Monday, September 03, 2012

Michael Jackson's Children "Barely Surviving" On $70K A Month

How many of you make $70K a month? Are you barely surviving? Almost broke? Well, if you are the lawyers for Michael Jackson's kids, apparently $70K a month is barely surviving and the three children are being forced to live off this meager allowance until all of Michael's debts are paid. Michael has about $100M in debts which could take another two to three years to pay. Meanwhile his kids will just continue to suffer. Think about this. If $100M in debt can be paid off in another two years that means the estate is generating about $50M a year. Think about how much money those kids will have in a few years. They will be ridiculously wealthy. Crazy rich. If I were all of these brothers and sisters of Michael I would be kissing some PPB (Paris, Prince, Blanket) butt and not trying to kidnap them or their grandmother. Just think. Jermaine could even afford some new plastic for his head.


  1. Oh Jermaine. Where is Latoya! She seriously seems like the only one who doesn't have her hand out looking for some cashola.

    1. And who would of thought Latoya would be the sane looking one in the family with all of this?? I sure didn't see it coming!

  2. Damn! I wish I was barely surviving on $70000 a month! To think, I'm only getting by with like 2% of that a month! How do we do it?? *smdh*

  3. How expensive is Ed Hardy?

  4. After 25 years as a teacher, I never came close to 70,000 A YEAR!!!

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    My heart weeps.

    I would be thrilled to barely survive on $70K a YEAR. Even half that. Try living on social security. THAT is barely surviving.

  6. The Jacksons and their leeching really make it hard to have sympathy for any of them. Now they're using the kids to try and get more money.

    Something tells me that if they didn't come from a famous family, they'd be managing just fine.

    I really hope the estate and/or the judge will say "enough already." It's such a blatant money grab.

  7. This is not the kids it's grandma and the co guardian trying to get as much money as the can for as long as they can.

  8. Do you think the three will stand united? Or will they have a Hunger Games battle to decide who will control the 70K crown.

    It's hard to survive on a third of 70K you know. I mean come on guys. How will Paris survive on that low amount? You know she'll be the winner!

  9. yeah I have to wonder if this is about the percentage the 'minders' get as caretakers. It's ridiculous to think that those 3 kids can't survive on $70K a month. Sounds like greed to me.

  10. It seems to be as hard to have too much money as it is to have too little money.

    These kids did seem to be grounded and well intentioned, but they are kids and can be manipulated by the greedy mob that surrounds them.

    They will have a sad life indeed if they fall into the constant battle over money.

  11. Blanket actually looks a bit like Michael Jackson.

  12. The main way I could see this being true, and not just a money grab on someone's part, is if the $70K pays for pretty much everything--rent/mortgage for their home, security (and you know they've got some), taxes, utilities, etc. as well as all the usual expenses for food, clothing, tuition (assuming they go to private school, or an in-home teacher if they don't), etc. Good security doesn't come cheap, and if this is indeed the case, then I can see how $70K might be cutting it a bit close.

  13. Wouldn't their school fees be paid directly from the estate because with security and health insurance , cars, rent, food, entertainment (the house is could be onto something...
    Katherine gets her cut she still has a house somewhere down south...
    While I could live on that amount of money like a princess....they have a different life style completely

  14. that is assuming that Michael is going to be an Elvis where his estate keeps churning out money year after year.

    Michael made great music but is it really going to be selling in 30 + years. Espcially in the digital world where music is just downloaded so easily and Neverland is a bust, they won't be able to turn it into a tourist site after what happend and the neighbors won't stand for it.

  15. I really do NOT like this family. Children included. I find Paris to be an obnoxious attention whore.

  16. Bullshit. This is because grandma only gets the monthly stipend while she lives, and she's looking for money to siphon to her kids. She's the only one besides the kids who got money from the estate, but Michael didn't leave her a lump sum, he left her the monthly amount to take care of the kids.
    Katherine has appealed to the estate for money to pay two of her sons' child support, and probably much more. She's been shut down every time, so she will try to make it look like she needs money for the kids.

