Monday, September 03, 2012

Michael Clarke Duncan Has Died

"Green Mile” actor Michael Clarke Duncan has died. He was 54.


  1. This one really breaks my heart. He has always been one of my favorites and I just hate it for his family and loved ones.

  2. I was beginning to think I was crazy. I saw this on yahoo but no where else. We just watched Talladega Nights yesterday. He was so funny in that movie.

    RIP and than you for sharing your talents with us.

    1. We did too Terri. Such a shame.

  3. Fuck what a bummer! Met him a few times at the Laker games and he was such a sweetheart! Always took time to take pictures and autographs stuff for fans. RIP big guy.

  4. :( :( :( sending hugs up to you, big man.

  5. What happened?? I will always love him for Greenmile. He had such a nice heart!

  6. <3 RIP <3 Loved his work.

  7. @crapbag he had a massive heart attack a couple months ago, I'm guessing it's related to that (making your comment unfortunately ironic)

  8. Very sad to hear this. RIP. :-(

  9. CB, he had a massive heart attack a month or two ago. His girlfriend resuccitated him and it was said, at the time, that he was lucky to have made it.

  10. Awwwwwww!!!! Way, way too soon for this talented man.

  11. That's sad. I didn't think he was going to pull through this and I'm sad that I was right. Omarosa may be kinda crazy sometimes, but I'm sad for her. He was lovely.

  12. :(

    When I think of him, I think of Night at the Roxbury.

  13. This breaks my heart. RIP.

  14. RIP Michael! My the angels take you home.

    I loved him in Green Mile and others. Another big huge guy with a heart of gold. God bless you!

  15. Oh my GOD! I am stunned! Still young, so talented. DAMMIT!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Oh nooooo.. loved him in everything... the last thing i remember was his readings of jennifer love hewitt's book on craig ferguson. he couldn't say vajazzle without laughing.
    bless his soul x

  18. PS - thanks for adding this post Enty. I know you were done for the day.

  19. Anonymous3:15 PM

    That's the man who killed Notorious BIG.

    He was BIG's bodyguard, took off the night BIG was murdered, and immediately thereafter, his career took off (payback for the favor).

  20. I just loved MCD. My heart breaks for his friends and family. Such a talent, taken too soon. <3

  21. Loved the big guy. Hated his GF omorosa tho'. RIP

  22. @BettorOffSingle:

    Oi! What kinda douchey comment is that? A guy taking a night off is a far cry from him literally killing someone else.

  23. This is sad. He was young!

  24. So sad. Rest in Peace. <3

  25. RIP big guy. very sad.

  26. NoNoNoNoNoNo. This is awful.

  27. This is just devistating. He was in the hospital for so long after his heart attack, that you would have figured this potentially could have been prevented if it was another heart attack.

  28. Rest in Peace, Big Man.

  29. This is sad, RIP Michael

  30. Whocaresnow evidently the damage had been done and it was just a matter of waiting and seeing when it happened.

    And douchebag upthread, he wasn't Notorious BIG's bodyguard. He had been hired for the night to be his bodyguard but ended up switching assignments, which isn't the same thing as taking the night off. What a shitty thing to say.

  31. I was hoping he'd pull through, since Omarosa was able to keep up the CPR long enough to save him...he had such a kind face, too. :-( Rest well, sir--you'll be missed.

  32. First celebrity death to make me cry. I'm going to miss his talents. He was truly special. RIP Michael.

    Wow, you're about fucking Tacky. That girlfriend of his that you hate just lost someone she loves. I don't know why I read comments, it brings out the assholiest of assholes. If you hate Omarosa, then hate her. DO NOT disrespect someone who loved her and passed away today. Just because you think it, does not mean you have to type and publish it.

  34. ^smh

    Have a nice day.

  35. Aw, this is so sad. I was hoping he would pull through, hadn't heard any updates on him lately. :(

  36. Loved him in The Green Mile.

    RIP, big man.

