Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Is Going To Sue Pedestrian Who She Hit

Lindsay Lohan is under the illusion that she does not drink. She is also trying to get this guy she hit with her car off her back. The man she hit last week says that Lindsay smelled like booze. Police have said Lindsay was not drinking. He didn't say she had been drinking, he said she smelled like booze. It probably comes out of her pores after all those years of drinking. Anyway, Lindsay is going to sue him because she says that people won't hire her if they think she has been drinking. Umm, first of all Lindsay, they don't hire you because you are a bad actress who thinks you are A+ list. Second, you have been drinking in the past two weeks. Your mom's birthday party. Ordering and drinking doubles. Lindsay has no chance of winning and is just trying to strong arm this guy into dropping the charges.


  1. I hope she goes to court and loses. Ordered to pay his legal fees, license revoked and then makes a public apology in that Frog voice of hers.

    That apology will be her best acting evah!

  2. All I have to say is that if Amanda Bynes gets a harsh punishment or jail time, I'm going to be mad.

  3. haha this reminds me of Sam Ronson suing Perez Hilton over some posts and she sued, lost and had to pay his legal fees.

    Hello, Lindsay it is called Freedom of Speech. And actually the Police didn't say she wasn't drinking they didn't administer a breathalyzer on her. So there is no real way to know if she was drinking or not.

    Good luck with that defamation of character lawsuit, I can see the jury giggling already.

  4. Wait............did enty just give up the clues on the blind about the d list actress with a list name recognition who has to audition but doesnt think she should have to??!!

  5. Shawn Holley cannot be stupid enough to move forward with this, or any other attorney. Everything is hearsay, there was no breathalyzer and she wasn't arrested for intoxication, she was arrested for knowingly fleeing the scene of an alleged accident. All she had to do after she got out of the car, and checked the car (which is evident that she was aware she hit something) was walk up to the guy and simply state "nothing happened but let's just file our own police reports just in case". Her problem us SHE CHECKED THE DAMN CAR FOR DAMAGE BECAUSE SHE BELIEVED SHE HIT SOMETGING OR SOMEONE!!!

  6. This is a legal gambit. Counter-sue the sue-er and the legal fees are not covered under the contingency fees from the lawsuit brought by the pedestrian. As most people can't afford to pay a lawyer, the sue-er very often has no choice but to drop the suit.

    This doesn't relieve her of the charges brought by the district attorney.

  7. Usually, the courts will order the plantif to pay court costs and pay legal fees for the defendant. In hearsay cases that are clearly cut and dry, such as this, most attorneys will work on a contingency basis.

  8. All this is, is the stand Lohan strategy. Create subterfuge and filibuster to distract people from the actual crime she commited.

    I am not distracted, she hit someone left the scene and had her assistant check for damage. She did something wrong and she knows it. She never wants to deal with or accept responsibility for her actions. And get out of my City!

  9. Here, here timebob!

    And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember the "victim" saying he was going to sue - all he said was that she smelled like booze.

    You know what they say - past behavior is a predictor (or indicator) of future behavior. It's not like she's known for being sober.

  10. D*mn! That child has got serious problems!

  11. I fucking hate this asshole excuse for a woman.

  12. @whocares, neither of those two things are true. Or even close to being true.

  13. Anyone notice that lately TMZ hasn't been kissing her ass as much? Like they're calling her out on her criminal past and stuff. Maybe she pissed them off

  14. Don't you all realize this wasn't her fault?! It was the cars breaks! ;) hahahaha

  15. Oh, good heavens! Why doesn't she sue that orange cone for not moving out of her way?

    I'm sure we can think of some other scenarios. Like suing that young woman who wore the fur coat to a club so Lindsay could steal it. That was entrapment, right?

  16. @Unknown-right. Nothing is ever true, or is that untrue....unknown?

  17. @whocares, that doesn't make sense, much like your first comment on the subject. If you're writing from a foreign country, you are half right - but I don't think you are.

