Friday, September 14, 2012

Lessons From The "World's Ugliest Woman"

Lizzie Velasquez has a medical condition so rare that just two other people in the entire world have it. She is incapable of creating muscle, storing energy or gaining weight. She weighs just 60 pounds and each one of those pounds is amazing. She is 23 years old and has been a motivational speaker for the past seven years. Her second book was just published this month. In high school, someone made a YouTube video of her where she was dubbed the ugliest woman in the world. People told her in the comments she should kill herself. She didn't listen and instead set to show the world you can do anything. Amazing. Look at her on Dr. Drew this week.


  1. God, that's pathetic.

    1. Shut up, Old Man. She has way more balls and beauty than you'll ever have. She doesn't go on random blogging sites and tear others down.

  2. People can be so cruel.

  3. Yay good for you Lizzie!

  4. I'm buying that book. I'd rather read that than some celebrity's insipid memoir.

  5. Yes, people are cruel...

  6. But she's not ugly. As for ugliest woman in the world...Not even close. Who decides this crap??? Who are these people??? It's just like saying Gwynnie Paltrow is the best dressed woman in the world. I actually work with a woman who I think dresses far better than Gwynnie.

  7. See what I am saying, humans, are beasts. Why would you tell someone to kill themselves?

    These are the kind of stories that is great reminder to be thankful for everything you are, and everything you have.

  8. Some people are really disgusting.

  9. and by that I mean, disgusting on the inside..whatever happened to empathy, kindness and compassion?

  10. Bravo! Since beauty really shines from within, she is truly more beautiful who do a poor job at faking inner or outer beauty.

  11. Also, I've seen her speak and she is really calm, poised and positive. Truly a shining light!

  12. Some (a lot) of people are so shallow they make me sick. She's not ugly, she has a beautiful soul and that's the most important thing to me in a person. Yup, North American society is in the shitter, no question.

  13. OMG, how could people DO that do her?

    What a brave woman.....

  14. People can be so goddamn cruel. The internet removes many from humanity, as if they are commenting at and about fictional characters, saying things they'd never say to someone's face.

  15. I work with adults with disabilities, and they amaze me with what they accomplish. Most of them have achieved more than most of the able-bodied people I know.

    The amount of discrimination and vile cruelty they experience from superficial jerkoffs on a daily basis is pretty horrifying.

    1. ^^yes! 22 years in the field and just when I think I've seen everything, a person with a disability amazes me again--in spite of discrimination and against the odds... Well said, Artemis :) And I wish every good thing to the loveliest woman in the world. Beauty really is skin-deep.

  16. She is such an amazing, powerful and beautiful woman! People are really sick in this world. I am so happy she is standing up to all those assholes and making a name for herself. You know, the cheerleaders who made fun of her in Highschool are probably married to men who cheat on them and THEY are ugly on the inside and out.

  17. People like her make me ashamed for bitching about the trivial roadblocks in my life.

  18. Wow. What an amazing woman! Good for her!

  19. Shes not ugly. She's beautiful.

  20. I find her beautiful myself. I'm sure many others do as well.

  21. Now, that is self esteem. My kind of woman.

  22. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Speaking strictly on physical beauty...I've seen a LOT worse. I don't find her very ugly.

    Now, this woman is amazing. I wish I had the confidence she has.

  23. I find myself alternately wanting to punch those bullies in the face (and I am not a violent person) and bursting into tears thinking of the adversity she's faced and overcome. She is an inspiration.

    I try to never say anything online that I wouldn't say to someone's face. There's a person sitting on the other end, at another screen... and words have consequences, even through the anonymity of the internet.

  24. I heard he interviewed on a local radio station in Austin this morning, and she has an amazing wit.

  25. She's awesome. I'd go see her speak any day.

    (but of note? I think you meant incapable of creating fat - adipose - not muscle Enty. If she had no muscle, different condition entirely.)

  26. I don't think she is ugly either.

  27. Amazing woman, Bless her.

  28. She's showing her STRENGTH

    it's great to look at the world sometimes and just say FUCK YOU!

