Thursday, September 06, 2012

Jwoww Is Secretly Engaged

What is with all the secrets now? Don't celebrities want to share anything with their fans or if you are not a fan then at least something to discuss with others? Apparently Jwoww is engaged and the producers of Snooki & Jwoww are trying to keep it a secret for the second season and also want to film the wedding. First of all, I would actually watch a season of the show if Jwoww and Snooki planned a double wedding because it would be a big mess. Second of all, I think that before the show could even air, Jwoww would probably file for divorce. I just don't see her being married to a guy for very long who she told to burn in hell because he did not want to go to dinner with her one night. Then again, he did ask her to marry him after she said that so...


  1. I'm sure they will be happily miserable together for eternity <3

  2. While they're cute together, she doesn't seem like the type to settle down, good luck on turning a ho into a housewife.

  3. Happy miserable? Come talk to me or matter of fact see me right now. Happy miserable is not funny.

  4. Happy miserable? Come talk to me or matter of fact see me right now. Happy miserable is not funny.

  5. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I have a confession...I watched all of the Snooki and Jwoww episodes in one night. I grew to love them.

    They're in the hate/love stage of the relationship.

  6. kelgela - I haven't watched it yet, but could see myself getting sucked in. I couldn't deal with Jersey Shore, because of the whole Sammi/Ronnie thing, Situation, and Dena. It was just too gross. I do actually find Snooki to be quite funny. It's unfortunate for her that she kind of can't go by Nicole, though I read an interview where she said she wants to. She's forever branded Snooki.

  7. I get the skivvies from him, she can do better. The one episode of Jwoww and Snooki I saw, he was bragging how he caught clamydia lke 3 times. Umm, yeaa... got a winner right there!

  8. J who gives a shit?

  9. He looks like Wil Wheaton on a serious amount of steroids.

  10. Anonymous9:09 AM

    She actually strikes me as a pretty normal girl, cartoonish looks aside. She should lay off the plastic surgery!

    She could do better than this guy.

  11. don't go away mad,
    just go away.

  12. Anonymous9:23 AM

    @ Amber: If you're like me, then you will get hooked on it. We don't have cable but I have this great website that has most episodes and movies of practically anything you want to see.

  13. She must be asexual because he always complains about not getting laid and she could care less about giving him any too. All that plastic surgery must have numbed her down there.

  14. I secretly could care less.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. They look like each other

  17. Engaged? Are they registered anywhere?? Oh wait, I don't give a crap.

  18. I somehow was lead to the
    'Tila Truth' site. The writers are witty and funny calling out the desperate attempts previous reality show 'star" Tila Tequila. Tila is desperately trying to hold on to attention through such foolery as claiming she is an artist, sad yet funny. REality fame.

  19. Yes, I thought jwow was really hot- but the stuff she has done to her face are horrible! Why???
