Sunday, September 09, 2012

Man Arrested With Scissors At Miley Cyrus' House

Apparently the next time Miley Cyrus decides to cut her hair, this guy who was arrested at her house yesterday with a pair of scissors would like to help or maybe wanted a lock for his celebrity stalker collection. I can joke because this all turned out ok, but it was a very scary thing. A man tried to force his way inside Miley's house by telling employees he was a friend. Instead, the people called police and it was all caught on video. The man was found with a pair of scissors. You know he is probably not mentally stable, and I don't care how much you dislike Miley, it shows you there are lots of people who wish to do lots of real damage to people.


  1. He was going to chop off the rest of her hair?

  2. It would have made more sense if he'd had a bag of hair extensions

  3. Was Harvey Firestein filming that? "Dumbasssssss."

  4. Entwood.... she's the one that looks mentally unstable :)

  5. Miley's struggles with trying to grow up and "find herself" have certainly led her down some unusual paths recently, but no one deserves this crap.

  6. he was her ex-hair artist !! my joke is idiot!
    it's creepy!

  7. That is creepy.
    I love me some Miley, but so is that picture of her creepy.

  8. Maybe he was going to attempt a mercy-cutting....

  9. That picture isn't doing her any favors.

  10. @dj
    I just watched the video.
    LAs finest.

    and what's around dude's neck?

  11. I think Miley looks awesome.. Leave Miley alooooone!!

    Seriously though.. She's experimenting and good for her.. Dig the leather bottoms but I'm not feeling the beige top.. I love the vampy lipstick. Do yo thang gurl

  12. I like her new hair. It suits her and is edgy.

    She's young and famous - why not try something new and different?

  13. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Please don't try to resurrect the 80' s. It was great then, have great memories, but fashion should be forward.

  14. @djphob BWAHAHAHAHAHA I so thought the same thing!

  15. This stalking celebs is dangerous and sometimes fatal. If he wanted to make a statement about her atrocious hair, he cld hv come here to make snarky anonymous remarks like the rest if us, then kicked back with a beverage, 'stead o' jail!

  16. Actually, this is really creepy, and stalkers are totally not funny....

    What annoys me about Miley Cyrus is that every time she makes a change in her appearance there's such a self-congratulatory display of vanity - just picture after picture -- from herself.

  17. oh GROSS Miley. You are NOT sexy!!!! Her face is not pretty enough to carry that haircut.

    How big of a loser do you have to be to stalk Miley?

  18. Maybe he WAS here.... does anybody know if the perp is..single?

  19. I think i like her new look better than the old bullshit! She does stick out better i guess. On the other hand she sometimes tries too hard.

  20. Isn't this the 2nd time this year something like that has happened? I can only imagine how she feels. Probably not too safe anymore and I can't blame her.

  21. She looks amazing. There I said it. She is so cute! It's fun to try different styles and she is young, no kids, stable relationship and money. As long as she isn't partying all night crying drunk on doorsteps like some people, cough cough lilo, more power to her.

    This guy is gross and I hope she moves to somewhere with a gate perhaps. When you put tons of photos like this of yourself out there on the Internet for any perv to see you are bound to have one try some crazy shit like this

  22. And he had a giant pizza soft pretzel around his neck.

  23. I'm glad this ended well.

    Having said that, the new haircut is shit. Pink can carry hair like that.

  24. what is around her waist in that pic... her daddys fannypack? you can take the gal out the trailer park but you cant... oh you get the point.

  25. He was probably trying to fix her hair.

  26. He was probably trying to fix her hair.

  27. What an odd picture. She looks like a cross between Gwen Stefani in 1996 and Madonna in the 1980s.

  28. WTF is going on in that pic?

    I'm glad they caught this guy. She must have been scared shitless. Security or not, that's just creepy.

  29. Glad he was caught. Stalkers need to be treated with a lot more seriousness in the courts, by the time they 'do' something in order to get arrested the victim is often dead.

  30. Haha, Agent, I LOLed at the "single" comment. I hope that oddball doesn't actually leave his house.

  31. LOL @ Alexie Sayle comment.

    Is Miley twittering endlessly about this? She seems so desperate for attention.

  32. I'm kind of ambivalent about Miley, but anyone doing anything like this to a 19 year old girl is not ok.

  33. Agent made me snork with laughter.

    As for Miley? We all go through our "I'm trying to find myself by rebelling" phase. It's just that when she normally would've? She was in the Disney/Hannah Montana machine. So here she is trying to make up for lost time.

    It remains to be seen if she'll go down the wackadoodle post-Disney tween star train wreck path like so many before her, or if this is just her "Look! I'm edgy/gothy/hipster. Respect me please?" phase.

    She looks like a cross between Pink, Annie Lennox, and the Disneyfied Miley to me.

  34. @djphob
    I saw your comment this morning but finally just watched the video. You nailed it!

  35. That photo of her is hilarious. I mean, wow. So bad. Poor thing is clearly under the impression that she is attractive.

  36. Still looks like a hooker pic to me LOL
