Monday, September 03, 2012

Kim Kardashian Won't Ever Get A Star On Walk Of Fame

Some very good news this holiday weekend is that the organization in charge of deciding who gets stars on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame has assured all of us that reality stars will not be getting stars ever. Kim Kardashian had been pleading for one saying she deserved it. Huh? Do you know how miserable I would feel if for the rest of eternity people would get to see her name on the sidewalk? Plus, they would probably out it in a place where homeless people didn't sleep and pee on it so that would suck. The committee says the only category she might fall into is acting and that she sucks and that she would need to do it at least five years.


  1. Looks like she will be in more movi es.

  2. Wow they are sounding a bit old-fashioned, fuddy-duddy and elitist. I'm sure there are other stars on the HW walk of fame who are less-than-deserving. I think they may have to eventually capitulate to the "reality" of today's entertainment landscape.

    1. "Elitist"? Seriously, Prada? What about maintaining standards? Sadly, I think you're right that those standards will eventually be watered down, like everything else of quality has in our society. But anytime that general disintegration can be slowed down a bit is a good thing, IMO.
      Yes, I know it's a small, unimportant thing, but I for one am glad to see someone enforcing some standards and drawing a line with these "reality star" fucktards. Sadly, I guess they do qualify as entertainment these days, but it's not because of any actual work they do or talent they possess. I don't think reality "stars" deserve admiration. You might as well be worshipping someone who won the lottery. Same thing.

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Good. I think we deserve to have a star more than her.

  4. Snooki would get one before Kimmy if they were gonna go there.

    Enty, I'm so glad you started posting early! I stayed out way too late and now I'm at work. Hey, at least I'm getting time and a half.

    If you make a sex tape with Ray J on a government holiday do you make more?

  5. Her face in a Urinal of Shame?

  6. LOL. She was on twitter asking which "Kardashian Kollection Klutch" ppl thought she should use. Nice acronym. She so Kla$$-ay.

  7. Why on earth did she think she would ?

  8. Thank god. Why was this even up for debate?? It's for people with TALENT. People who are DESERVING of it. Although they did give Scarlett one..

  9. Don'tRain---I think hosts of reality like friggin' Seacrest will get one, then the floodgates will open. At least by then.

  10. She's stealing episode plotlines from Kathy G, it would seem.

  11. Thankfully getting a star usually involves having some sort of talent. This hooker has none. Nuff said.

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Oh Thank God for small miracles ! When is this idiot going to disappear ??

  13. Kant we just kan these kad katty kunts?

  14. If she ever gets one, how long until TMZ gets Ray-J to go pee on it?

  15. Aren't the stars just bought? It's not like the handprints thing. Someone is trying to make a point that the Kardashians can't buy everything (and yet, these stars on the sidewalk are exactly the kind of thing that literally are bought). I'm still trying to process it -- what does it mean? Are TPTB in that city finally turning against that family?

  16. My comment was about someone in Hollywood finally having some sense.

  17. Amy--The stars ARE bought--but only after a petition and an approval from the committee.

  18. @Barton Fink

    Just what I was thinking! Maybe a floor tile in a fancy men's restroom closeby.

  19. I know she's a famewhore, but I have trouble imagining she even cares. I cld be wrong tho.

  20. Amy, I thought the stars were paid for too, maybe Enty has brainwashed me but I thought anyone who offered enough cash could get one. it seems that way with some of the "celebrities" that have them recently. To me, you should only get a star if your career has warranted one, not because you've been in a few movies. A star should be for names everyone will have heard of 20 years from now.

  21. I missed you Amber!!!

    Glad the space ships near Devils Tower didn't get you!

    1. Missed you too, miss dia! We didn't make it to Devil's Tower, which sounds like it was for the best! ;)

  22. GOOD.

    However, I must ask, then WHY does Vanna White have one? All she does is touch letters....she doesn't even have to turn them anymore. She has had a star for years.

  23. I thought you literally had to pay to get a star, and maybe some signatures. Her star (pun intended) must be fading fast if she can't even use her money to be clout.

  24. @parissucks my dad is constantly ranting about how they don't need Vanna. Remember when she got laryngitis in the 90's? Because I sure as hell don't know why I do.

  25. hahahhaha djphob!

    yeah, she is pretty useless...but she does have a STAR!

  26. But how beautiful would it be if she DID get a star, and people from around the world WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to pee, spit, scrape dirty shoes across, and otherwise defile said star around the clock?? It could turn into a 'must do' when visiting L.A., and take on a Rocky Horror Pic Show type cult following for decades to come! Imagine the opportunity for global unity this would bring!

  27. Tick tock tick tock... Your 15 minutes are almost up Kim!

    Even over at Kneepads, almost none of the commenters thought Kim deserved this. Obviously not. She has no talent. She was in a sex tape. Get over yourself!

  28. i'm assuming the only reason Kim is making a stink of it is to create a storyline for the show. They got renewed for 2 more years.
    They have to come up with something to create drama.

  29. there are not enough negative words in the dictionary to define this excuse for a woman.

    the only thing going for KK is that she was discovered by PARIS HILTON!

    i cant wait till she is selling pictures of herself to tmz to pay for her new chevy!

    goes to show you- a good education in LA means nothing!

    i have nightmares of KK ass chasing me-screaming for more cottage cheese!
    i read that KK ass is like cottage cheese and she wears 2-4 spanx with every tight skirt/jeans

    god she is not sexy at all--this proves to me KANYE is gay (just ask frank O)

  30. KK will never get star-- i read that there are rules about getting a star and KK has done nothing to deserve an honor like that.

    they are giving out stars on MLK BLVD and i hear KK and SUPERHEAD are next - why KK and superhead? something to do with sleeping with 40% of the hip hop/professional sports industry

  31. "Part of criteria in being honored is receiving awards such as Emmys, SAG Awards, Oscars, etc. in the category of television, live-stage performance or motion pictures," a chamber of commerce rep told the Hollywood Reporter this week. "They have to have a career in the business of acting for five years or more."

  32. If she had a star, we could all bring our dogs to the star and get them to defecate on it.

  33. Vanna White became a celebrity in a time when it was much more difficult to get on television. That's why I don't begrudge her Walk Of Fame Star so much. Now I can wear a ninja costume and lip synch to the theme song from Victorious, put it up on YouTube and be famous within 24 hours. Doesn't mean I deserve a star, because it's too easy and there are too many outlets to become a celebrity these days. Rambling...

  34. Little late aren't they? Hasn't donald trump already bought himself a star on the sidewalk?

  35. First picture of Kim I actually like.

  36. @thisoldbroad: Ssh! Trying to stop the floodgates from fully opening, here. Trying to delay the inevitable as long as possible. ;-)

  37. Ingrid it! It would be better entertainment than half of what's on television.

  38. Well, at least it would give the homeless somewhere to pee.
