Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Michael Strahan Makes It Official

Not that there was anyone who didn't know that Michael Strahan was the new co-host of Live With Kelly, but today marked the first day of his tenure on the show and from what I have seen, he looks pretty happy about it. The guy has not stopped smiling. What would have been incredibly cool is if someone else had emerged from the car with the tinted windows, even if it was just a feint from Michael being in the studio. Some kind of drama would have been nice. Nothing though. There was also no last second Strahan being kidnapped by Nick Lachey so he could be on the show drama either. A bonus for Nicole Murphy is she will now have an hour or two a day where Michael won't be tracking her every move by GPS.


  1. Kelly had chemistry with many different co-hosts. I'm glad they final settled on one.

  2. Are you kidding the moneys great, it pretty loose, and the hours not bad at all. Not to mention easier on the body.

  3. All I can think about is Kelly Ripa's arm! Is she working out with Kate 6 hrs a day? Has she become a real life Bionic woman? WTF? Her biceps is the same size as her head!!!

    *as I take another bite of my maple bacon donut*

  4. I read his girlfriend isn't happy about the move.

  5. If you see Kelly in person she is so skinny it's frightening.

  6. My mom didn't know! She was all kinds of surprised. I told her I knew about it a week or so ago and she said "no you didn't! No one did!" hahahahaha. I love my mom.

  7. Did we just get a sly reveal with the GPS comment?

  8. I like Strahan (save for that AWFUL sitcom he tried to do) so I hope this works out well. And I find Kelly pleasant for the most part, although I rarely watch the show.

    IDoTheRobot, I saw in another thread over the weekend that you're due in mid-April...so am I! We're expecting our first. :) Congrats to you!

  9. Colleen,, Yes we did!

  10. @Cornbread OMG! How exciting! Congrats to you! I'm due 4/19 and my birthday is 4/22. What day are you due? Would you like to email so we can keep up with one another?

  11. Agent and Colleen - missed that bc I was freaking out over her freakishly giant arm.

    I don't remember that blind. Anyone want to paraphrase?

  12. I don't remember that blind either, only a different version

    "What former A list celebrity and now a C+ actress/singer has her boy toy hooked up to GPS through his phone. Now she knows wherever he is at all times. He does not have to check in with her when he goes out, but he is required to always answer when she calls and to reply to her texts within 5 minutes. Hey, but at least she gives good presents."

  13. Didn't we think the GPS tracker blind was BAG and Megan Fox? Or was that another one?

  14. @cali - You are right. There was another blind with MF and BAG.

  15. I look at thus guy and i see OJ. Charming on outside but not on inside. He had nasty divorce with wife beating allegations. Nope, dont like him and surprised they chose him. Dont watch show anyway, but still annoyed gap toothed no talent got job. Rather not watch nick lachey, lol

  16. I'm glad I have a day job. If I were home when this is on, I'd have to watch it. He fascinates me and disgusts me all at the same time.

  17. The GPS comment is regarding Nicole Murphy's claims a few years ago that he was tracking her every move... But then she reconciled with him. SMH, what more can be said about a woman who "allegedly" bearded for Eddie Murphy for many years.

  18. I'm due 4/16! Yes, let's exchange email addresses...I tried one of those pregnancy forums, but holy cow are some of those women (well, girls...) really whackadoo. I kept thinking, "If only some of those awesome CDAN ladies would get knocked up, THEN I'd have someone to talk to!" :)

    Yours is your username at gmail, right? I'll email you mine, since it's my full name. Yes, I'm one of THOSE intelligent gals. ;)

  19. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Did anyone get the vibe that these two are *really* close?? It was odd when he came out she jumped into his arms, they whispered sweet nothings to each other and then she kissed him on the lips. Hmm..

  20. And when Kelly's off for a day or two Michaels co-host will be... Wait for it... OPRAH! And that's how she'll sneak back from basic cable.

  21. @Cornbread, awesome! Yes I'm idotherobot@gmail.com. I'm a member of BabyCenter. I lurk and post very rarely. There's just too much BS on there most of the times! I'm excited I have a preggo CDaN friend too! :D

  22. I just wanted to say that I was on BabyCenter 12 years ago...those ladies are Nazis. For a little fun, go on there and say you had a small glass of champagne for some celebration (or even a sip) and then step back and watch the meltdown.

  23. @Lola, I got to witness that when I was pregnant with my first. They are absolutely ridiculous!

  24. @Lola and @Robot, I tried Baby and Bump...oh em gee. I am one of those expecting moms who is totally okay with an occasional glass of wine. The backlash I got from that comment alone...wow.

    Decided against telling them I'd also eaten a hotdog and helped paint our master bedroom. :) My gosh, they were uptight.

  25. Congrats to the baby mammas. Cornbread - I lived on CDAN when I was knocked up. I had major insomnia so it was awesome to catch up on gossip late night. I'm sure you'll find some other prego broads on here. BabyCenter was good for some laughs but I didn't really rely on this nutjobs for advice. PS - I totally use the word wackadoo in my day-to-day dialogue. LOL.