  17. If you're under the poverty line lemme here ya say yeahhhhh! *yeahhhh!*

    It would take me a week and a half just to afford Suri's shoes.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @parissuckslitterally, yea Paris is starting to bug me, and you know its going to get worse as she gets older. I don't like Katherine either, she let joe beat their kids when they were small, and the whole kidnapping thing was so shady. This whole family is so greedy and lazy

    1. Co-sign with Maggie & ParisSucks. Paris burned thru all the goodwill I had for her pretty quickly.

  20. They should get pictures of the kids out pan handling. Really play up the poverty card-- maybe have Uncle Jermaine with them au naturel cause he can't afford hair gel any more.

  21. Blanket looks like the junior member in some 80's street gang movie. "Beat It"?

  22. Blanket needs a new t shirt

  23. IDGAF if these kids are held to different standards because of the family they were born into and that they are "accustomed to" a certain lifestyle. The phrase "barely surviving on $70,000 a month" is sickening to me.

  24. Blanket looks like Bella and Jacob's son from Twilight

  25. in the headline, children should be in quotes too.

    just saying...

  26. Just think: If MJ is STILL $100 million in debt, it's time for everyone to stop pretending Janet isn't deep in the red too. She is, and she reportedly was even before MJ died.

  27. who really knows what this 70K covers. The estate picked the house, they have control over security, the kids fly private jets etc. They lived a very lavish lifestyle when their dad was alive (whether he could afford it or not) this also includes some portion for the co-guardians. I don't live in that realm financially so I can't call it.

  28. Nutty_Flavor, there is some story so amazingly convoluted, even for the Jackson family, that it just might be true. Something about Michael having a rapper son in his mid-20s by a one-night stand (from Norway) -- and both that rapper and his mother always being at and welcome at MJ's house and even I think the front-row of his funeral. Anyway. If you go from that point there are then two branching theories: (1) That the 25ish-year-old rapper is actually Blanket's son, and MJ is his bio-grandfather or (2) Blanket is the second bio-child MJ had with the woman from Norway, years later.

    But he really is the only one who looks like he might be bio-related.

  29. Couldn't care less.

  30. Cry me a river.

    Oh great, after that Jessica Biel blind, I have JT on the brain.

  31. That rumor about that out of wedlock kid being Michael Jacksons was shut down ages ago. The kids go to the Buckley school in the valley, a very prominent private school, but while the yearly tuition may be steep, I don't think it's eating up a good chunk of 70k a month. The house they have in Calabasas in this market is maybe 10, 15k a month tops and I can't imagine they eat that much or spend that much on clothing. They're far from fashion plates.

  32. You know, I'm so sick of these kids being labelled as not really Michael's kids (the comment above..."children"...hehehehe) like nontraditional situations are somehow less than traditional ones. My daughter happens to be bio but to all of you who you do the same with friends and family who adopt or who use egg/sperm donors or in vitro? Do you snicker behind their backs that the children aren't really "theirs" (not "real" like yours)? Do you think those children should be cut out and left behind if the (I guess in your mind) "fake" parents die?

    Shame on you. Seriously.

    These are kids. Michael Jackson's kids. He is he only parent they ever knew and they are every bit as much his children as my child is mine.

    //rant over.

  33. On another (calmer) note...

    Not that she is above scamming the estate for her lowlife kids but Kathrine was left just as much as the kids in Michael's will and gets her own stipend of some sort.

    Also interesting, I saw in pictures over the weekend that LaToya was the only sibling to accompany the kids (and Kathrine) to the MJ birthday celebration in Indiana. She seems to be one of the only siblings going out and making her own money.

  34. Anonymous2:39 PM

    If you were surrounded by a bunch of crazy aunts, uncles, and cousins, along with a grandma who clearly isn't with it anymore, and they're all after your inheritance that some of them claim you don't deserve because you're not really your dad's children. you'd be crying for help, too. That's what it is.

    I feel bad for PPB. It's only going to get worse for them.

