Sunday, September 09, 2012

Kristen Stewart Says Everything Is Fine With Robert Pattinson

I guess if you spend your days trying to decide which of Robert Pattinson's clothes to wear for yourself while trying to avoid the handsiness of the guy you are staying with and buying a house with your mom, you might think that everything is ok in your world. Kristen Stewart was in a press conference yesterday for On The Road when some brave member of the media asked if things would be awkward when she goes on a press tour with Robert Pattinson. Kristen responded by saying that it will be fine and then amended her answer to also say that, "We're totally fine." I wonder if Liberty Ross and Rupert Sanders would give the same answer.


  1. Well, that went well...

  2. Guess that's what happens when you have a fake relationship.

  3. I'd much rather talk about Jon Hamm's penis. Has everyone seen the photos from DListed last night? My goodness.

  4. Rob and I are totally fine too! (he just doesn't know it, yet)

  5. Whattttt EmEyeKay??? Off to look now!

  6. Now, that's a fine idea !

  7. @Em - news I can use!! Thanks, lady!

  8. OMG EmEyeKay!!! I swear to God I dreamed about it last night. Jennifer Westfeldt is a lucky, lucky lady. Damn.

  9. She doesn't know us, she doesn't trust us (nor should she), ofcourse she's going to give an "I'm fine" answer.

    Wether we realize it or not, she doesn't owe us anything, including an insight to her emotional struggles.

  10. Oh, and strawberrygirl - get out of my head :-)!!

  11. Enty's displaying his anti-KStew bias again. Wonder why. Did she once snub him in some way? Did she pee in his bowl of Fruit Loops? There has to be a reason.

    Based on what Ms. Stewart's said herself via social media recently (as in within the past week or so), it seems that she and RPatz have at least reached some kind of agreement as to where they go from here. As to how Liberty Ross and Rupert Sanders are doing as a couple... that isn't her problem, nor should it ever have been. Sanders is (and was) the one married to Ms. Ross, not Stewart.

  12. Jon Hamms peen is forever etched in my head now. Thank youuu MK!

  13. I keep looking at the photos. I can't stop. I feel like a perv, but, helLO, it's just all out there!

  14. Well thank you Em. I need to sit and rest a spell now.

  15. EmEyeKay...Oh yes, Oh yes.....and now I know he doesn't wear boxers or briefs..

  16. Can't help it - have to ask - men, is going commando comfortable? That whole sitch looks like a painful accident waiting to happen!

  17. I thought she was asked about how the Breaking Dawn promo was going to go and she mentioned it would be fine

  18. I saw those Hamm Peen pics this morning! Hammy had a halfie!

  19. OMG, off to Dlisted.......thanks Em! ;)

  20. Em
    I saw those last night and posted one to my fb.
    I told my friend the same thing, 'i can't stop looking at them!'

  21. Why isn't Enty bitching about Sanders too? He's just as much, if not more, to blame. (Not excusing her, it's just like we're acting like Sanders was an innocent party here).

  22. Hamm seems perfectly content going commando, and I thank him for it, LOL. Wow!

    I'd never heard of Liberty Ross until this scandal, but she seems to be getting a lot of work and publicity lately. She's going to be walking a runway again. And Sanders' career hasn't taken a hit. Pattinson keeps picking crappy movies, but I'm sure the scandal got more people to see "Cosmopolis" than otherwise would.

    I saw, "Welcome to the Rileys" the other night. KStew was very good in this, and in spite of what people think, is a very talented actress. She has her unique mannerisms, but then again, so many other actresses do, too, but it hasn't hurt them the way it's hurting her. Playing the shitty albeit popular character of "Bella" helped her earning power but has almost ruined her cred as a good actress. I think she'll eventually overcome it. I've seen her in enough good movies to believe it.

