Monday, September 17, 2012

Kailyn Lowry Gets Engaged

Over the weekend, Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry says she got engaged to her boyfriend of about a year who says that he can't wait to have a family with the mom. Apparently lots of people on her Twitter where she announced the news were really mean and I don't get the hate. She is getting married and she has worked hard and is not messed up like others on the show.


  1. She's "not" messed up? I guess she's not into drugs maybe what I noticed was a kid trying to act grown up and came off manipulative instead. DON'T HAVE BABIES IN YOUR TEENS! Teen Mom has been so good at highlighting all the horrible things about being a Teen Mom. I'll watch it as long as its on tv. I would NEVER want to go through what they do!

  2. Because of all of the ads, this website takes so long to load, it's almost unreadable.

  3. @Sue I have to read on my phone at work. My work browser won't load it at all and I can't change anything.

  4. @SueRH & Salsa Lover - on Firefox you can install the AdBlock Plus extensions. I don't get any pop-ups or auto-play ads.

  5. Any time I see a story about one of the Teen Moms and I have never heard of her, I always figure that she must be doing something right.

  6. Cathy - that's sad, but totally valid. Hopefully this guy is a good guy and provides some stability for their little family. Good luck to them!

  7. Who? Star? i think there needs to be a new term, hardly a star....

  8. i love her. i hope he's a good guy and it works out.

  9. From what I remember about her, her mother seemed to take her boyfriend's side over her own daughters, which caused her to move out. Kailyn's boyfriend also wasn't as helpful to her as he could have been. This makes me sad because she wasn't as self-absorbed as the others, Farrah I'm looking at you, but had so many things working against her.

  10. Anonymous9:18 AM

    She seems well adjusted and good for her I say.

  11. I cannot stand this lying, cheating thief. Ugh! All I can say is I hope that dude wraps it tight at all times and keeps his condoms in a lock box.

  12. I'm curious, why is she a lying, cheating, thief? I'm an avid teen mom watcher, so i'm curious. Yes, she stumbled at times but a lying thief? Spill.

  13. She's a thief because she stole furniture from her mom.

    She's a liar for many reasons but I certainly didn't like that she borrowed money from her baby daddy, promised to pay him back from her next paycheck and didn't and had to be threatened to have her clothes held hostage to even pay him back. She's a cheat because she cheated in her ex (Jordan. She cheated on her baby daddy too but he was cheating on her so that's a wash.)

  14. i'll tell you why she doesn't have the biggest fan base, and if you don't get why, it's cause you obviously don't watch the show...she is perpetually always beefs with her baby daddy, when he does everything right, and she always ends up looking very idiotic and wrong

  15. I only saw the 16 and Pregnant episode. The father of her child was horrible. He was beyond immature and treated her like garbage just because he could. Her mother was no mother at all. Wasn't she moving in with s boyfriend, and basically told her teenage daughter to find a new place to stay? This girl was dealt a crappy hand in life, and I do hope she chooses the right path.

  16. Good for her! She's one of the only girls on the show who went to school on campus & worked a job. All the other girls who "went to school" usually took all online classes and still dropped out because staying home with their baby was "too distracting" to do homework. She might've made poor personal choices, like cheating on Jordan, and all that drama, but at least she's trying to set a good example for her son and make something of herself.

    And for all the people who are gonna trip on my comment about being a stay-at-home mom & taking online classes.... I am a stay-at-home mom of two - a 3 yr old and a 1yr old, Plus I watch a 3yr old and a 15-month old for a friend of mine 5 days a week, and if I can find time to read the interwebs and type this comment, them brats who have one baby can find a few hours to do homework. I've taken online courses before.... It's not that hard.

  17. Thank you Enty for not hating on this good girl. People seem to hate these girls for having a baby young.They don't hate the awful baby daddies such as Kailyns'.