    In the United States, courts award legal costs and fees in two situations: (a) where it's required by contract, and (b) where a statute provides for it (i.e., a party is suing under a particular law that provides that the prevailing party can be awarded fees & costs, which is typically discretionary). This would be an intentional tort case, which is neither of those situations.

    As to your second point, because it is an intentional tort case, it is true that attorneys would sometimes work on contingency. But typically in defamation/privacy cases, they do not. And since Lindsay is the one claiming defamation here, you can rest assured that no attorney is taking this on a contingency basis.

    So yeah, I stand by my statement that neither thing you said is even close to being true. But by all means, continue dispensing legal opinions.

  18. That face tells you everything you need to know about this waste of genetic material

  19. This is rich -- Lindsay truly does defame just about non-celebrity who ever filed any allegation against her because of something she did (and TMZ runs all her shit spinning too, which is despicable and actionable under the law). That guy who she hit who "sources close to Lindsay" told TMZ had multiple insurance fraud convictions? Never ever filed even one insurance claim in his life. She's ... vile, and has this systematic plan of defaming people and/or strong-arming them, and it really ought to be a crime in itself.

  20. This would NOT fully satisfy the necessary definition of an intentional torts case. There is no possible way for Lindsay to prove that the defendant Acted with purpose and with substantial certainty would result in a tortious result. None of the following happened to enter into a tort case:

    Common law intentional torts include the following:
    False imprisonment
    Trespass to land
    Trespass to chattels (Personal property)
    Intentional infliction of emotional distress
    Invasion of privacy

  21. @whocares: Defamation is an intentional tort. So are the rest of the ones you googled.

    p.s. I am a First Amendment lawyer.

  22. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Amy if that's true, that TMZ's saying that he's had multiple insurance fraud convictions then this is probably somewhat along the right way of taking care of this, bring to the light that this guy is scamming/shady. It's funny that Lohan would be the one to do that though. I actually think that she's sort of on to something here. Notice how I hedge my opinion in sort of-on to something? Because I can't fully agree with anything this streetwalker does. But if her claim and/or belief is that people accuse her of doing these things "just because" she's super stah Lindsay- oh vom I can't finish her frickin name even. Anyways if she thinks that people target her for frivolous lawsuits because of her bad reputation then this would be an effective way to discourage other would-be ambulance chasers going after her. Because lets face it, a jury would never believe LL is innocent of anything involving cars, alcohol or drug use. She's just been the living embodiment of trainwreck since she was what 16?

  23. What I want to know is if she didn't go up to him how does he know she smelt like booze? That girl needs help regardless, but she hasnt hit her own rock bottom yet so don't think she will get it.

  24. I'm soooo over this twat.

  25. Oh that Gavin! He is so responsible for this accident too.
    Ia New York tougher on bad drivers? Or do they give celebs special treatment too?

  26. I've said it before and I'll say it again. She reminds me so much of Dana Plato.

  27. YourNameHere, that's an interesting comparison. By all accounts, Dana had a very sweet spirit despite her addictions and problems, and told people close to her that all she really wanted was just to feel loved. (Adopted; close to adopted mother but she died young from cancer, IIRC; feelings of rejection due to being given up for adoption, although I think she met her birth mother; got pregnant young on purpose to have someone to love and love her back; etc.)

    I know I'm the CDAN Schmuck, but I wonder if there isn't some of that in LL. I'm not excusing her actions; I'm just hoping to grasp at an explanation, if you will. Social worker thing...we don't see folks as all good or all bad, you know.

    As a social worker in training and someone with her own mental issues, I still root for her in a small way.

  28. Oh Lindsey will win. For someone reason, she always gets away with it. Slap on the wrist or 5 minutes in jail. Then some stupid director will hire her for a movie. This girl is getting way too many chances. They need to lock her away for a long time, before she kills someone or herself.