  35. Thank God they've got good trustees that are paying down the debt now so it won't be an issue for them as adults.

  36. You make a valid point, Lola. On this site (and regarding celebrity gossip overall) my comments generally lean toward flippant, snarky, and sarcastic, and I rarely feel the need to apologize for that. But in this case I would like to, because I am sensitive to the issues you bring up. And I realize I gave the wrong impression.

    I won't bother to explain why I thought Uofazwildkitty's comment was funny, because it probably won't make sense to anyone but me. But it wasn't because I consider adopted children or babies born via surrogate, artificial insemination, etc., any less important than bio children. And I believe parents are parents, it matters not if a child is adopted, conceived thru a surrogate, etc.

    Just wanted to apologize & state my position for the record. FWIW--which, admittedly, probably isn't much. ;-)

    1. Actually, it's worth quite a bit. I'm seriously down with the stark and sarcasm; it just chaps my ass when it's kids who, through no fault of their own, are in a given situation. Michael Jackson brought these kids into the world (through whatever means) because he wanted them. All kids should be so lucky.

      And as to Paris being a snot or whatever...she's 14, and acts like a vast majority of 14 year old girls (family abductions notwithstanding).

  37. Anonymous4:28 PM

    The Daily Mail is reporting that when MJ's estate does get out of the red the kids will get 50% and Katherine the other half. Once that , unfortunately I can see the Jackson clan taking more advantage of Katherine for a piece of the pie.

  38. I believe the breakdown is based on the income from the estate. I think it's 20% to charity, 40% to Katherine, 40% to the kids trusts. After Katherine passes the estate is divided as the kids reach certain ages.

    I guess it hasn't occurred to Katherine that she has had the lifestyle since Michael's death thanks to the trustees of the estate. They set aside money for her and the children that could have been used to pay down the debt the estate.

  39. If it takes another several years to pay off the debt and Katherine shuffles off this mortal coil TJ will only get the allowance for caring for the kids. The rest of the $ will go into the kids' trusts. If the sibling were smart they should suck up to the kids.

  40. This entire family is out of bounds with their expectations and their lifestyles.

    I know that Paris Jackson is much loved by the commentors on this blog, but I really don't like her or her snake eyes.

    Although I do feel for any child that has to grow up a Jackson, this entire situation needs a reality check.

  41. "Michael Jackson brought these kids into the world (through whatever means) because he wanted them. All kids should be so lucky."

    exactly! I had that discussion with people who were opposed to the woman in her early 50s having a child. "She'll be old when they are in high school! She'll die before they have kids!" Well, you know what? Everyone has some kind of rough thing to go through, no one gets a perfect childhood or life. But the ones who are wanted/loved/treasured by their parents are the luckiest kids of all.

    Thank you Lola.

  42. Loving, committed, and selfless parents seem to be the exception when they should be the norm. :-/

    I do think Michael's kids lucked out in that sense, and I'm happy for them. Not saying they don't have plenty of disadvantages to deal with and obstacles to overcome, I just think they also have several important things in their favor--early life with a loving dad, good relationship with grandmother, and all the past, present, and future benefits that come from having nearly unlimited resources. So, while I feel for them, especially for the reason @warmislandsun said, I just can't care that much. Like WUWT said, everyone has some kind of rough thing to go through. No one gets a perfect childhood or a perfect life. They seem like smart, relatively balanced kids. They have tons of advantages. They'll be fine.

    That said, I'm not enjoying how much I have to hear about them--and am going to be hearing about them for as long as the earth orbits the sun. I was hoping they'd opt to go the private citizen route and build fulfilling, productive lives for themselves that won't be broadcast in excruciating detail every 5 minutes. Paris has already proved that's not going to happen, though. :-/

    I get it--they're Jacksons, and showbiz and fame are the family business. I have nothing against Michael's kids, I'm just not a fan of the whole Jackson franchise. Not a fan of the music, not a fan of any of them as individuals, not a fan of their delusional bs.

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