  37. God bless you Michael Clark Duncan.

  38. I am SERIOUSLY bummed about this one. I fell in absolute love with him when I saw him in The Green Mile all those years ago. That was probably the most AMAZING acting job I had seen in a long time :( RIP, my sad :(

  39. we all KNOW why you are single...jerk.

  40. This just breaks my heart. I agree; he had such a kind face. Never heard one unkind word about him. Thoughts are with his family and loved ones.

  41. Words cannot express my sadness at this :(

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. He was sad.

    ~My advice is for all of us to ignore someone's desperate attempts for attention so they go away. Forever. Y'all know exactly who I mean. If I wasn't such a lady, I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Move along, shmohawk..

  44. First saw him in The Green Mile and loved him ever since. RIP.

  45. ^^^ co-sign with wenx. This took my breath away. I don't know him but I could tell he was a kind man from looking at him. My heart is broken. I wish him peace and eternal happiness.

    As for Omarosa, everyone has their opinion of her but she just lost the man that she loves and had planned on spending the rest of her life with. Please respect her and find compassion in your heart for the terrible pain she must be going through.

  46. This is such a great picture, he has a kind face. RIP Michael Clarke Duncan bless you and your family as well as all those that read this comment.

  47. He was so talented and unique. This is very sad.

  48. This one makes me so sad. He seemed like such a genuinely nice human being. As for Omarosa, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of her, because Michael Clarke Duncan LOVED her. He had her back 100% (check out his twitter). I was never an Omarosa fan, but when I learned they were together she earned a couple of cool points in my book. My prayers are with Omarosa, MCD's family and friends. The loss they are experiencing is immeasurable. I can't imagine what they are going through.

  49. He was always so cute on Craig Ferguson's show. He would talk about his ferrets and how much he loved them. Heart of gold, gone too soon.

  50. RIP, Big Guy. You are missed.

  51. Sad news indeed. RIP big man. Green Mile was/is a great movie.

  52. Thanks for clarifying Bubbles!

  53. What's really sad is that I read that Omarosa left his hospital bed for a short bit and that's when he passed away. How sad for her.

  54. He has the kindest eyes. What a shame he has succumbed to his illness. I never watched Green Mile but my husband watched it so many times I used to tease his that he must have it memorized. God Bless him and his family.

  55. This just sucks. I was so sad to get home and see this news... :(

  56. Very sad news, indeed. RIP.

  57. Just read that about Omarosa. I'm heartbroken for her.

  58. So sad, I was so hoping he would pull through when I first heard about his heart attack...

  59. @Two Time Mama You took the words right out of my big mouth. RIP, MCD. *sad*
    Loved him in Armageddon, also.

  60. MIchael, thank you for sharing your beautiful soul with the world. Flights of angels guide you.

  61. Well that completely sucks. He was great in The Finder, too.

  62. So sad, he seemed like one of the good ones.

  63. Very sad. Was talking about the Green Mile today with a friend, she still had to watch it. Come home, go online and find out he is dead. Very very very sad. Rest in peace big guy!

  64. How did I miss that he was with omarosa? RIP, and thoughts and peace to his loved ones

  65. Damn. MCD was one of the good ones (know more than one person who has said so from experience.) I was so hoping he'd pull through.
    I know nothing of Omarosa personally, but hearing about her heroic efforts to save him, her dedication to him during his hospital stay, and the fact that he loved her enough to plan to marry her? Gave her a pass in my book for anything reality TV might have portrayed her as.
    May he rest in peace and my heart goes out to those who knew and loved him.

  66. Seemed like a decent and kind person. Sad loss.

  67. Still so sad at the loss of this man. He will be so very missed. :(

  68. This makes me so sad. :-(

  69. Never met him before, but from what people have been posting here, he was a gentle giant.

    Godspeed Michael.

  70. I just wanted to say how much Green Mile meant to me. I related to his character in that film, bc I too am a sensitive person who does healing work. While its obviously not the same there were similarities like needing to rest after working with really sick folks and that feeling of bringing the other persons pain into your body which I always hated.