  23. Susan, Rupert wasn't one half of the most publicized two-some in recent entertainment history.

  24. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I so see this as a publicity stunt, particularly since KStew and Rob.never seemed to have a relationship except during the pre-release of a Twilight installment. This particular drama gets Twi-hards pumped up to see the couple in a last embrace on-screen, 2. an affair helps audiences see Kristen as now grown up, a femme fatale which will help her career by making the transition from a tween favorite to adult eye candy, 3. Liberty Ross becomes a household name, 4. Rob gets public sympathy...just not buying the cheating ...another contract fulfilled and a dramatic final act.

  25. Michelle - ITA. You just summarized the whole thing beautifully.

  26. She doesn't bug me. I must say, that is quite an unflattering picture, though.

    And what's this about Jon Hamm's penis? Thanks, Em, for the public service announcement! *off to D Listed*

  27. Robert, great comment:
    "Did she pee in his bowl of Fruit Loops?"

    Methinks she probably peed in Entwood's bacon milkshake.

  28. If you want to see even more entertaining photos of Jon Hamm, head over to OhNoTheyDidn't--the comments alone are worth the trip! (I wasn't aware that "Shark Week" was a euphemism for menstruation, BTW, and I very much agree w/the avatar that said "If I saw a giant pitcher of Kool-Aid crash through a brick wall, I'd scream and shit my pants"!)

  29. You are all very welcome! Gotta run now - have happy Sundays!

  30. I am so in the minority here, but John Hamm Just doesn't do it for me. And I always think it kinda looks gross when you can see the whole package...
    That being said, I still went over to dlisted! :-)

  31. Oh My G! (hard G)

    1) Thanks Em for the redirect

    2) Are we wearing Superman's cape or something? It's like you can see through those trousers!

    3) My husband walked into the room while I was admiring (?) the Dlisted photos. I jumped as if I got caught looking at donkey porn.

    And all of this on God's day. I'm so ashamed ;)

  32. On the John Hamm subject-
    Nice Hamm hock
    Even the ladies need a little something for the spank bank ;)

  33. My husband thinks I am looking at my 'Space Porn'. He finally asked how many pix of Mars can you look at?

  34. @Frufra Ive "heard" that it's more freeing. You can't however sit on their laps b/c zippers are apparently deadly weapons in disguise......Tee. Hee.

    @Em Now youve got me all curious lol.

    ...I had a dream about teen heartthrob BobbyPat the other night. Dude was totally coming onto me. First reaction....."Ummmm, I think you're in the wrong dream. I'm not even attracted to you. I think your ex girlfriend is hotter to be honest."

    Dreams are wierd. I haven't even read any of the Twilight books.

  35. I called my friend over from the next room just to look at those pictures, and she was literally at a loss for words

  36. @Sunny & Agent .....And now we know husbands have a built in Jon-Hamm-peen-o-meter! ;)

  37. @Coriander Shea
    Love it!

  38. Best. Pics. Ever. He is an excellent walker.

  39. @coriander
    And Agent and I are always posting similar stuff at the same time. It's a trip

  40. meh, I took it as, we are both professionals and aren't going to be screaming at each other on the red carpet.

    There is a lot of money at stake and both know they have to put on their monkey suits and grind that organ when the time comes and they will.

    I just want this stupid franchise to be over already.

  41. See, this is why CDAN is simply tops in my book :-). Love you girls!! All y'all's comments made me giggle like a schoolgirl!

  42. Oh now I must go look at Jon's big fat weiner. Funny how this went from KStew to peen and all of us care more about that. What a buncha pervs! Count me amongst you. LOL

  43. @Em, saw Jon Hamm's package on Dlisted last night! Had to share on FB to the non-admiration of my male friends.

    Is it weird that the first thing I did when I saw those was show my guy?

    1. I did too! When I showed him he looked at me like I had a third eye.

  44. I also have always seen this as a BS publicity stunt. Interest for Twilight had waned with Hunger Games and 50 Shades stealing their thunder.

    K Stew has spent most of her career in hiding from paps and it took how many years for PDA shots of her and RPatz to surface? Yet here she is suddenly carefree in public with her married Director for the world to see.

    Huge scandal erupts. People and media once again can't get enough Twi news and the last installment is suddenly hottest ticket in town.