    I was hoping they would go with Josh Brolin or NPH for the co-host spot. I rarely tune in, so I don't exactly give a hoot. Always loved Kelly with Regis.

  26. Susan, I am SO GLAD someone else used the phrase "knocked up." I said that on one of the baby boards, and that also unleashed the wackadoos. I was being so "disrespectful" towards my pregnancy. It was fun just to rile them up sometimes, though.

    And sometimes wackadoo is the only way to truly describe certain people.

  27. Hi Cornbread and Robot!
    I've only confessed this to one other person, so I'm hoping I don't offend anyone
    I want to gauge my eyes out when people on those boards say DD (darling daughter) or DS (darling son). And DH? Yes, Darling husband. EEEEEkkk!!!!
    Congrats again, guys. Robot - I am awaiting your news on Sep 10th!!

  28. BOR-RING! Zzzzzzzzz.

  29. @Sunny Hi! :) How are you? ITA, to me DH/DD/DS/DF is the same as dragging nails down a chalkboard. I hate it. I would never use it and got corrected in a not so nice way. Meh. I can't wait for the 10th to get here! One of my sisters is preg also and found out today she's having a boy. It's been a good day!

    1. Nice for ur sis!! Good health to all! Will check u next week for update!!

  30. @Robot
    I have been absolutely fantastic, but my 2 yr old's giving me hell today. That stinker! So I'm goofing off during my kids' quiet time instead of doing the dozen things I should be doing. Just one of those days :)

  31. Sunny and Robot, count me in on the Dear Whatever loathing. My most hated abbreviation on that site? BD: Baby Dance. Ugh. The site even gave you the option to add little cartoon smilies...they had a swimming sperm, and two smilies going at it in a bed.

    After an hour of scrolling through dry humping smilies and fairies sprinkling "baby dust" everywhere, I knew I was in over my head.

    Thank you, CDAN ladies, for bringing me back home. :)

  32. Mu children are griwn but i remember how nervous i was preg with first baby. These stern humorless web sites only make u more nervous, they arent helpful. Talk to old bags like me, lol, or mothers of more than one. They will smooth u out. Naturally i dont advocate drinking and smoking all day, but it is ok to say, out loud, im tired of being pregnant!

  33. Did she get an xtra dark tan for the occasion?

    J/k! Back to the baby talk..congrats to all expecting & new parents.

  34. Aw, congrats to the pregnant ladies! My LO just celebrated his 1st birthday this past weekend - time flies! And those BabyCenter ladies? Batshit crazy I tell you. Oh lordy the ones on my "birth board" were insane.

    Is Strahan giving up FOX NFL then? If so, that's going to really suck - he has great chemistry with the rest of the guys - love him on there. (Though the GPS comment has me wondering if I shouldn't love him *that* much :-P)

  35. He allegedly had a gps device installed on Nicole's car without her knowledge. It came to light when he "caught" her cheating on him. They split for awhile and got back together.
    The story goes that his 1st wife took him to the cleaners in their divorce so he probably needs both jobs. Seems like a decent guy (minus any stalking).
    The other gps story sounds like Jlo

  36. Why the hell would anyone compare him to OJ WTF! O_O

    1. Cos he comes off as a smooth nice guy, but underneath he not. Checkered past; google him.

    2. I dont need to! I dont agree with you!

  37. Congratulations to everyone who is expecting. Lovely news. Even though I have never been pregnant, I was always supportive of my friends who were. When they were worried about the odd glass of wine, I'd remind them that our parents smoked & drank during pregnancy, and we are fine. Please keep us informed.

  38. The Baby Center abbreviations are cracking my shit up. Well, maybe it's the wine, too. Who's counting? I don't even think I knew what all the abbreviations meant when I read it while expecting.

    Not only did BabyCenter make me lose my mind but so did the 9,000 prepare-yoself-for-impending-baby books. Good lord. Insanity, I say! I started bawling my eyes out while reading one of them because it put the fear of God in me about labor, and The Husband issued a no-more-book rule for the rest of the week.

    Good luck with your pregnancies. I thought I was prego again earlier this summer, but no such luck. I just had my period like every day. Thanks, Jesus. That was AWESOME.

    Ironically, I watched a lot of Reg and Kelly when I was breastfeeding. And Wendy Williams. Honestly, if I had to pick any of these hussies on daytime, it would be Wendy Williams. Kelly has a fab wardrobe and Rachael Ray is a great interviewer, but I love me my Wendy. Her segment on her wighead is golden.

  39. Congrats to the 2013 babies!

    I never did any of the baby sites. They scared me too much. I just connected with women in my prenatal yoga classes.

  40. Awww I love the support around here. Thank you all for your stories and kind words!

    @Sunny, I'm sorry! :( I wish I could make it better.
