Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kerri Walsh Jennings Was Five Weeks Pregnant When She Won Olympic Gold

Kerri Walsh Jennings revealed some amazing news yesterday. She was five weeks pregnant when she won beach volleyball gold at the London Olympics. So, the 34 year old, mother of two, who somehow manages to find time to stay in world class athletic shape was five weeks pregnant and won gold. Amazing. Even though she is only 11 weeks now, and has miscarried before, she wanted to tell everyone. I would want to tell everyone too because it is pretty incredible. She says that she was feeling moody during the Games and was sick everyday. Hopefully she does better with the baby names for number 3 because she named baby number two, Sundance.


  1. I feel like I will never have a valid excuse not to go to the gym again. THANKS A LOT, KERRI.

  2. LOL Amber..I know the feeling. I know the feeling well ;/

  3. Impressive. Good for her!

  4. Lol, right Amber!

    Good for her-I hope she has a little girl. I love watching her & Misty play together, still cant believe Misty wont be at the next Olympics. :(

  5. *snorting at Amber's comment, because it's true...*

  6. Ha, too true, Amber

  7. That's so awesome! I'm 11 weeks too. I couldn't imagine playing like she did being so sick. :/ M/S is the worst.

  8. Robot
    I was so sick with both kids! At 11 weeks I was crawling to get from room to room, and my 10 month old used to love imitating the sound of me vomiting in the bathroom. I hope Piper doesn't do that, and you start feeling better soon

    And let's not forget Kerri also had pink eye during the Olympics too. The lady is a trooper!

  9. @Sunny, that's EXACTLY how I am. She imitated me at Wal-Mart the other day. It was so funny to her haha. I go to my OB today and I hope he doesn't diagnose me with HG. I refuse to take meds though. The first go around was bad, but nothing on this level. It's all day long. :( Thank you for the well wishes!

    I'm sorry you were so sick! :( Did yours eventually stop?

  10. I had the worst morning sickness with my second! I actually lost weight the first four months and barely gained anything for the rest of the pregnancy.

    Good luck Robot!

    And now I also feel pretty crappy about not working out lately! Thanks Kerri! Lol

  11. She actually did name her child Sundance. I thought Enty was trying to make a joke for some reason.

    Worst name ever still goes to a boy I knew in high school named Fadi Adi Shadi.

  12. @IDoTheRobot - hang in there! Sorry to hear you're sick - and it's a sick unlike any other sick :-(.

    I'm in Mommy Lecture Mode today, but feel I must say - don't be a hero! I have a friend who was hospitalized multiple times during her pregnancies for dehydration. If you HAVE to take something, take it! I know you don't want to - I was scared of my shadow when I was preggers. But take care of yourself and your baby on board.

    I'm done lecturing now.

  13. I have a friend named Sunshine...UGH !

    Those Abs are amazing

  14. Well, 5 weeks pregnant is really only 3 weeks pregnant because they count from the day your last period started, not conception. You don't even take a pregnancy test until "four weeks" anyway. So, she probably found out the week before she won the medal.

  15. Wow! At 5 weeks pregnant I was a wreck! At least my M/S only lasted until 11.5 weeks, but it was strong. I had to tell everyone around me super early because they were all worrying that I had something contagious! Glad for her that all is going well, and I hope it continues to do so! And for the rest of y'all, too :) I'm almost to the finish line at 35 weeks.

  16. @Frufa, thanks for the Mom Advice. Sometimes I really need it! The only thing I can really handle is ice cold water and tomato stuff haha. Brushetta, salsa and sometimes lasagna. It's so odd! I trust my dr with my life, he saved us both last time. I'd just rather be sick all day instead of taking anti-nausea meds. Stupid, huh? Hahaha. I'm stubborn. :P

    Thanks for the support and lecture though. It's appreciated!

  17. She didn't find out she was pregnant yesterday. She announced yesterday that she was pregnant. She already knew in August.

  18. That is an extremely unflattering photo.

  19. a woman's body is truly a steel machine

  20. Wow. That's really amazing. Good for her. I couldn't even make it through a Jillian Michaels 30-minute DVD when 5-weeks prego. That's how I realized I was prego. Walking down the stairs made me throw up.

  21. I like the name Sundance.

  22. @robot
    I think between 15 wks and 18 wks it got better. I was sicker with my boy, so maybe you will be joining the Rich Man's Family club (i.e one girl + one boy = no hand me downs. But it's fun)
    P.s. I wanted to punch my hubs every time he suggested this, but taking a walk in fresh air does help :)

    1. Sunny,

      I'm glad yours didn't last the whole time! :) I've never heard it called that haha! I kinda hope it's a girl bc of the hand me downs but either way I'm totally happy. I just want a healthy baby. I think we finally decided on names last night so we are ready to go! I will def try that next time. The OB gave me 2 different scripts today and after talking out my concerns I'm gonna try them-- and your walk. I just hope no one is mowing-- cut grass smell makes me so sick! Yuck!

      Preggie Pop Drops help too but I can't eat them all day long!

  23. Ok now I can forgive them for losing that set.

  24. I'm jumping in for some pregnancy vibes. Dear hubby and I are trying for monster number two (I mean that in the most loving way possible).
    Totally jealous, I want to be pregnant and nauseous too! 9 months, no luck.

  25. Sorry wasn't finished. Robot, your baby in the avatar is gorgeous. I wish I had some great recipe for pregnancy nausea but I suffered through it. Lost a lot of weight in the beginning, then gained it back, and then some...and then some more.

    1. @Gtz,

      Thanks so much. That's Piper, she's 15 months now! :) Best of luck to you! The best part is all the practice lmao! :P It took us quite a while as well. This time, I was thisclose to being deemed infertile and this miracle happened. Don't give up!

  26. Bitch! Look at those abs. Not fair, not fair, not fair.

    Seriously, congrats.

  27. I wonder if she knew in August? She might not have if they weren't trying. I found out right away because I tested the day I knew I should start my period...but I've had minimal symptoms at best. 11 weeks along now, and if I didn't KNOW I was knocked up...I'd probably still be guzzling half a bottle of wine a night. ;)

    Robot - I am emailing you today! Sorry I'm such a loser sometimes, lol. :)

    Megan - Congrats and good luck with your last few weeks!

    gtzisshe - Sending you positive vibes!

    My gosh, I have to reiterate... CDaN is SO much better than those whackadoo pregnancy boards. I love you ladies!

    1. @Cornbread ITA about the site. F those boards! It's quite OK, you're not a loser just super busy!

  28. Sucking on lemon candy helps with the nausea.

    1. Hey Jeneral, like Lemonheads or Lemon Lifesavers?

  29. I was nauseous and bloated when I was five weeks. I am so jealous of kerri. I bet after she pops out that kid her stomach will instantly flatten and turn into her washboard abs.

  30. Those kids are adorable--but they're wearing mismatched shoes, lol. Guess that's intentional?!?

  31. I am saying though, I wonder how Misty feels. Hasn't she been trying to get pregnant for a long time?

  32. Well, just to put this in perspective, at five weeks many women are only just starting to wonder if they're period is late. It's not five months pregnant.

  33. Kerri Walsh is an amazing athlete. Her build is unreal.

  34. I bet she names that baby London!

    @Gtz - don't give up! Took us a year for our first to finally catch. I recommend the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. I think it should be required reading for woman. My husbands best friend and his wife were trying for over a year, I lent them the book and they were pregnant the next month

  35. Lemonheads worked for me.

  36. She was pregnant when they won four years ago.
