Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Man Fakes Death Then Proposes To Girlfriend

This is the king of the crops when it comes to any marriage proposals. I don't know if you will find one more elaborate or a bigger jerk all at the same time. A man was unsure whether his girlfriend really loved him and he wanted to show her what it would be like if she was forced to live without him because he says that HE is the best thing to ever happen to her. The man in Russia hired a movie director and stuntmen and makeup artists and then told his girlfriend to meet him at a certain place. When she got there she saw the remnants of what appeared to be a very serious car crash complete with ambulances and fire trucks. The girlfriend was told by a paramedic that her boyfriend was dead. She then broke down in tears before the boyfriend popped up and then proposed to her. She said that she almost killed him for real, but did say yes and the couple got married last week.


  1. If it was me, his ass would be on the way to the ME.

  2. Pane?! King of the crops?! English language fail.

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM


  4. This is the worst of the worst. I don't see this relationship ending well. What a psycho!

    I GUESS I might give him a pass if they're totally into horror movies or special effects or something. But seems to me he's totally eclipsed those run of the mill Jumbotron doucheposals - taking manipulation to a new level!!

  5. I don't find this amusing at all. He's way too manipulative for my taste.

  6. Love is one thing, but a mindfuck is

  7. She is out of her mind. This guy is a manipulating control freak.

  8. Manipulate much? Any idiot who'd go to those lengths to ensure the answer he wants is twisted. Run, new fiancee, run!

  9. Emotional abuse much?


  10. Yup. On board with the manipulative freakshow sentiment. I would absolutely say no if someone did this to me, then take out a restraining order.

  11. This is possibly one of the worst things one human could do to another...How unbearably cruel. I wouldn't have married him - what if he pulled similar pranks on his children!

  12. Replies
    1. @Ms Cool, lol! Would that he'd done that to you. I can just see it. He gets out of the wreckage and you just look at him stony. 'Asshole.' Hahaha! That's what he deserved. A big expensive psycho sick buildup and a one word field levelizer. Followed by a restraining order and new number.

  13. I can't find it now because I'm at work, but there's something similar that's been shown on Pinterest as pictures (but apparently a video exists):

    Guy gets on a ledge at a rooftop party, announces that he's going to ask his girlfriend a very important question, and asks a friend to throw him the rings.

    The friend throws them way over the guys head and he "falls" over the ledge of this tall building trying to catch them. The look on the girlfriend's face is horrified, she rushes to the edge...

    and then sees that he's on a big inflatable thing used for stunts, with signs asking her to marry him.

    I would have married him, but brought it up for the rest of his life. "Remember that time when you MADE ME THINK YOU WERE DEAD? I'm picking out the sofa."

    1. OMG *Karen* you just almost took my life. That is so freaking funny!

  14. So wrong. Not funny.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Uncool! I would have said NO! If you feel the need to test someones love, its probably not going to work out in the long run.

  17. unfunny, and wld merit immediate no to marriage proposal from me. yucky

  18. He's really setting himself up to actually get in a horrible accident. Like the guy who died falling into the Grand Canyon when he was pretending to fall into the Grand Canyon. Or the dude who ran through the plate glass window trying to prove that it wouldn't give.

    1. @djphob, really? Someone did that? Ran into a plate glass window? I shouldn't be surprised I guess with the billions of people out there. Natural Selection, just go ahead and select yourself out of the gene pool, dudes.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Anonymous7:40 AM

    So, we're just ignoring the pink overalls then?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. @Saroe - he's EUROPEAN :/

  23. *LOL @ SAROE* I was hoping someone would say something!

  24. Errr, Russian, I guess...

  25. This sounds like a "lesson" George Bluth would teach. "And that's why you don't take your fiancé for granted.". Such a bad idea.

  26. Wow. The only thing more fucked up than this stunt is the woman who said yes and married this trick!


    Besides the obvious fact that this guy is unstable, you shouldn't propose to someone if you're not 100% sure she will say yes, you dipshit.

  28. @ *karen* - your sofa comment made me laugh. You could indeed get a lifetime of milage out of that stunt.

    @kathrynnova - true, there may be cultural differences here that we don't understand. I guess I can only judge from my perspective, but I hear you there.

  29. mmm EmEyeKay dont blame it on us !! "Europeans" dont dress like that at.all.

  30. And somewhere on the other side of the globe, Ashton Kutcher is *fuming* because that is exactly how HE was going to propose to HIS Russian girlfriend.

  31. I can't judge until I see the ring.

  32. Good thing she burst into tears, I suppose? I am one of those people who tries to only cry in privacy. When my dad died it was reported by the local news that I seemed 'unusually in control'. (That's called shock and not wanting to make a show for others)
    I cannot believe she went ahead and married him. Anyone doing that should have a lot to make up for.

