Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just When Randy Jackson Thinks He Is Out They Pull Him Back In

Apparently as much as Mariah Carey would like to be the only judge on Idol and have the focus entirely on her while she talks to Nick Cannon off camera and says, "Don't worry baby. Ryan will be gone soon and you can have that talky thing job up there that he does and you do on that show with the woman with the plastic surgery," Mariah might actually get some company. Not going to be Nicki Minaj. Enrique Iglesisas said no unless Anna Kournikova could also get a job as host or a judge or move automatically to the top 2, so that means the producers are going to have to go kiss some Randy Jackson butt. Kicked out of his dawg house, and told he was going to the "farm," now they want him back and I hope Randy makes them pay a lot extra. He won't though because he is just happy to be working steadily. A multi-year contract would be nice though.


  1. What happened with Nicki M? Isn't Keith Urban also in line to be a judge? I like Randy and am glad he is back.

  2. Randy seems to have been taking the high road so far, I hope he gets the deal he deserves.

  3. Keith Urban turned them down since he has other obligations w/ touring and recording, etc ... he said he felt he wouldn't be able to dedicate the time needed to AI. Not sure on Nicki M but I'm glad she's out. I refuse to watch her attempt to judge 'talent' given her lack of.

  4. I just want to take this opportunity to note that I loathe NM and am glad she's out too.

  5. These are the only options? Personally, I think they should cough up as much money as it would take to get David Bowie. Then I might watch the show.

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Minaj might be out because Mariah threw a hissy fit over not be the only female from what the tabloids have said.I bet both of them have egos the size of Texas.

  7. David Bowie! NOW we're talking! I've never watched AI, and there just seems to be less and less reason to do so with every season that passes.

  8. Yes!!! My little hottie is back.

  9. I can't stand NM so I'm not sorry she won't be on. I hope Randy gets a good deal, and I also hope he offers up some real advice to these kids instead of his oft repeated but unhelpful *pitchy* lines.

  10. Enrique Iglesisas said no unless Anna Kournikova could also get a job as host or a judge...

    Is he fucking kidding??

    David Bowie... wow now THAT would be a coup! I might even watch if Bowie were a judge.

  11. Keith Urban hasn't turned them down. He said only last week that it was "a work in progress" and that he would "love to do a show like AI". They are still negotiating.

  12. What did they say to Randy?

    Please, please. We were druuunk. It was supposed to be funny. You know we love you.


  13. Randy was on the View and they did everything they could think of to get him to say what was going on and he held fast...and said....nothing.

    I think this was incredibly awkward for him--I bet he's there to keep Mariah happy....kind of a minder so if she is cranky he can placate her.

    It seems like they make this whole judge/host hunt thing a loooonnnnng process so they can be in the news every day while they are not on tv. Simon did the same thing with X-Factor.

  14. OMG, David Bowie would be the diggity BOMB! Can you imagine if Iman showed up too? Mimi would have a fit! I would be watching with popcorn and I have never watched a single episode - please TV gods make this happen!

  15. Crappy to treat Randy like that. MiMi may be cray cray but she is talented. NM, um NO!