    Thank you Michael for your sweet portrayal. I remember crying the whole time and having goose bumps. Praying for you to cross over and let go and be at peace with all of it. You brought joy to a lot of people while you were here. You will be missed but always loved. Hugs and kittens.

  71. I loved MCD - he seemed like such a genuine, down-to-earth guy and had some great acting chops to boot. He was always hilarious with Craig Ferguson on Craig's show and his love of cats just endeared him more to me.

    My thoughts go out to his loved ones and family!

  72. RIP Michael. He always seemed such a nice guy.


    Now, in memory of the smoothness that was MCD I will from now on ignore the troll.

  74. Maybe that can become a new acronym for us: ITT [Ignore the Troll] to acknowledge what we're doing w/o naming him. And maybe come up w/one for the K family so that we don't generate 'Hits' for that family by typing/keying in the family name?

  75. RIP Big guy. You could tell he was one of the good ones. This is very sad.

  76. Godspeed, Bear. I loved him in "Armagedon". I loved everyone in "Armageddon". The first half, the character development, is one of my all-time favorite films. It loses me when the pyrotechnics start.

  77. He seemed like such a sweet guy. Very talented, too.
    RIP, Mr. Duncan.

  78. Hey, BettorOffSingle

    Accusing someone of the commission of a crime in writing, if false, is libel, which is both a civil offense and can be a criminal one. Unless you've got real and substantial evidence proving such a claim, that comment must be removed, or it will be reported to the appropriate authorities, in addition to the site administrator.

  79. Anonymous8:12 AM

    So sad to hear about his death. RIP Mr. Duncan. May you be in heaven already ..

  80. very sad, being Omarrosa was able to save him the day of his heart attack and they got him to the hospital I'm alittle surprised he didn't get better. I thought as long as you caught a heart attack in time you would be ok. This is the first time I've heard of someone dying a few weeks after the inital heart attack.

  81. I don't know why I am so sad of MCD passing. He just seemed like an incredibly kind and gentle man.

    My heart and thoughts go out to his family and even his lady, Omarosa.

    R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan...

  82. RIP MCD...
    @ Two Time Mama: Very well said.

  83. rest in peace,baby, rest in peace. and yes, we will be nice to omarosa, lol

  84. sara, lots of times when loved one leaves room, the sick person free to "go home". Happens all the time. very devastating for loved one tho. kidding aside, I feel for her.

  85. He had his heart attach on my birthday, I felt bad then I feel crushed now. He was a truly nice , gentle, funny, caring man. RIP Mr. Duncan. My condolences to his family and loved ones.

  86. Well, of course she tried to save him! She'd have made a lot more if they'd been married, wouldn't she?

  87. He performed so brilliantly in Green Mile, and I agree, he had such sweet, kind eyes for such a big dude.

    RIP buddy. I hope you make it to where you need to go and don't get lost along the way. <3

  88. This news really broke my heart and I went to bed with a very heavy heart almost like I knew him personally. I read his tweets last night and I was happy to know he died being happily and genuinely in love with Omarosa.
    Life really is not certain and the good seem to go first, this was a guy from all indication lived a clean, healthy, scandal free life and who seemed happy, down to earth guy and then he died young. There are so many in hollywood abusing drugs, alcohol, promiscuos lives and yet they are alive, well and kicking.
    May he rest in peace and I pray his family and loved ones find comfort.

  89. Fuuuuuuccck! I love MCD and Omarosa is actually a very nice lady, they played up her being crazy for realty tv. I am happy that before he passed he was in love and happy. Rest, you sweet kind soul. I will watch your movies with a new level of respect.

  90. I've heard her castmates say the same thing about her. They said she is a very nice person in reality. My co-worker's son was on the show. He said there was a lot of trickery in how they did things. Sleep depravity for example. The show was also edited to make people worse than what they were. The worst part was that they already knew who they wanted to win before the show started.
