Friday, September 21, 2012

Kanye West Has A Sex Tape

Kanye West found some married, yes married, 18 year old who is a Kim Kardashian look-alike and convinced her to have sex with him on tape. Kanye makes it very clear that the teen is 18 and she repeats it on the tape. The whole tape only lasts 20 minutes so with all of the foreplay and other activities, I'm guessing the sex lasts about two minutes. I never thought I would see a Kanye West sex tape. Because the teen is just 18, she is probably impressed that Kanye was able to last two minutes. So much to say, so hard to say it. I think what is telling is that according to Radar, the pair never kiss and that the sex is mechanical and that Kanye does wear a condom. No word on whether he is wearing socks or took them off.


  1. Still trying to prove you're straight, Kanye?

  2. With a female...hmmmmm doubtful! Maybe trying to diffuse Gayfish rumors

  3. Gross. Zero desire to see this.

  4. Sexuality questions aside, his obsession with KK is actually creepy - not flattering. He would play her sex tape while having sex with other people, he made his own with someone that looks like her, he wrote "secret" references to her in songs years ago. Uhhhh...

  5. Really, Amber?!?

    That's really disturbing A) because his obsession is with KK and B) that actual humans are having sex with Kanye!


  6. Ew, and...hahahahahahaha!

  7. Yup! I'd have to find the sources, but they are things he himself has admitted - not just rumors. Ick. Boo.

    1. @Amber, the only thing I've read Kanye admit to are the references to KK in some songs. Are you stating that you've heard him admit to the other two rumors? I never could find a corroboration by him on the other stuff.

  8. He looks at the ceiling and thinks of England.

  9. Him and Kim have no chemistry, they seem like such a fake couple. Still, I can't wait until he breaks it off. She's getting fatter hahahaha

  10. Just stop it, Kanye.

  11. My first and only thought was 'Ewwwwwwwww'.

  12. Great! I have another sex tape to add to the list of sex tapes I will never watch.

  13. (This might be a double post)

    But I too am more interested in knowing if Kanye keeps his socks on during 'Business Time'

  14. @Magness - YES!!! Flight of the Conchords!!! <3

  15. Kanye wouldn't it be easier to just come out?

  16. @Amber

    Best sex tape Evah!!!!

  17. Kanye has a sex tape. Kanye NEEDS a Bowflex.

  18. I find him almost as loathesome as Chris Brown. Not quite...

  19. This is the only site where I need to keep a bottle of brain bleach by my desk. Another video I won't be watching.

  20. @Unknown - okay I just looked quickly (trying to get SOME work done today haha). Sources with first-hand knowledge apparently have said it. If you click through to the Radar thing, it talks about PMK being pissed off that he keeps telling ppl this stuff and keeps bringing her sex tape up. Because, you know, KK is a legitimate celebrity now due to her REALITY SHOW. LOL

    1. @Amber, thanks for looking it up! I understand the work thing; me too LOL! Ok, "sources," I never really trust sites when they speak of random phantom sources, or so & so "has been telling close friends" (the latter one TMZ loves to use, LOL), it just seems like a cop out. I'll wait to see if Kanye affirms the other stuff like he did with the music references.

  21. Wasn't there a photo tweeted fairly recently (by Kanye?) of a Kim look-alike topless and photographed from behind sitting on what looks like a hotel bed? This happened, right? I want to believe I'm not dreaming about these fools

  22. I wonder what guy Kanye was thinking of as he was having sex with the teenager.

  23. Sunny, we need to find you some new dreams:)

  24. LOL Sunny & Agent - It did happen. He claimed it wasn't Kim, and then deleted the tweet. And then something came out with a random girl claiming it was herself. When was that? I feel like it was around the beginning of the year or something?

  25. crila I think Kanye was thinking Beyonce's song was still better than Taylor Swift's.

  26. Gahh all these ads on the page are gunking up my computer.

    Kanye is probably publicly making such a fuss about Kim and her sextape and her being in his songs, to take the spotlight off all the songs Frank Ocean wrote about their relationship and penetration fest.
    Repeatedly attempting to direct attention towards something/one only pushes what you want to avoid further into the bright lights.

  27. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Methinks the lady doth protest too much

  28. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Methinks the lady doth protest too much

  29. I'm still praying that Kanye is straight. The gay community has enough to deal with, without him!

  30. Atleast he wore a condom.....

  31. How is it no one ever answers the question on everyones mind? How big is his dick? Obviously not that big (remember the John Edwards one where everyone commented on how fucking huge his cock was?)..more than likely it is average so they can't say "he has a small dick" becuase it is probably the same size as theirs...

  32. Kanye, wax that taco meat off of your chest!! I usually like hair, but that looks like something off of the Taco Bell dollar menu.

    @Amber - Exactly. The obsession is creepy. He is now styling her?! I wonder if he wants to be with her or to be her.

    JSierra - Preach!

  33. What is the reason for the gay rumors?

  34. if you squint reeeeeally hard, KK kinda looks like a less attractive chubby Cher...maybe that's why he's so obsessed.

  35. "Now if I bend her over and don't look down, maybe it'll be almost like...oh, no! Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down..." - Kanye to himself

  36. are you people for real?

    Kanye fucked a girl on tape to prove he's straight? Christ, that's a dim and offensive suggestion.

    FYI- "sources" is an old ass word used to not get sued for MAKING SHIT UP. Sources is not firsthand information.

  37. @crila16 What was he thinking...HHMMMMM.."just a few more minutes and people will totally not think I'm gay"

    Didn't he by accident/on purpose tweet "i Just f**ked Kim so hard" and then delete it a minute after. I mean what's with all the sex with ladies action all of the sudden. He is so high maintenance

  38. Gayfish doth protest too much and should have better taste.

  39. he totally did it to lower his Respect bar and heighten Kim's, he wants everyone to accept that slut

  40. I hope they cut all of Kris Jenner's direction out of the tape...

  41. Everytime I think of Kanye West I think of the spits that are in the corner of his mouth. Groooooss.

  42. I didn't know about Kayne, but I am waiting for the Usher/Beiber sex tape. It's only a matter of time...

  43. I had to NOT think about Kanye having sex and watch the Flight of the Conchords..It's my husbands favorite song! Laugh everytime.

  44. There was a pic last year that MediaTakeout posted of what was believed to be Kanye hittin KK from behind. This was long before they admitted to being a couple. I'll try and find it. But the the above picture of his short torso seems to match up with the noticeably short torso in the pic of him and the abnormally large ass of the suspected KK in the MediaTakeout pic.

  45. I can't stand this douche or his plastic surgery enhanced girlfriend. Media whores to the core. I wish they would move to some remote island and never be seen or heard from again.

  46. Sorry Kanye is doing a Single White Female move...who is shopping the video, Kris k.? When will this phase be over? Who wants to see him on tape, with anyone? EWWWW!

  47. PLEASE, god/universe/karma dont let this guy and kimmie k have children together.

  48. Ba ha ha, Flight of the Conchords....look up their new song 'feel inside' very cool!

  49. Ba ha ha, Flight of the Conchords....look up their new song 'feel inside' very cool!

  50. Business hours are OVER, baby... XD
