Monday, September 24, 2012

Katie Holmes Called Joshua Jackson

Joey called Pacey after her divorce and much like season 3, it was not long before Pacey finally kisses Joey after watching her be with some college student and realizing he truly has fallen in love with her. Yeah, too much Dawson's Creek. Anyway, Joshua said that Katie called him and they caught up after years of not talking. I believe this was the first time they had spoken since at least Suri was born. If you ever thought Katie could do whatever she wanted, this should show you she couldn't. She probably also wants to know who would be on board for a Creek reunion. Me.


  1. Is enty implying that Joshua Jackson is the bio-daddy?

  2. Seriously? That's a bit reaching.

  3. Josh would never be on board with that kind of deception.

  4. And he was all, "excuse me, could you hold this cucumber?"

  5. No Kloie! I had finally forgotten that image! Brain bleach, stat ;)

  6. Good for Katie! Re-starting her life.

  7. Hah, sorry! Unfortunately it will always be what I think of when I hear about him now, which is a shame since I always liked him.

  8. I read she also contacted Chris Klein after the divorce. I don't think Ent is saying JJ is the bio-dad. Maybe after having Suri, TC went all posessive and weird on Katie and limited who she spoke too.


    Also, you are so incredibly AWESOME Enty for citing season three of "Dawson's Creek". God, I hope this actually happens. I always knew they were never over each other!!!

    This makes my day.

  10. REUNION! yes i hope so

  11. i so wouldn't have picked up

  12. I would watch it, if only as a big FU to GMD, who nixed the Creek reunion.

  13. @ Kloie - what's the cucumber reference from?! Is it from a past blind.. the couple in the garden..?

  14. It must be like getting out of jail. First she had to get through the divorce and get Suri set for school.
    Now she has some time to re-connect with old friends, who can blame her ?
    She must feel a little lost..

  15. Not everything is a blind item reveal people. Not every blind item is even factual.

  16. Honestly, with Josh's show coming to an end very soon, I think he and Katie should become 'renters in Apt 23' and occasionally run into each other and James VanDerBeek. Ratings gold!

  17. Lisa....that would be awesome !!

  18. Pacey totally brings out the cougar in me. . .

    a cougar with a cucumber. . .

    Diane Kruger is a lucky lady!

  19. Oh yeah, I am with Momster!

  20. I would love to see a reunion special where we see them 10 years later and pacey amd joey are going through a rift when pacey reconnects with his teacher lover.

  21. @cathy even though it makes little sense, i totally think suri looks like joshua, much more so than chris klein or josh hartnett.

  22. Yes, from that Lainey blind

  23. Good for Katie, reaching out to those from her past. As many know, anytime you go through therapy, they say it's good to make amends or reconnect with those who were positive in your life. I hope this is what she's doing (and not taking it to the extreme 'I always liked you....'). Team Katie, all the way! Would LOVE a reunion, btw. LOVE IT!

  24. Katie, call me! The exact opposite of the Holocaust, indeed!
