Lucy Hale & Chris Zylka Hate Each Other
Lucy Hale and Chris Zylka might not be household names, but I think everyone needs to remember them not so much for their acting, but for their ability in the future to have other nasty breakups. These two have dated for awhile and their breakup is one of the nastier ones I have seen. In private and in public they are saying bad things about each other. Lucy already moved on and Chris takes every chance he can to say bad things about her and how she thought she was too good for him and that she is a fake and that she says one thing but does another and how he is perfect and blah blah blah. I think he needs to cut Lucy a break. First of all she is on the eat every three days plan which is never good for your mood and the guy is 27 years old and acts like he is 12. He never takes anything seriously and she wanted a guy who did and was not interested in going out every night and partying. If this was a movie they would get back together, but it is not a movie and for all his acting like he is hurt, Chris already has a string of women he is talking to.