    Life. Lemons. Lemonade!!!

  29. That is pretty cool. I love it when we use our diffferences to inspire others.

  30. @pilly, that is exactly what able bodied people should be doing rather than sitting there feeling sorry for themselves and waiting for someone else to give them a helping hand as if they are entitled to it. It's a survival mechanism.

  31. Bless her heart--I can't imagine going through a fraction of what she has over the years. Why people would rag on a total stranger like that, much less someone with a medical condition that she was born with and can't help, is beyond me. (As I understand it, she also has to eat every 15-20 minutes just to stay alive, since she can't store anything; I don't know how she finds the time to do anything else given those circumstances.) Hang in there, Lizzie--I'd say to tell 'em all to go fuck themselves, but you probably have way too much class to go that route...

  32. in a perfect world, he book would FAR outsell, Farrah"s (from Teen Mom) book (and Farrah's wouldn't be a NYT best seller)

  33. @urban chaos - people lost sympathy, empathy and compassion when the internet allowed them to hide behind their screens and keyboards pretending they were perfect. Not one of those bastards would ever have the balls to say that crap to her in person. Cowards.

    Anyone that can turn a situation from bad to good deserves our support -- Go Lizzie!

  34. Anonymous10:30 AM

    She's unusual looking, but not ugly.

    Sometimes I think the internet has caused a horrible breakdown in manners. People are anonymous on here and their meanness is hidden, but the tendency to be mean carries on over into everyday life, where kids can make fun of elderly bus monitors for being overweight and people can call this strong and lovely young woman "ugly".

  35. I "liked" her on FB months ago and see her posts. She's funny and has a great personality. She's just about done with her bachelor's degree, and she has a really wonderful family and a lot of friends. So yes, it seems like there are struggles in her life, but a lot of good stuff too.

  36. She is one strong and amazing human being. We are all better for hearing her story.

  37. Anonymity brings out the worst in some people. That's just horrid.


  38. This was in high school-I just would never expect such unabashed compassion and sincere appreciation for inner beatuy in that kind of enviornment. high schoolers are wolves-it's the enviornment, the hormones, the pack mentality. It's fucking Hunger Games shit-define or be defined-hate or be hated.

    Some schools are worse than others but I bet most of the people who were cruel to her regret it and nowhere near like that as adults.

  39. Ok now I'm crying here. She's a beautiful lady and an inspiration to all of us. I'm shocked at how the internet brings out the sociopathic haters in the world.

  40. @Lola- You're so right. This girl is amazing, the crap that "ruins" my day is nothing compared to what may ruin hers. I'm glad she has the ability to accept life for what it is and rise above it.

  41. Don't buy into the lie that anonymity is what makes people become assholes. That kind of cruelty was just as common when I was a kid more than thirty years ago.

    We just hear about online cruelty more because it's in comments on Youtube or on twitter and other people see it and it becomes a much more public thing than it was before the internet, where often it was only two people who would ever know about it and that was because they had been there, one bully, one victim.

    I think we throw around the word bully too often when disagreements get heated, but truly I'll never understand how people can say things like this to a fellow human being. It almost makes me cry she's had to endure this. She is a much, much stronger person than I have ever been.

  42. She goes to school at Texas State, my alma matter. Cool. I wish her tons of success and hope this new celebrity status takes her far into the world. Living well is the best revenge. Bullies suck. And so on...

  43. Another example of why the human race needs a high octane chlorine douching. WTF is wrong with some people? Good for Lizzie for showing those twats what true beauty and grace is!

  44. I love people like this. She blows all of us away with her strength, resolve and attitude. To quote the late great Nora Ephron "Be the heroine of your life, not the victim" and this woman clearly is the heroine of her life.

  45. Is cosmectic surgery an option?

  46. Beauty is skin deep, ugly goes straight to the bone.

  47. Good for you sweetheart! Go on with your bad self!

  48. She's amazing and intelligent and articulate. Just awesome.

  49. I watched a few of her YouTube videos earlier this year. Very inspiring. I want to know why people have the audacity to think they get to decide who is ugly and who isn't. THAT is what makes you ugly. Your character. Some people have none.

