't forget, today is the Dr Phil interview! Set my DVR before I went to work this morning :)

  5. VIP I have to cease my Dr Phil ban to watch this today at 4 est. I feel almost ashamed.

    1. So do I.... But i hv to see mrs dumbass for myself.

  6. She and her son should trade places, minus jail for him of course.

  7. It's times like these that I miss public flogging.

  8. I think that America's underclass must end its love affair with peroxide, and pronto!

  9. She doesn't look sorry about it, either.

  10. A new role model for Dina Lohan

  11. That sucks and all, but would it have been different if he wasn't "serving in afghanistan", but working at the local kfc, getting stoned with friends after work, and playing video games when he came home?

    Her actions are not more or less crass by what he was doing at the time.

    Enty implies she should feel more ashamed because of what her son was doing, but by what she was doing, such moral logic is inapplicable.

  12. Despicable. I thought the pageant moms took the cake. I was wrong.

  13. Thank goodness the guy's wife was smart and on the ball. Some folks aren't so lucky to have a competent person managing the finances while they are away.

  14. would it have been different if he wasn't "serving in afghanistan", but working at the local kfc, getting stoned with friends after work, and playing video games when he came home?

    She'd still be a POS for stealing from her son.

  15. Scum of the earth.

  16. The one reassuring takeway from this story is that at least being a grotesque bloated inexcusable POS doesn't run in the family.

  17. Someone who doesn't deserve children..or grandchildren, this one.

    Speaking of White Oprah, today is the day Direct TV is installing the rest of our receivers and 12 & 4 pm. Aargh! Hope I don't miss Dr. Phil. And I can't believe I said that!

  18. So sad. I hope his wife and kids aren't suffering. It has to be horrible to worry about a spouse over there. That should be enough strife for anyone.

  19. what a piece of crappy trash.

  20. Anonymous1:07 PM

    For those of you not watching dr. phill...bitch is either drunk or so high, she's tired.

  21. Watching the Dr. Phil interview now...she's on SOMETHING! I don't think it's only alcohol...weird.

  22. Well damn! Dr. Phil comes on at 3 here, but the last few minutes I saw was a woman saying Michael is the father of her daughter, and he hasn't taken a paternity test. After the show, he said he'd take one on TV, but the mom didnt want it to turn into a circus. So bummed I missed Dina, y'all gotta tell me what I missed! :)

  23. My POS sister-in-law did this to my nephew wheile he was there. He came back to find his account drained. Her excuse was "I raised you for 21 years and put cloths on your back and food in your stomach, you owe me". He didn't press charges but it was devistating for him to land in the states and have him call me 30 min after landing to say " Aunt * - what the hell did my mother do!???" People like that.....

  24. Reminds me of my brother in law. When he came back for a visit while he was in Iraq he had to put my husband on his bank account so I could pay his bills.His mom actually had gotten his ATM card and wiped him out while he was gone and he didn't know. We also had to keep his truck he was buying from us at our house cause his half brother took the car he had which was paid off and run into a guardrail at over 100mph while running from the cops. Because his mom was not paying his car insurance he was screwed out of that too. I even had to buy his sons Christmas presents cause he couldn't trust his mom or his sons mom with the money. It was ridiculous how a little trust can ruin a family.

  25. All of these stories are sad. How low do u have to be to do sh#@ like this??

  26. Some people join the service out of a sense of patriotism, but a lot of people join to pay for college or get far away from home. Maybe he went for all three reasons, but I bet he went for reason number three.

    Unless there is more to the story, Mom needs to go away.

  27. @ Dee Lurker - Hell yes it makes a difference! Because he is there willing to die to protect me (and her, and you t oo btw). For this I feel indebted and protective of his interests too.
