Monday, September 03, 2012

Katy Perry & John Mayer Are Not Finished Having Sex

Guess what? Katy perry knows how to drunk dial as well as the next person and is not above being a 2am booty call and giving this whole John Mayer thing another chance. basically he is following the script of that new Taylor swift song to a tee. Now all he needs to do is keep telling Katy about all the new indie records he loves instead of her music. Over the weekend, Katy Tweeted a photo of herself and John Mayer partying. It all happened after she got drunk earlier in the week and texted him and they ended up having sex and getting back together until he grows tired of her once again. Then he will call he and have some sex until he finds someone else and then will keep repeating the cycle until she finally says no. How long will that last? Depends on how long you want to be known as a John Mayer play toy.


  1. Who's that guy on the right? I want to touch his hair.

  2. Oh, Katy, Katy, Katy...WHY? For the love of all that is holy...WHY?

  3. If you choose to touch his hair, please wear elbow length gloves.

  4. Low self opinion. Smh

  5. I must..touch..the haiiirrr...

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I despise her.

  7. Anybody want to expand on the major themes of 'Taylor Swift's new song'?

    I don't know her song specifics, sorry. I only heard one, saw her perform at last year's Grammy's--'why are you so MEAN? Wah'--then the agog expression when they applauded. Then I found out she does that every time? FUNNY.

  8. I just noticed how big his head is compared to every else! haha

    1. Libby, you know what they say about big heads!!!! Wink wink!!!

  9. I'd put money on it that the fella on the right smells better than John does..

    1. I can smell them all from here. I fainted for a moment.

    2. I was scrolling too quickly as I read that..thought you said you farted for a moment!! Hahaha!

    3. Omg u guys r cracking me up!!!!!

  10. I didn't know the new song was about him too.

  11. That frightened chick in the middle looks like Tara Reid with black hair.

  12. Eh, as was said on Seinfeld so well, "Everyone knows the first breakup doesn't take."

    Better these two sleep with each other than contaminate the mainstream population with their repulsiveness.

  13. It's basically saying we will never get back together (duh...title of the song...I guess I'm really providing an in depth analysis there. ;) ) I can't imagine Taylor being self possessed enough to have told him that at the time; in fact, it's more likely she stalked him until she completely lost face and looked like a "Stan," as the young kids these days say. ;) So, she's trying to get back at him now... It won't work, though....those people are never self reflective enough to recognize their own bad qualities....

  14. I didn't think for a moment that they actually would stay away from eachother. Dirt attracts dirt. Says so on the swifer commercial, oHhh wait.

  15. Whoa there - that is one motley crew

  16. Thanks, Don'tRain....Taylor needs a good, grounded circle of friends to help her out with her judgment. People who will tell her the truth.

    The same could be said of Katy here, OR Russell Brand, I suppose.

  17. mb SHE"S using him!!

  18. @Agent your comment cracked me up. If they hadn't told we this was a picture of 2 celebrities I would've sworn it was a bunch of random dirty drunk people.

  19. Sunny, you reminded me of Mom (rip) . "Are you hanging out with that motley crew again! " In her day it was "hooligans". With me she was referring to the dreaded Hippies.

  20. Anonymous8:12 AM

    They all look like they need a bath.

  21. Shaunie. Maybe I did. Hehe

  22. Were they at Burning Man this past weekend?

  23. Is that Shannon Woodward? LOOL

  24. I though she said farted too!

    Well Happy Randy Raunchy Monday to you all! This is gonna be a great day! Let the sex and Gary jokes continue :)

  25. LOL. Autocorrect changed fart to Gary!!!!

    Uh oh! Gary! Gary! I just Gary-ed!!!


  26. @dia- hahahahahaha!! Okay, I'm oficially cracking up! I shall call it a Gary from now on ;)

  27. Gary was the name of Oprah's asshole on that South Park episode.

  28. I find it very hard to believe that KP went into this blindly. Maybe he's HER booty call. And if she knows it isn't "true love" and just wants to mess around I see nothing wrong with it.

    1. @crazycatlady, Right?!? Katy is supposed to be a professional party girl, so why wouldn't SHE be the one in search of a booty call? Not all gals are pining over some aloof dude. The whole "she was hurt when he broke it off" soundds like PR.

  29. Ok, I think that picture looks like good times. LOL

  30. Ohh gary. I love you. I love you to minge. I love you too.

  31. smashbash--Maybe THEY had that autocorrect problem--I wonder! Because you KNOW those guys use the word 'fart' in every venue, for sure.

