Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kelsey Grammer Walks Out Of Piers Morgan

Kelsey Grammer is a spoiled little piece of work isn't he? Right before Kelsey  was due to go on the air with Piers Morgan last night, Kelsey saw a photo of Camille Grammer flash up on the screen. That was enough for Kelsey who got up and walked out. Wow. Yeah, I am trying out wow as my new crutch word. So far I think it is ok. Kind of sounds a little to 16 year old high school girl-ish, but for today it will probably be ok. Holy F**kballs seemed a little too dramatic to use as a crutch word on a regular basis. Anyway, I don't know what Kelsey expected. Did he think they would discuss the theatre and Kelsey's role on his show and skip everything else? No Camille questions at all? Piers said he was not going to ask Kelsey a question about Camille. That would have been boring. Kelsey thinks he is the greatest human being to ever walk the earth. What he did was stumble into a great thing at Cheers after it had been on the air and then milked the same character for the next 15 years because of great writing and not because of some stellar acting. Everytime he has done anything else his shows or movies have usually been bombs.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Snapdragon is my crutch to keep it clean for the kids.

    Also, he is useless. I used to love him in Frasier, but his true colors are more than obvious nowadays.

  2. I think he is taking his Tom Kane character a little to seriously. He is the one that created the scandal with cheating on and putting Camille on blast, not to mention trying to set her up as a mega villain on the first season of RHOBH.

    So fuck him, but I still love Boss. ugh, yes I do.

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I don't know. He's on Boss now and already won an award for that. He's been Teflon when it comes to any TV show he's been on.
    I don't know what he's like as a person, but I think he's extremely talented.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lol Kelsey's rep came out and was like, Piers needs to apologize. He knows what he did.

  6. I disagree. Kelsey may have some personal issues, but I thought Frasier was a really good show, and he was hilarious on it. Also, his new show is critically acclaimed as well. I think maybe Enty just has a personal thing against Kelsey.

  7. I'm a Kelsey fan, too.

  8. I watch Frasier reruns all the time and still laugh. It's sad how most sitcoms these days SUCK!

    I know he's an ass blah blah blah, but I can't help it, I still like him.

    I remember when he first started on Cheers and he had so many issues in his family and with drug abuse.

    He's come a long way, but of course, Camille took credit for that.

  9. Wow, is my word Enty too, but you can borrow it. I've been throwing in yikes and holy cow because my cussing was getting out of hand and I had to clean it up for the little ones.

  10. Piers Morgan doesn't seem like the kind of person who wouldn't ask the hard-hitting questions so I don't know why Kelsey ever thought he could get away with not talking about her on the show. I fking hate that I share my name with this tool box.

  11. Piers likes to blindside celebrities whose politics he doesn't like. If Kelsey had said something to the effect "you can interview me but no questions about the Camille marriage" I can see where he thought Piers broke his word by showing a picture of Camille. Piers either goes all Kneepads if he likes you, or the jugular if he doesn't.

    Kelsey is very talented actor who has serious personal problems. Agree he's had some great writers, but the same material would bomb in the wrong hands.

  12. I don't really blame him. I mean, it's over, the marriage is over and done and he's moved on and has a new baby, and we've already heard all the skeletons rattling around his closet, so I probably would have done the same

  13. I kind of like Holy F**kballs...

  14. Piers Morgan is a pandering douchebag and waste of space. I find it curious that he tends to attempt humiliation on those politically to the right of him.

  15. I like, "what the ham and cheese?"

  16. A friend of mine says "Shut the front door!" with the same intonation of the more common phrase, and it's funny.

    I like "What the what?" from Liz Lemon.

    1. Oh my gosh! My girlfriends & I use "shut the front door" all the time! My go to is "holy sugar".

  17. I think Frasier is a fabulous show. The whole cast is amazing and the writing is just wonderful. I laugh all the time while watching, even now when it's on in the background. I must admit I can't watch it now without thinking about what a douchebag Kelsey Grammar is in real life. Tom Cruise has the same affect on me. I can not separate the gossip from their roles half the time. LOL.

  18. @kelsey - I love your avatar!

    Kelsey Grammer is sort of an effed up dude. I really enjoy Frasier (moreso because of David Hyde Pierce and John Mahoney), but I think his personal behavior is all sorts of disgusting. This doesn't surprise me at all.

  19. He's the only one from Cheers who had a sustained long lasting career after it went off the air. And how many successful actors aren't the product of good writing?

    I don't count Danson in "Becker" because the ratings were middling.

  20. WTH? HE was the one talking about her a couple of weeks ago in an interview, about their sex life.

    Damn. And I used to like him, too. Not anymore. He seems far worse than Camille, and that's saying something!