  33. Good thing she burst into tears, I suppose? I am one of those people who tries to only cry in privacy. When my dad died it was reported by the local news that I seemed 'unusually in control'. (That's called shock and not wanting to make a show for others)
    I cannot believe she went ahead and married him. Anyone doing that should have a lot to make up for.

  34. @Beta - it's a joke. sometimes in movies or on sitcoms, you'll see a man carrying a purse or wearing something American men would deem odd. An uptight white woman will whisper to another uptight white woman "he's EUROPEAN".

    I can spot a German man a half mile away though. Something about the way they wear their pants...

  35. Em: Love the new picture. The best of both worlds...

    Yeah, maybe this works in other parts of the world but I wouldn't marry him. How about an honest conversation? That would impress me more.

  36. So the ambulance drivers, paramedics, and fire trucks were in on this? I see so many things wrong with this proposal approach. She would be better off single.

  37. lol@califblondie
    ...and if it wasn't acceptable then my SO should consider himself lucky that the law and paramedics were already there.

  38. that aint cool bro

  39. My husband is Eastern European and he did an asshol-ish thing to me before we were married. We had talked about getting married but he hadn't asked me yet. Like a stereotypical woman, I was more into the idea than he was. Well, while we were visiting some of his friends from the old country, in the middle of a dinner, he silenced everyone, got down on one knee, and presented me with a little box. I literally stopped breathing and my eyes lit up. When I opened the box, it just had a cotton ball in it. Then he and everyone else in the room started laughing uncontrollably. Apparently, he had let everyone in on the prank and they all thought it was a great idea. The sense of humor of people from the Balkans. Sheesh.

  40. Well, this story could have left me sad but someone brought up the pink overalls and another mentioned George Bluth...happy ending to an otherwise creepy story.

  41. Why would you ever want to see the person you love cry like that? What a narcissitic douche.


    @EmEyeKay, they always dress like they're going snowmobiling.

    @Kathrynnova, I went to a Russian art gallery in Moscow and each painting was more depressing than the next. Everything was war, famine or of someone seconds from death.

  42. not gonna lie....this made me giggle a little

  43. Jordan (7:50 AM) - Totally getting them The Cornballer for their wedding present!

  44. @g.strathmore: You're a very forgiving woman, I think I would have gone apesh-t.

  45. What a disgusting asshole! She should run the first chance she gets. And change her phone number. And move. And probably get a new job too.

  46. What a dickhead. That's awful

  47. @anita_mark - try taking some Russian History classes sometimes... oy! Talk about depressing! (eh, it was "the time of troubles" only 40 million people died that time...)

    Yeah, this dude was douche-tastic and probably thought her horror and tears were hilarious. I say drop someone that would put you through that just for a cheap laugh. I would be horrified if my love of my life went through a tenth of that by accident! On purpose?!? No fucking way. Total. Deal. Breaker.

  48. This girl needs to run fast the other direction.

  49. So they get married, she's on his insurance, karma hits his ass, she has the last laugh.

  50. @Roxxx, I think I would have been more mad if not for the fact that in general he's extremely affectionate and doting. He (and his fellow Eastern Europeans, especially the Balkans) just have a really screwed up sense of humor sometimes. BTW, never ask to hear Balkan jokes, they will disturb you.

  51. Okay, I've seen a lot of flak on this blog towards armchair psychologists diagnosing people with a range of personality and psychotic disorders. To those of you, (and I am one of you) I say, Fair Game.

  52. misspoppypants: It was a lawyer, no less, in Toronto IIRC. It was one of his popular "party tricks" to prove how strong the glass was...unfortunately, on his last run into the window, the glass actually popped out of the frame (as opposed to breaking), and he fell in the neighborhood of 24 stories or so. "Don't tempt fate" always struck me as a good line of thinking...

  53. @Robin. Wow, that is messed up! That is what I call "Stoopit Human Tricks." Natural selection, indeed!

  54. @g.strathmore: thanks for the tip - I'll keep that in mind : )

  55. @ Robin, you are correct! His name was Garry Hoy, and he studied engineering prior to law if you can believe that shit. Apparently he had done the stunt many times before, and was demonstrating to a group of law students who were arriving at his firm. The thing is, the glass didn't break, it just popped out of its frame. So *technically* he was right.

    But back to the story at hand, this guy has crazy face and she shoulda run while the running was good. Fucking Russia.

  56. "King of the crops" just made me giggle.

    In what world does this guy (or anyone) think this is a good engagement story? Good luck with this one, honey!
