Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kelsey And Camille Grammer Can't Stop Talking About Each Other

Kelsey Grammer was on Anderson Cooper and decided not to walk off Anderson's show when Anderson started asking questions about Camille Grammer. Meanwhile, Camille Grammer was talking about Kelsey and how she wishes he would stop talking about their marriage despite the fact she always talks about it too. They both do. It is crazy how much they talk about their former marriage. It feels like they talk about each other all the time. I got it. You were married. Kelsey cheated and has a small peen and liked to dress up in Camille's clothes and be spanked. Got it. Yes, they did not have sex for ten years. Got it. Move on. Kelsey regrets cheating on Camille and should not have lied about it. Got it. See, it just never ends. There is always something more each of the would like to say about it. It never ends.


  1. Everyone has the friend who puts "not into drama" on her dating profile which means she's constantly attracted to drama but can't understand why. It's just weird bc Kelsey and Camille are so rich. Same with Katy Perry. They'd be bored without drama yet they sort of know it's destructive? I think?

  2. Geez, Enty, will you let it go already about the cross dressing and spanking? These are perfectly acceptable kinks among consenting adults and does not make either one a bad person. God knows they have enough REAL faults without adding something irrelevant.

  3. Maybe they're not over each other yet, hence the constant talk about their marriage.

  4. I know he's supposed to be famous and all, but until Real Housewives, I knew him for two sitcoms and a bad movie about the Navy. Certainly not the greatest comedic actor of his generation! He wouldn't be on Anderson Cooper's show if not for Camille.

  5. he's cheated on all his wives

  6. Tes, both if u, stfu!

  7. and in the past week Kevin Kline was applauded for answering the hotel room door in full dragalia, dearies.

  8. If you're so tired of it Enty, why don't YOU stop talking about it?

  9. Cuz Enty has already revealed that Camille is a former call girl/hooker who "met" Kelsey as a client; knew she hit the big score, got him to put a ring on it.
    She wasn't shocked to discover that he was into cross dressing & other kinks, she was delighted to be paid so handsomely for performing the services. Flash forward, his career is in decline, there is a lot of community property value in real estate they have acquired, the cunning call girl is now all indignant to discover that Kelsey is a weirdo, cuz she is a natural beauty, fresh as a daisy after $200k worth of plastic. And she has her own show, he is a loser beneath her fake self. "From Enty:
    "January 4, 2011

    This controversial Real Housewives star is about to have some added drama in her life. The tabloids are working overtime to get a bunch of stories about our Housewife and her glory days as a hooker. Not anyone in New York or New Jersey.

    Camille Grammer"

  10. As long as it gets press, they will continue...yawn!

  11. I'm calling this now..
    Give it a few years but they WILL get back together. For sure.

  12. took my ex over 2 years to shut his pie-hole about me and how he had no idea why i "wanted to break up the family". the kids told me he would tell every waitress, sales clerk, person in line, etc. a friend thinks it was because he neer had is "final showdown" with me, i just up and left. baggage from relationships will eat up up.

  13. o.k. here's my 2 cents, i think he thought sh'd always be there and he really allowed/trusted her to be accepting of all the kink. i think the new girl dosen't/hasnot seen the extent of kelseys kinky ways b/c he could never really cut loose as he did w/ camille. so i am sure he misses it. i think when you cross certain lines sexually, you will never be satisfied like you would be with the one you were most uninhibited with. so they should just f- on the sly. as once a cheater, always a cheater. i think he talks out to say i'm still here...come get me. and i think her angle is he did this and that, see ya sucker!