  21. Wonderful, accomplished actior, weird person. And Piers Mirgan? Ok, first of sll, why is he named after a pier? We dont need a limey over here telling us whats what in america. Seriously, there were no americans that cld hv done his job? That accent really gets on my nerves after a while. Dont like him, dont watch him, but kelsey acyed like a diva. Big shock!! Celeb acting like an asshole!

  22. Though Frasier was a decent show he always kind of gave me the creeps. I liked watching it for Niles/Daphne moments.

  23. I think he's both a talented actor and an entitled egotistical asshole. My ability to watch him depends on the contents of my stomach.

  24. Big Kelsey Grammer fan here. Love BOSS! Piers got the rise out of him he wanted, and Kelsey walked. Probably would have done the same. He's there because of his show BOSS, not Camille. Remember, he's the celeb, not his former wife.

  25. @trudi, Ted Danson is on CSI now.

  26. What Kelsey is REALLY pissed about is that he wasn't nominated for an Emmy for Boss nor was the show nominated and he's doing his little media parade because of it. He doesn't really have anything else to make him newsworthy than his nasty divorce so he uses it for attention-getting.

    Walking off gets him way more attention than staying.

    He's a dick. He's a gifted actor, but not a nice man and very troubled.

  27. I also loved Kelsey on Frasier, but it seems that some of the snootier aspects of that character have sunk into his real personality. Or vice versa.

    I also like "Rats!" as a good non-swearing interjection.

  28. He seems like a real dick. Not an act, but an honest dick. But I can't help, but feel sorry for him. The guy has had a ridiculous amount of trauma in his life. Doesn't excuse it, but I don't know if I could be normal after having to identify my sister's mutilated body. And that's just one thing.

  29. I love Piers.

    Kelsey is an ass.

  30. Unless you are going to dig up the bios of every single actor/musician/artist/clothing designer that you admire, do u see how one person in the media with a personal agenda uses it to turn everyone on someone he doesn't like? A friend once read a story about a top brand of sneakers being made by kids in sweat shops. She asks me well aren't you going to boycott them too??? I said no bc then I'd have to look up every item of clothing I'm wearing to make sure it's safe, and I'm not just going to be a lemming and do what that reporter is telling me to do with that story. Kelsey had a horrible, horribly tragic child hood. Not surprisingly he's not such a nice adult but he's played some roles that make me laugh!

  31. Kelsey just isn't the nice moral guy Frasier was and I think that disappoints Enty among others. He's a wonderful actor comedian.

  32. I totally agree he's a gifted comedic actor. That doesn't negate him being an ass.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. piers morgan is an a-hole who lied about hacking the phones of celebrities when he was a tabloid journalist. so, of course he put the picture of camille up on purpose to get a rise from kelsey.

    kelsey grammar is a very very talented actor who just didn't luck into his success, he really earned it by his hard work and talent. so if he wants to walk out on piers morgan, he can walk out any day.

  35. I believe Kelsey is a strange man. Yet, I do love Frasier. The writing was phenomenal as was all the acting. The cast had great chemistry.

  36. What the hell is his problem? It almost sounds like a nicotine fit. Maybe he's quitting smoking / drinking / etc. and is in bitchy mode. Maybe the new wife is making Camille seem like a bargain.

  37. I still think he's an amazing actor. Unless he physically hurts someone, he gets a lifetime pass from me for Sideshow Bob.

  38. It's sad how most sitcoms these days SUCK!

    Uh, most sitcoms back then sucked, too. In my opinion the worst of the worst in the nineties was twice as bad as anything that's currently airing, at least on the broadcast channels and a fair amount of the cable channels, too.

    They might not be to your taste, but the average sitcom now is better than the average sitcom then. We remember the good ones twenty years later (Frasier premiered in 1993! Good grief, how is that possible?) and forget most of the bad ones.

  39. It just doesn't make sense though..
    He has never been shy about talking trash on Camille.
    He was on Good day NY that morning discussing Camille... I personally think it had something to due with his children or something.

  40. He does not want to talk about Camille because he told a pack of lies and is caught in it. Camille saved his life, literally she took over his finances while he was snorting and drinking most of it and turned it around, securing real estate, a production company and investments that kept him very very rich. She staged the intervention that finally got him sober. He goes on about how she wants to be famous and resented him because he was famous and that RHOBH was his final gift to her, fame. Not quite, he pushed her to do it so she would be distracted while he had his affair, otherwise she would have been in NYC with him and the children. He resents her because she saved him. He has a very high opinion of himself and wants to re-write history and Camille was the albatross around his neck. She reminded everyone she saved him, and he was not having it.

  41. @Unknown Thanks, this makes sense of it all. I've always thought there was more substance to Camille than appears, otherwise he wouldn't have been attracted to her in the first place.