    A complete unknown director whose big blockbuster debut only received lukewarm response and his equally unknown actress/model wife suddenly have fame and interest in them and she is all over fashion week.

    The real victims are the children but they always seem to play the price of the Hollywood game.

    Side note - K Stew looked happiest shes ever been in the photos with Rupert plus seems more relaxed now than she ever was with Rob.

  45. Agree with strawberrygirl, why should she be upset, the relationship was fake. Same with Rob.

    Never believed they were real.

  46. She annoys me. He annoys me (albeit slightly less than her). Twilight annoys the holy shit out of me.

    That is all.

  47. I believe they did hook up, but I don't think they were ever exclusive. I agree with @Alice. Girlfriend knew how to not get papped. She did this on purpose.

  48. Sunny, pretend you're in Australia - it's Monday.
    I too discussed the Jon Hamm photos with hubby, I believe the Hamm is cut. Fabulous start to my week.

  49. As a newlywed I should not be laughing at the John Hamm pics as much as I did!

  50. I believe I only saw J.Hamm's balls, not his peen. Or I have to look again and use the zoomin-tool xD

  51. *back*
    Must be his balls, since I don't think he has 2 peens.
    Look closely:
    (obviously NSFW haha)

    HA! I can't believe I am looking at this and examening the pics as some kind of evidence. mhahaa

  52. LOL woke up from a nap, read these comments and told the BF, "HEY! John Hamm's penis is on the Internet!" His response? "I WANNA SEE!" It sure is defined in those pants, huh?

  53. Oh an penis aside, I also think the KS photos came off as staged.

  54. Hamm, thanks for making my day way better. Jack White also goes commando, esp in concerts, makes it very distracting for me.

  55. Oh, for God's sake, Enty!

    She was answering a question about how they'll interact while publicizing the movie. Ya think maybe her answer was in that context?

    I'm going to go out on a limb here, and suppose that "We're totally fine" means, "We're grown adults who can be in one another's presence for professional reasons without any incident."

    Show some judgment, wouldja? This is the kind of crap reporting I expect from TMZ: it's way beneath you.

  56. Well those pics made my weekend better. Had to rush my daughter to ER for chest pains, palpitations, dizziness, and couldn't breathe. After HOURS at the hospital they said her EKG and BP were normal and sent us home. Said if it continues to call her dr (who told us to go to ER) and have some tests ran. I looked at wanna be McDreamy and said isn't that why you have the machines and labs here? So I've paid $300 I don't have and will get a bill for 20% of the total bill. And to top it all off, she is still having the pains and dizziness. I'm at a loss for what to do. And I'm still on that damned yeast diet so I can't even drink my problems away. GRRRRRR

  57. Back from dlisted... What were we talking about?

  58. @bobi
    Is there any way she could've had a major panic/anxiety attack? They're terrifying if you've never had one before. I hope you both feel better tonight.
    And damn that yeast cleanse!

  59. @bobi. Daughter went through this in middle school, and these were panic attacks. You are right to rule out other causes. The panic attacks are hormone-related and ended when we learned her triggers were lack of sleep combined with caffeine in soft drinks. She had a prescription to help.

    @Michelle: I'd go with the conspiracy idea except evidence against it is that both lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Anxiety and heartbreak does this.

  60. @Frufra, I think it's how some women are more comfortable wearing bras and some women are more comfortable not wearing bras. My husband likes the feeling of support, but his brother prefers to swing loose. It's just a matter of preference.

  61. First thing I did was call to my husband to see the pics! He said they were fake, I THINK NOT!

  62. Just checked out d-listed and boy is mr. disco gettin' some tonight!

  63. @rejectedcarebear: It shames me to say I googled his peen and was fascinated for at least 30minutes. My godddd, why are his pants to tight? And how is this man single? (if he is xD Was too busy googleing his peen instead of his lovelife haahhahaa)

    I actually realized I had a huge poster of the White Stripes, so I looked it up in my basement, and there it was, his peen in full-size view. HA!
