Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Katie Couric Goes Public With Her Cheater Boyfriend

Katie Couric has some of the worst luck when it comes to the guys she dates. Her new guy is not much different. This weekend Katie and John Molner were photographed together for the first time since they started dating a couple of months ago. Of course, while they were dating, Molner was in the middle of a two year relationship with someone who he dumped after he had been dating Katie and knew the relationship would stick. Yeah, he is a winner alright Katie. Katie has said this week that while she expects all her guests to on her new talk show to spill all the details of their lives she will not be joining in and believes that everything in her life is private. Huh? She makes no sense. I don't think her show will last. She does not identify with the people who she wants to have watch her show. She is going to have some great guests the first week and her ratings will be high, but without those guests, her show will be second to last, only beating Jeff Probst.


  1. Is that Katie or Tanning Mom?

  2. She really hasn't had much luck since her husband died.

  3. It's not luck. She chose him. Katie has the looks, intelligence, and means to date just about whoever she pleases. If she ends up with losers, that's her choice.
    They both have similarly crazy eyes.

  4. Katie, lose the tan & blonde hair, it ages you. As far as her love life, really don't care-she seems rather boring.

  5. They share the same tube of bronzer too.

  6. I guess she isn't the answer to the blind about the "perky" TV host. The significant other in that blind was a married local news anchor.

  7. She must be trying to fill the void that the canceling of Jersey Shore created.

  8. We don't actually know what his previous relationship was like. I'm not saying that it wasn't a shitty thing to do, but I know some good people who got into their current (successful) relationships while still with someone else. Just saying.

  9. My prediction: none of these talk shows will make it. who cares about what Katie Couric thinks? or Probst, Harvey, Osmond, et al. dont quit your day jobs, any of you. She prob keeps picking innapprociate men because she feels conflicted about moving on after husbands death. ok, the Dr is out, lol

  10. I was going to ask is it me, or does she have some serious sun damage on her face. But many of you already picked up on her skin.

  11. She's always looked like a Muppet to me.

  12. I hate to disappoint you Enty, but I like Katie (:P

  13. I'm on board with you, auntliddy. I think people are just over talk shows.

  14. At least they have matching tans.

  15. if she keepss choosing men who are bad for her, its a pattern. she's picking these men for a reason, she's getting something out of it. even women who date abusers will date abusers again. its like a dance that 2 people know how to do with each other. its not healthy but its familiar. if your new partner does a step you don't know, its anxiety producing and you go back to what you know (the abuser). and people are drawn to what they know, its easy. so unless she makes an effort to change this pattern (therapy); she will continue her "bad relationship luck".

  16. She bores me. She always has bored me. She always will bore me.

  17. I remember when The Talk was coming out and they said the same thing. They will only have guests who will "say more" than on other shows.

    Nobody said anything controversial. Now they will have anyone on. Nobody gives a crap about daytime talk shows. As a still butt hurt fan over losing OLTL hope Katie crashes and burns hard.

  18. Quite the cougar, isn't she? I know her last boyfriend was a LOT younger, and this guy looks much younger too.

    Hint Katie: it seldom works that way. It's not fair, celebrity men get younger women ALL the time, but it just doesn't work as well in reverse for some reason.

  19. Thank you, timebob, I want to go all Elvis on my TV every day when I get home for lunch and The Chew is on ABC instead of my beloved All My Children. Aaaaggghhh. I'm now a Bold and the Beautiful fan.

    I have a soft spot for Katie because she was very nice to me and gave me an autograph while I froze my butt off outside of Today Show. She had just started highlighting her hair then and I said I liked her with lighter hair. She said "Really? I don't know, I'm still thinking about it." So I guess you can blame me for the blonde hair. LOL.

    It seems like everybody and her sister has a daytime talk show and I'm not interested in any of them.

  20. Well, it worked out for Jerry Seinfelds' now wiffe.

    Maybe Katie and Jeff should have each other on their shows.

  21. Totally OT: Did you put your white denim away because it's past Labor Day? I always do but it's still hot & sunny and I want to keep wearing my white jeans.

  22. chopchop: Personally, I think you can keep on wearing them until at least the fall equinox later this month; at any rate, the "no white after Labor Day" rule has been declared null and void by any number of fashionistas, so if anyone gives you grief about it, (a) remind them that it's still hot, damn it, and (b) tell 'em to blow it out their asses. ;-)

  23. Wait, the guy photographed is straight? Honestly, the vibe I got was here's Katie and her best gay friend.

  24. @chopchop - I'm in south Florida, which may make a difference, but I wear white jeans until around Halloween, and start wearing them again at Easter. When it's subtropical like this, I think the "rules" are (or should be) a little looser. We see snowbirds wearing white pants all winter long here.

  25. Our snowbirds wear denim shorts, but it's desert here so white shorts are harder to maintain. It's easier to wear denim shorts for a few days without washing and it seems like some older folks like to do that.

  26. auntliddy - Can I make an appointment? ;)

    Who gave Probst a talk show? What rock have I been under all summer???

    1. The doctor will see you now, lol

  27. She makes me sad that she's from my alma mater. She ought to know better.

  28. Thanks for the responses. :-)

    I'm in Wisconsin so I would never wear white denim in the winter months but September/early October can be so beautiful weather-wise it seems a perfect time to wear it. Especially since the summer months are too dang hot for jeans!

  29. Katie and Jeff will be above Steve Harvey's show. It's already started and it is awful.

    Thanks for reminding me Jeff has a show--he's on opposite Harvey so now I will have something better to watch at 10 am.

    I think Katie's husband was her true love and now she just has short term guys to take her around--she never seems to get very attached.

  30. Everyone wants to be the next Big O, but that's not going to happen.

  31. Aussie here, & very late because I have had to work. What is this rule about white? Please explain & if you know why I would appreciate that answer as well.

  32. @feraltart, its kind of dumb. lots of people don't follow it. i live in california, and mostly people don't wear white shoes after labor day (last monday), but other white items are worn, just in heavier fabrics. its n old "rule". here is a link on how it came to be,8599,1920684,00.html

  33. She needs to shave her head and start over.

    Don't know the specifics of this guy's other relationship - was it exclusive, living together, marriage expected? Sometimes people stay in a relationship just to have one and then someone comes along to show you that is just stupid.