    Another thing I can't stand is how ppl always put fat and ugly together. Yes, there are some unattractive heavy people, but there are unattractive thin people and unattractive models too. I've been judged my whole life for my weight (and I see waaaay worse all the time), and it just amazes me how superficial people are and how unaware of people's feelings they are. Well, how much they don't care, because that's what it is.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say she is gorgeous, but what she lacks in physical beauty she more than makes up for it with her strength, intelligence and drive. More people should strive to be as brave and and genuine as she is.

    Words hurt more than anything.

  50. wow, what a strong woman. good for her. she should be one of those anti-bullying advocates or something. GOOD KARMA.

  51. She said it best right off..All these people are cowards who hide behind their computer calling her ugly and then telling her she should kill herself. (Talking to betteroffsingle here.) Good for her, stop staring and start learning!
    @Cassidy: Are you telling Robert to shut up? I think his comment "that's pathetic" is in response to how mean people are. Robert has shown himself to be a very kind person. Just wanted to point in out to clear up any misunderstandings. Forgive me if I was wrong on that one.

  52. She's a doll in my eyes

  53. @Sherry, cosign re Robert's comment. He is speaking about the way people react.

  54. I don't find her ugly either.

    Dr. Drew said she was born without fat. If she needs a donor she can contact me, lol. I'll gladly donate a few pounds.

  55. I think she's the second most beautiful woman EVER. That's not pity or shame - that is because she's found a way to make her physical self translucent and we can see the REAL BEAUTY radiate from inside.

    Indeed my cohorts, considering how I make my living, it may seem hypocritically laughable to say that - but it is how I feel. Imagine a world where people are rated/ranked not on their money, glamour, physicality, or fashion...not on gossip, rumours, lies, or tweetporn - but on how they treat others. How they act towards others. How they give of themselves for others (esp. those in need - like dying/sick/suffering loved ones), and that they be judged on the person they are inside-->outwards vs. the opposite.

    If that were the case then I know several CDAnners who would make the tre' chic 50 Most Beautiful list each year! It is inspiring to see this woman has found peace and acceptance with herself. Even a shallow narcissist such as I can applaud that ;-)

    When you find the beauty from'll never do without.

    1. If only we can all be so forgiving as she is. I too am guilty of making crass comments. Lizzy makes me examine myself. I think going forward a lot of us will be reminded to be more kind.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry I can 't get the hang of Kindle...

  57. That was lovely @himmmm!

    And thumbs up to a classy strong woman. What an inspiration! I've often felt that those born with beauty end up lacking in personality (this is a gross over generalization so bare with me, please).

    When you are beautiful you end up with a lot of yes people around you. Those with character actor faces develop layers to their personality to stand out. I've noticed this especially as I get older. The pretty ones are having nervous breakdowns and spending thousand on plastic surgery. Us character actors have already gone through that stage and are out enjoying la beautiful life - wrinkles, warts, noses and all!

    Maybe one of you writer types can express this better than me! All I know is this - I'd rather have an intelligent , kind, funny man over a drop dead gorgeous adonis any day. It's the wrinkles that make us interesting. Not the perfection!

  58. PS - people liked Lizzie are old souls who come back to teach us those important lessons! God Bless you Lizzie! Another Earth Angel :)

  59. What a doll...
    I hope her book becomes a best seller....
    Now off to buy it...

  60. Anonymous8:14 AM

    She is without doubt different looking but the way she speaks and uses what she has got is just an inspiration. I agree with the earlier poster who said she has an old soul because there isn't really another way to explain her wisdom at such a young age. I hope her book does really well and provides a positive source of material for young people to look to.

  61. I read Lizzie's story several months ago and she is indeed a beautiful, bright, courageous person. I wish I was more like her!

  62. I read Lizzie's story several months ago and she is indeed a beautiful, bright, courageous person. I wish I was more like her!

  63. I think internet commenters, particularly YouTube commenters are some of the worst of humanity.
    The exception of course, is the majority of commenters here.

    What a brave woman.
