Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kris Allen Dropped By RCA

Winning American Idol does not mean as much as it used to. Season 8 winner, Kris Allen has been dropped by RCA. Now Kris will be forced to try and make records on his own and I'm sure he thinks he will have a ton of success but the way to make money in music these days is to go on tour and I think he and Adam Lambert should go on tour. Together. It would make money and they could sell more records just at shows then they would ever do so traditionally. They would make a very good living. As it stands right now, if Kris just decides to do something on his own he is going to get lost in that whole white guy with a guitar thing from the last few seasons of Idol where everyone just kind of feels like the same person.


  1. And this would also, a tour "together" would make Adam very happy? :-)

  2. whole white guy with a guitar thing

    Thank you, I've been saying the same thing for a while now.

    The Voice is soooo much better than Idol. The judges look for quirky talent and selection is made based on singing, not packaging or marketability.

  3. With the exception of two winners, winning American Idol has never meant anything.

  4. does winning any of these shows mean anything?

    top model? project runway? voice?

    I don't watch and never hear anything about most of the winners.

  5. I'm an Adam Lambert fan myself, but he's someone who needs very aggressive management. He's a wonderful singer, but terrible at choosing songs. His first album, which I presume was overseen by Simon Cowell and the Idol team, was great; his second was awful.

  6. So enty are they going to end up together or not?

  7. I have friends who would be all over a this. They would not shut up about the two of them when they were on AI together.

  8. He needs a gimmick.Clay Aiken was coy about his sexuality for years because it brought him popularity.

  9. Little Baby Jade...

    Yes, sometimes it does mean something.

    Hey, we're talking about them here, so that counts for something, right?

  10. So you think you can dance alumni are all over the place. Those people really have talent - even I can tell that. It makes me wish they they had a variety show on prime time - just to watch more of these dancers do their thing.

  11. @Calif, we talk about a lot of stupid shit here so no, I don't think it means anything ;) We'll soon be distracted by something new and even dumber :)

  12. I agree, Kris Allen should tour with Adam. Adam tours a lot, his shows sell well, and he makes money. Not sure how much money Adam makes from his albums.

    This is also why I don't watch AI at all anymore. None of their winners has actually done better than Adam since the year Adam was on the show. I like The Voice because their contestants can sing, but I haven't bought music from any of their contestants yet.

    ANTM contestants do okay. Even some of their nonwinners have made a living for a year or two after the show, but there are not a lot of supermodels outside of VS or SI anymore anyway.

  13. sad, we don't have enough bland vanilla white man music in this world.

  14. wow, i disagree. i love lambert's second album. didn't like the first one nearly as much. adam doesn't need to tour with kris. he's doing just fine on his own.
    i quit AI the year allen won. clearly, letting 30 yo girls with cellphones pick the winner is not a good idea. kris allen is what ya get.

  15. Isn't Adam slated to be the new lead singer for Queen?

  16. I really loved Adam, Kris, and Alison on their season of AI, but sadly it hasn't translated into much success for any of them. And they spoiled me for future seasons of AI.

    I think with Kris's talent for arranging and song choice and his collaborative nature (you could just tell) that he would make a great producer. I'm hoping that even if he doesn't make it as a singer he has success in the industry.

  17. I like that I'm finally seeing Kris at CDaN - wish it was for different news, but I have to wonder Enty - why do you think it would be a good idea for Kris & Adam to tour together now that Kris has been dropped? Why not before?

    I like Kris's music - his second album is really good!

  18. Another reason to can AI.

  19. Nobody from AI has ever had a long-lasting successful musical career. They are a flash in the pan at best. We may know their names in the tabloids, but mostly not even that unless prefaced with Season X winner/contestant Joe Schmoe...

    So whatever, whatever. Oh yeah, my point is don't depend on your AI fame to make it big in the world. Cuz you're a nobody now that the season's ended. Buh-Bye.

  20. Au contraire Hazeld. Carrie Underpants (as my husband calls her) has done exceptioanlly well and looks to be the one who may have the longest career of them all. Kelly Clarkson hasn't done so badly either but her shelf life seems to be a bit shorter IMHO.

  21. yes, there's kelly clarkson (whom i do really like) carrie, fantasia (she just got a grammy in 2011, did broadway for a few years etc..) and jennifer hudson.

    AI had its time. This is the first year i know i wont be watching. nicki manaj? please. shark. jumped.

  22. Anonymous9:00 AM

    @nancer: the only reason Adam is having any success is because of some international exposure. If he was depending only on US sale, he'd be dropped, too. His second album isn't doing so hot. He was supposed to be Idol's big pop star and that hasn't happened.

    Adam isn't nearly as popular as some have led themselves to believe.

  23. two words

    Taylor Hicks

  24. "My" favorite Idol season was David Cook's. Much like Kris, he came into Idol already a talented writer, musician, and singer. I *love* his voice. He should have had better success. He had an independent album before Idol that was great. The two he released after winning were....okay. There are songs I love and songs I don't. He got stuffed into the "rocker guy with guitar' box and that isn't what's really hot right now. Cook has said he really wanted to build enough name for himself to turn that into a songwriting career. I don't follow as closely as I used to, but I believe he's moved to Nashville to start doing that. He is so good at the writing and arranging...not to mention he's just an all-around awesome nice guy, that I really hope he finds a niche. Oh, and don't forget Daughtry when mentioning successful Idols. He's fallen off the radar lately, but he was pretty huge there for a while.

  25. Don't know why but never liked Kris. Plus, he reminds me of Felipe Massa, someone I definitely don't like.
