Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Arrested In New York City

It is a whole different world of justice in New York City. Sure, the rich and the celebrities still have it a little easier, but last night Lindsay Lohan was arrested for something she probably would not have been arrested for in LA. A report would have been taken, but she probably would not have been arrested. Last night, Lindsay Lohan was driving her NYC Porsche and she hit a pedestrian. Lindsay could not be bothered with the situation and sent a minion to check on the damage to her car, not to the pedestrian, but to the car and Lindsay went inside to party. While she was inside partying someone called the police after the pedestrian had gone to the hospital and when Lindsay came out at 2am she was arrested and charged with misdemeanor hit and run. No Shawn Holley in New York to help her.


mmshukla008 said...

Hope the pedestrian is Ok.

stigs84 said...

Can you imagine how embarrassing it must be to be one of Lindsay's younger brothers, the ones that aren't in the spotlight? The entire world knows how dysfunctional the family is, I'd be so embarrassed to step foot outside. Can you imagine going to school?

"Your sister just got arrested the day after your mom was drunk on Dr. Phil"
"Yeah, I know"

a non a miss said...

Amanda was stealing her thunder, she had to retaliate the only way she knew how

Anonymous said...

I know this sounds horrible, but I'm rooting on the drugs. This girl needs to be gone before she hurts anyone else.

Henriette said...

Did anyone win the bet of her next accident? It was September 19, 2012 around midnight.

Anonymous said...

This one's not obsolete, Dina

Barton Fink said...

rejectedcarebear, I think the whole Lohan media blitz is taking place because of Bynes. You're onto something here!

Anonymous said...

.....a bloated mess. SMH

a non a miss said...

Barton- this is typical HS girl behavior, always trying to be 'cooler' and out do the other girl. The funny/sad part- no one cares about them anymore.

StewMcG said...

Damn it! I was off by exactly one month on this (I picked 08/19/2012 from midnight to 2am.) *grrr*

Princess ButterKwup said...

She has to stay alive 10 more months to make it into the 27 Club. I don't know if she can make it that long though.

Rose said...

How man pedestrians does this make? Hopefully NY is a lot stricter than CA.

discoflux said...

WEll, phooey. I was a couple of week off on the pool. I hope the pedestrian is okay and I hope NYC actually prosecutes her.

The Black Cat said...

What will it take to get this girl put away, does she have to injure a bus load of children or something before her Teflon coating peels off?

KLM said...

I had a baby a few months ago so I haven't been on here nearly as often as I used to be, so it sounds like I missed out on a fun pool. Anyway, I feel like this is such wonderful karma - for this trick to make a statement about Amanda (albeit another trick), it's just laughable.

__-__=__ said...

OK, misdemeanor hit and run but someone is in the hospital? Doesn't sound like misdemeanor to me. Hope the pedestrian is OK. If I was one of her brothers I would change my name and move anywhere besides NY or LA. At least one of them is old enough to be self sufficient.

shauniebear said...

I just got home from a 24 hour work shift and I'm exhausted, but I swear I just did a happy dance all over my house after reading this!! Yeah, baby!

MISCH said...

Darn Idiot

Lilbeach said...

Being from NY I can vouch that there are some crazy pedestrians that have a death wish walking around. And they travel in packs!! Yeah pedestrians have the right of way, but some of them bank on this instead of using common sense. And lets not forget the cab drivers that like to play chicken with them. I get an an anxiety attack anytime i have to drive around NYC.

Ari said...

i hope they put her in Rikers, stupid bitch

misspeg86 said...

Is she still in custody? I bet this arrest means nada...someone needs to teach this girl a lesson!!!

Lilbeach said...

And from the news article I read, she was rolling thru a crowded alley going slow and she "grazed" this 34 yr old guy. I hate Lindsay but grazing doesn't sound that serious. I'm ashamed to admit this has happened to me once. I wasn't famous enough to get the cops called apparently.

rhinovodka said...

I am so tired of hearing about this useless twat.

Shocky said...

I'm probably one of ten people on the planet that still feels for her and hopes she can turn herself around but she's testing even me. Come ON, Cady Heron.

@KLM congratulations!

pilly said...


Kim D Esq said...

I thought that was courtney love for a second

Bit dams said...

OMG, what is wrong with her?! unbelievable.

VIPblonde said...

Totally my first thought too! So much for Dina's theory that none of the car-related charges would have happened if Lindsay was in NY!!

figgy said...

PLEASE make her do some time! 6 Months at least.

Anonymous said...

I still hope she can make it through this and comes out on top.

That said... Dammit I lost the pool.
Anyone wanna start a Bynes pool?

goheels83 said...

KLM congrats!!!

Mark B said...

I have always had the feeling that if she ever has to do any substantial time she'll kill herself.

Theresa said...

Why the hell is she driving in NYC? To a club, of all places??? Take a cab bitch!!

Anna V. Xol said...

Kim D, I thought that was Courtney Love too! Some people have no damn manners. Denting your car by being all there and then whining and going to the hospital just to be dramatic.

This is your brain on drugs. I say the pedestrian should get to whack her with the pan.

urg8urg said...

LOL, one day after Dina tells us on Dr Phil that she never would've been arrested or gotten in toruble if she was still in NY. OK. Is there a mug shot yet?

OneGirlRevolution said...

