Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kate Gosselin Tweets A Photo of Her 11 Year Old In Heels

Kate Gosselin has caused some controversy. Wow, she has been in the news twice in the past five days which is some kind of world record for her in the past six months. Must want to get back on TLC. Kate Tweeted a photo of her 11 year old daughter Mady wearing heels. First of all, you know I am never a huge supporter of Kate, but Mady is wearing her mom's heels and playing dress up. How many parents would have taken a photo of that? I'm guessing a lot. I don't see the big deal. Now, if she had shown a photo of Mady wearing the heels and using a stripper pole like Miley's sister, then it would have been a different story.


  1. Miley has a sister?

  2. It's the angle, Enty. The way she took the photo emphasizes the legs of the little girl. In fact, you can't even tell it's a little girl at all. Kind of creepy. And then she tweeted it.

  3. I dont see the problem Kids play dress up all them time.

  4. What g. said. Kate's a dumbass.

  5. Things like this could possibly get her back on the tube. People got tired of anal retentive Kate, so maybe she's rebranding herself as bad parent Kate. Basically getting paid so that people can feel sorry for her kids.

  6. Not a big deal except I have to agree the angle is a little strange, can't even tell its a kid. Trying hard for a new reality show! But then again if TLC can put that Honey Boo Boo show on she figures she really has to go lower than before to get back on

  7. Slow news day. Wake me when she gets another ridiculous haircut.

  8. I wish twitter would die. It's the highest form of narcissism.

    1. It really is! I'm so sick of seeing "celebrities" who had some success five years ago sitting at home all day constantly retweeting compliments from their fans. Some of them, that's all they do, all day

  9. take the picture, yes.
    Tweet it? NO.

    why can't anyone just keep some shit to themselves?

  10. @anita_mark - So is Facebook.

    I CANNOT STAND Kate Gosselin but I see no problem w/ this photo. My mother used to own a pair of red silk high heels with feathers on them and you can bet your ass I trotted around our house in them on occasion when I was feeling fancy.

  11. this is a non controversy. Hey, look at my daughters little feet trying to wear mommy's shoes. Yes, girls play dress up and wear their mother's clothes. Whatever.

  12. Kate Gosselin morphs into...DINA LOHAN?? Good God, I might actually get cable again to watch that.

  13. @EmEyEk - Yes, she does.

    Noah Cyrus (Miley's younger sister) poledancing.

    Same girl, Halloween.

    Both articles from the Young Turks.

  14. Pah, I see pre-teens dressed more provocatively every time I go to the mall

  15. Doesn't strike me as a big deal. I don't get why anyone would be upset over it.

  16. Take photo, sure.
    Tweet photo, no.
    And the way her legs are parted, just makes it look sexual.

  17. One of those legs belongs to Kate - see how the shoe fits one foot?

    @Mr. Wolf: thank you, I think. Ay yi yi.

  18. Entward, move that camera a little higher and you could see at juju eye level. She's a little girl still. Her mother could easily have taken a full body picture including her pretty face. This picture just has a sleazy naughty photo feel to it.

  19. I usually wrap my kids up in mummy bandages so no one can see them. You can't be too careful, you know.

  20. I don't think it is a big deal at all.

  21. Oh, it's true! one leg is kates. Then it just accidentally looks like an American Apparel ad-ghetto version.

  22. This photo creeps me out bc it reminds me of the first one from The Standard creepy ad campaign that was put on CDaN 2 days ago. But this is an 11 year old so I want to vomit extra much.

  23. I was seriously hoping I would never have to see this woman's name or face in print again.

  24. The angle is a little suggestive. By why tweet the photo? Save it for a family album.

  25. This pic is sleazy. Taking a pic of your entire kid playing dress up is adorable. She's being suggestive with this angle it's really gross.

  26. @Leilana, I'm by myself standing in a stupidly long grocery store line and I burst out laughing at your "feeling fancy" line. And hells yes, I'd wear them even on my not-so fancy days.

  27. People looking for sex in everything are eventually going to find it.

    You can tell it is obviously a kid in her mom's shoes...either that or Kate has horribly fitting shoes. (As an aside, I think they're both the kid's feet; see how far forward the ankle is on the left? It's the angle that makes it look like it fills the shoe.)

    Little girls play dress up. Mommies take pictures (and yes, post them!). I am no KG fan but's a frickin' picture of an 11 year old trying on her mom's shoes. Get over it.

    Now that I've spent more than one second on that, I'm gonna go clutch my pearls over something that's actually pearl clutching material.

  28. Lelaina...I so would rock a pair of feathered, red silk heels. I'd sit in my flannel jammies, eating popcorn, looking at my totally fancy feet!

  29. The picture is cute. Putting it on the internet isn't.

  30. If I were going to post a picture on Twitter, I would first make sure there was no trash on the floor behind the subject of the picture.

  31. okay, it's a little girl playing with mommy's shoes BUT... mommy shot the pic highlighting the legs and the legs are slightly parted (why not take the pic farther away with the kid smiling showing how cute she is?) - so it's emphasizing the sexualness of the kid. Okay, maybe a stretch but when you consider that this is coming from famewhore Kate Gosselin and not some minivan mom AND they've already had issues with pedofiles being on staff of their show, and then she uploads the pic to her feed which has 100k followers. Not the same thing.

    You just know she wants to pimp those kids like Kris Jenner (who she has openly admired).


  32. Dressing up in your mom's heels is fine, and Mom taking a picture of you in them is fine--it's more a matter of this particular picture. I agree that it really looks more like a grown woman or at least a teenager; a more typical picture would have been a full body shot where you could see that it's an 11-year-old. It's not wrong per se, but it does have kind of an icky feel to it, and if Kate really is trying to model herself after PMK *shudder*, then I can see her trying to sexualize her girls way too young. I'm going to stop now before I go off on a tear about Kate, but suffice to say I have no use for her, and feel terrible for all her kids.

  33. You guys should see the pics my mom took of me dressing up. In one I was Red Sonja in my underwear and some kind of tank thing with necklaces wrapped around my head. In the other one, I'm Madonna. I don't think I need to describe that one, I'll spare you guys.

  34. Enty - the angle is extremely suggestive. If Mady's photo was of her in her regular clothes with Mom's shoes on, well, that's normal. This photo is ridiculous. And for her not to check that photo and say, "Too much" and delete it shows her awesome parenting skills.

  35. As a mother I am actually more offended by people who ARE OFFENDED. That is YOU looking at a child suggestively. This picture doesn't even show above the girls knee and people are making comments about it being sexual? That's their issue, not Kate's.

  36. @anita_mark & Lola - ;) Hee! Those shoes were awesome (in my 5-8 year old mind).

  37. True. If we could tell that was an 11 year old, but you can't. Your eyes see a grown woman and your mind registers that as a provocative photo. Then you realize that it is a child it does seem sick. If it were a picture where you could see the entire child it'd be different. it is very difficult for the human mind to "unsee" something it's already registered.
    I also think 11 is too young for black cherry toe nail polish. Pink is more age appropriate

  38. @Lelaina, I totally LOLed at "My mother used to own a pair of red silk high heels with feathers on them and you can bet your ass I trotted around our house in them on occasion when I was feeling fancy."

    What an adorable image! :-P

  39. Saying one leg is Kate' is so ridiculous and un-intelligent
