Monday, September 10, 2012

Justin Bieber Gets His Underage Drink On

Justin Bieber is slowly trying to morph his goody goody Christian image into one who drinks and is willing to suck in the second hand smoke of Snoop Dogg smoking blunt after blunt next to him all night. In Toronto over the weekend, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber went to a club and Bieber did quite a lot of drinking. In Toronto the legal drinking age is 19. Bieber is 18, but maybe Selena was buying them for him and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Of course, considering that Snoop was in the club and was chain smoking blunts in a club without even bothering to go to a smoking area or even make an attempt to comply with smoking laws or drug laws, it sounds like the club kind of new the night was a lost cause and let everyone do what they wanted to do. The Biebs did not leave Snoop's side so, you know he had to have a hit or two right? How do you turn down Snoop if he offers? Would you? I actually don't have a problem with Biebs doing either, I just wish he would not pretend to be something he is not and perhaps he should think back to Atlanta and some of his parties and wonder if there were people there who might have talked or been able to sneak a photo despite the best efforts of the Biebs.


  1. you mean Snoop LION, right?

    that whole thing still makes me giggle.

  2. Photos, eh? Awesome. :D

  3. Photos, eh? Awesome. :D

  4. Snoop hanging with Justine? Sad.

  5. Is he biting Selena here?! You's toe up, son...

  6. He's such a little punk. I can't believe I took the time to read about him. Yuck.

  7. Oh my god!! Underage drinking!! The horror! The HORROR!!!!!!!!

  8. If he hadn't announced how Jesusy and virginal he was, this wouldn't REALLY be a thing. So many kids that age are experimenting (not saying I condone it, I just certainly can't throw stones!). It's like when Britney would talk about being a virgin and waiting until marriage, and then everyone figured out she and Timberlake were gettin' it on and it was just kind of like, "Oh...about that..." I know they're young, and not totally image-savvy yet, but the young stars should learn to be more careful about what they say. The public - regardless of whether or not it's their business - holds them to the standards they project and ends up feeling betrayed.

  9. Granted, I'm not an avid Bieber follower, but when did he claim to be virginal?

  10. Never ever thought he was anything other than a douche!

  11. I used to LOVE Vancouver, B.C. road trips when I was underage. Drink, drank, drunk. Stayed at a horrible hotel on Robson St. called the Tropicana. *sigh* such fun.

  12. Cathy - he's said in the past he's waiting for marriage. Now, he avoid the question. Know what will make your head explode? Google the topic. Bieber commenters are something to behold.

  13. Amber - I had no idea; I just assumed that a teenager who tries to emulate Usher at every chance he gets, owns his own home and goes on un-chaperoned vacations with his older girlfriend wasn't pretending to be a virgin. I thought that was the Jonas shtick.

  14. They all pretend to be something they're not. Well, 99% of celebs.

  15. Is that Anderson Cooper?? Lol

  16. Anonymous8:02 AM

    This is such a mess, I honestly hope Justin gets called out on his crap. He made it seem like he hardly ever drank anything... ok, seems here he was drinking like a fish. Justin is very "image savvy", somehow even though he has made the dumbest comments about issues such as abortion, he comes out still having his image intact. His team is pretty good for cleaning up his messes for most part. I wonder if this will go anywhere.

  17. Snoop was losing credibility with me a few years ago with the whole "shizzle" thing....but hanging with Bieber? GMAFB. Was Justin even alive when Doggystyle came out? I doubt it and admittedly, my math skills are non-existent.

  18. Typical kid stuff. Who didn't do this when they were a teenager. One day I was knocking on doors for Jesus and then a few years later I was doing qualudes and drinking beer.

  19. An 18 year old not drinking would be a news headline. No idea how you can contribute to the delinquency of a minor when he's 18 years old. When are they starting adulthood this year?

  20. eh who cares, not me. I thought it was pretty much known he was getting it on? Well it was obvs to me, and to whoever asked if that was Anderson Cooper, you made me LOL fo-rizzles.

  21. Snoop was so high that, when he farted, everyone in the club got the munchies.

    -Ice T

  22. Ugh this kid! I'm not judging because who hasn't done this but everything this kid does annoy the hell out of me!

  23. I can honestly say that I hung out with Snoop in Vegas after a concert and I did, indeed, turn down the blunt(s).

    But not this little prick. He doesn't have the cajonees.

  24. Selena went on and on about wearing one of those chastity rings and saving herself for marriage, etc. etc., but is believed to be the tweener who is the expert at oral sex. Which, I guess, could have still made her a virgin when she hooked up with Bieber.

  25. Meh. J Bubs isn't doing anything any other Canadian teen isn't doing.

    I'm not even going to come down on him too hard for the virginity talk at the beginning of his career. He comes from a part of Ontario that is pretty Godded up. It would be a fairly normal thing for a young teen from his neck of the woods to say. Trust me, I've lived out there.

  26. If you were in his shoes and not doing this, you'd have your head up your ass. He's being a normal 19 year old. Good for him!