  32. reading the jobs biography. he liked john mayer but thought he was wasting his talent. mayer should look at dylan. you have the juice when you are young when you are writing. it is wasted now. and katy perry could be a lot better with a drunk dial.

    1. Lol .. You said " the juice " .. I just had an Omar Epps moment!

  33. I feel like an idiot, but which one of these is Katy?

    1. Seriously! None of them look like her. Which one is she? Anyone?

  34. I miss old HOLLYWOOD when celebrities looked glamorous.

    Lately celebrities look like the person you don't want to sit next to you because you know they smell.

  35. Libby- I love the commentary on Seinfeld. For the episode where George was caught with his pants down by Jerry's girlfriend Larry and Jerry explain that the word shrinkage was key. Larry wanted them to use shrinkage as much as possible.

    Sometimes the most simple things are the most hilarious.

  36. Libby- I am about to lose cell service but we should pick a thread to talk about Project Runway on Friday! This week was aweful! I would have totally bought Dmitri, Gunner and maybe just maybe the Olsen look alike dress, how gunner was almost sent home after the Chanel heinous outfit the girl with the dreadlocks had I will never understand!

  37. @smash, I have to steal a line from someone on TWoP about PR last week: Whose dogma did Dmitry's karma run over? WHY is he not in the top three/winning week after week? The red carpet challenge was the worst. I mean, don't get me wrong - I loved Ven/Fabio's winning dress and would wear it every day.

    But it wasn't a red carpet dress. The top three dresses had serious issues, from suitability for the challenge to being poorly made (the white monstrosity). Dmitry and Sonjia had the only well-done, "event" looks and were merely safe?

    What the hell.

    Sorry to interject :o

  38. He must fuck like a porn star

  39. Several of the people in this picture, including Mayer look pre-zombie. Oh, I think the guy with hair might be there.

  40. Why is John Hamm about to stab a zombie forrest ranger?

  41. These people look like too much bolivian marching powder was hoovered...

  42. @ramblin that's what the girl in the front left is trying to figure out

  43. @Hallegolightly

    Not just me who noticed that then!! dead ringer !! I love the Hamm!

    They are all off their tits!

    John Mayer must be the best fuck in the world .There is literally no other explanation to his never ending success with woman ,who let's face it could have anyone they like!!

  44. @ pilly , you mean , like..Ron Jeremy? Moby?

  45. Didn't he just have throat surgery and is supposed to be at home recouping?! Used to love his music, now I can't stand him, or her. She's just a pop tart. One of the nasty ones covered with frosting and sprinkles. Not the chocolate ones, obviously. Yuck.

  46. OK, every one of these turds looks stupid & wasted. Is Katy even in the pic? Who would willingly/desperately post this?

  47. Maybe she & Rhi Rhi can get a 2 for 1 at the shrink. The fact that she's even calling HIM for a booty call is tragic & screams desperation. I wouldn't care if he was hung like The Black Stallion, haven't we all agreed that he's the male Paris Hilton? Gross. I didn't even care for Russell Brand before, but now I'm happy for him that he got away from this chick. #teamrussell FTW!

  48. Grode. These two are going to bring back smallpox, what with their indiscriminate taste and partner histories.

  49. I don't think they've ever been "together" in a way that they could ever "break up" or be "dumped." I think they are just two consenting adults having sex.

    I realize that's not as interesting, though, huh? :-)

  50. Sorry I missed you smashbash. I'm usually here early mornings, if that helps. Hit me up about PR, anytime.

    I like Alicia, though I agree she was on bottom. They needed a replacement; I'm glad she got to stay another week.

    Next week poor Dmitry has to work with ELENA again! Seriously, he seems to draw the short straw every week!

  51. Dear woman on the left in the jean jacket, don't you DARE be Frances McDormand.

  52. @libby - I youtubed the damn song just to see what Enty was talking about.

    It's actually really, really bad. More specifically, Taylor Swift had a song called "Safe and Sound" that I really liked (no joke) and was significantly better than her typical mess. This sucker is horrid and it sounds like the same sugar pop that Katy does. Solidly hated it. That said, it sounds like it's about John Mayer - I'm pretty sure he was talking about how hurt he was that she blasted him in her original break up song and this song implies he called her tried to get her to lay off.

    @DontRain - I'm not super sure about that - Every popular blind about Taylor says she's an almost total innocent sexually and Mayer's anything but. I got a feeling he pushed her too hard and she freaked. I don't think she stalked him - I think she ran.

    Katy seems to be much more 'adventurous' given what Russell Brand said about her and wheelchairs, so who knows.

  53. Caption this photo:

    Four Guys, Five Girls and One Cup.

  54. @linnea - I can't tell, either...?