I hate to be on Lindsey's side...on anything...BUT, new reports say that the cops who reviewed video couldn't agree on whether she grazed him or not and the guy "sprinted" after her car after the supposed grazing. After she got out of the car (and he presumably saw who it was) he called an ambulance and went to the hospital.

True, sometimes adreneline can get you to a certain point, but I think in this particular instance, Lindsey is blameless.

(Give her another week though...)

KLM said...

Thanks for all the congrats - getting plenty of sleep (thankfully), but I've been back to work for a few weeks now and still trying to get caught up! I long for the days when I can consistently get back on CDAN here and there to comment! I think in another week or two I should be back to cruise control... But it's good to be back!

timebob said...

welcome back @KLM :)

The bigger issue for her is the probation violation. Plus the fact she should just stay home and keep her nose clean for the next three years. But that's crazy talk.

Hopefully she will violate her probation and be shipped back to CA. Get out of my City crazy lady, kthxbi

Char said...

Even if the accident wasn't serious or her fault, she still left the scene which she of all people should know you can't do, but she's an entitled brat so she did anyway. She thinks she has the right to do things that regular people don't have the right to do. Someone put this b!tch in jail for a long time please.

The Dude said...

How does she even have a DL? With her DUI's and accidents what state would issue one to her? Also doesn't this trainwreck have any friends who drive? And why would you drive in NY? Must be a setup for attention, between her M&D and Amanda and no paps caring about her she has to create re drama on her own.

kfg said...

What's with the double chin??

kfg said...

What's with the double chin??

WUWT? said...

Ok, by 2am when she came out of the club and was arrested, she was presumably drunk; can they assume she was also impaired at the time of the accident? How could they prove it? I hope they can prove it, because that will make the charges worse, give her real consequences, and give her a chance to finally get a clue.

Court said...

agree with everyone else who said WHY WAS SHE DRIVING IN NYC? i tend to feel a little, tiny bit bad when people get arrested for driving in LA because there aren't so many options, but in NYC? that's ridiculous. cab, subway, private driver...etc.

ingrid said...

That double chin is the booze bloat.

WUWT? said...

Oh, her mom said her troubles wouldn't have happened in NYC? Sounds like Lindsay heard that and thought, You don't tell me what to do or not do! and got herself in trouble in NYC.

(Like: Once upon a time 25 years ago, I know I would have purposefully left my shoe untied if my mother told me to tie it. Right?)

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

She's already put up bail & is out of the pokey for the time being...emphasis on "for the time being." Here's hoping the cops did a quickie Breathalyzer test for her BAC and can pin drunk driver on her; I'm not getting my hopes up, but perhaps NYC will take a dimmer view of her antics than LA does, and will proceed accordingly. Look out, Rikers!...

skimpymist said...

Please let justice be finally served. Tmz is trying to make this incident not that serious. It's just another day of lindsay being the hot mess she is. Can't wait to see the next mug shot.

Mango said...

I came to post exactly what Court said. There is no reason why that bitch couldn't call or hail a cab.

New Life and Attitude said...

Bwahahaha! Yes the first thing I thought when I saw that this was in NYC was about what her mom said on Dr. Phil about most of her problems wouldn't have happened if she had been in NY. Too damned ironic!

And yes I think someone needs to start an Amanda Byne pool. The way she is going she may out do LiLo.

auntliddy said...

She isnt capable of learning anything. Nothing gets in her brain.

auntliddy said...

Congrats on baby!!!!!

auntliddy said...

"grazing"' lol

auntliddy said...

I dont. I dont think shes aware of where she is most of the time.

auntliddy said...

All drunks want to drive.

jaariel said...

Mug shot! We need a new mug shot to add to the collection, Enty. Maybe print them all side by side, like faces of meth...

@Syko- I was going to say the same thing! Seems lilo's crimes are taken MORE seriously in NY, DINA!

Agree with the WTH is up with the perpetual double/triple chins? You'd think she would have lipo'd that by now.

And, it's sad how a few yrs ago, Linds couldn't take a bad photo. Now it's hard to find a good one.

Diane Marie said...

This is OT but why does Enty have pro life ads on his site and advertising that Obama won't defend the unborn??!! Seriously? Seriously don't think woman have a right to decide what to do with their bodies?

misspoppypants said...

WUWT, haha, love it.!! She probably shrieked at a television through a window if radio shack since she again was kicked out of the Chateau, 'WTF you twat, I'm going to take some poor bastard down, walk off on him and go clubbing. We'll see what happens then you whore!'

ElRod said...

I think that bloated pic is old, swear I've seen it before. :/

ElRod said...

Unless you make some donations to keep your favorite gossip blog up & running id suggest you give enty a break... content from advertisers aren't always going to align with your views and I don't think it reflects badly on enty. #GetOverIt

Popnursing said...

Did anyone pick this date? Who was closest? Yea Linds! More entertaining than your movies.

WUWT? said...

didi, some of the ads are user-related. If I search for computer batteries on Amazon and Interstate Batteries, I see ads for computer batteries on CDaN. If I search for salt lamps, I get ads for salt lamps. Anyway, I have gotten liberal-themed political ads after looking at Marriage Equality sites (used to live in MN, where it's on the ballot), and conservative ones after reading about the VP candidate's history. So you may have an anti-Obama ad because you visited a political site whose funding skews right, whether or not the site seemed to be biased. I don't know how it all works, but it's not Enty picking each individual ad.


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