Monday, September 10, 2012

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson gets her own post. I thought about making this just one of the random photos, but this is Jessica on her way to New York for Katie Couric which will be on today. She did not look noticeably different when she landed in New York, so thought we would go with the LAX photo when she was at her freshest. So, how does she look? Will she keep losing? Stay the same? Gain it back?


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    She looks slimmer...

  2. I think she appears slimmer, and she's also wearing a very loose-fitting top. She's probably trying to make sure she's still masking how much she's lost by wearing it. Also, as long as she's healthy it doesn't much matter. She's got a new purpose in life now, yanno?

  3. I think she looks great here. She's either lost tons of weight or just learned how to hide the extra. ;)

  4. Go Jessica! I think she looks great here!!!

    Am I the only one thinking where's the baby?

    1. I think other photos showed that her fiance was carrying the baby in a bassinet.

  5. As far as Enty's question, I think Jessica will stay only as thin as she needs to, to keep making money. If she needs cash when the clothing line dries up, I can see her being motivated. For now, though, she's got a new baby and a fortune in the bank....I know I wouldn't care about a strict diet right now if I were her.

    It was dumb to sign a weight-loss deal beforehand. Too much pressure. Enjoy your baby.

  6. She looks great. But I think we're going to see her up and down and up and down for a very long time.

  7. She lost the bloat that's for sure, how much she lost who knows ? But she was over 200 pounds so maybe she lost 50 pounds ....
    She's not a tall girl.

  8. I want my jeans, Jessica!

    And she looks great. You can really see the weight loss in her face.

  9. I will preface this as saying I am not a fan of all.

    Yes, she looks slimmer. Even though her top is loose, her thighs look more thin than when she was papped in her workout clothes. I will give her credit for this.

    However, if she goes on that show today and says she is back in a size 4, pul-leeze!

  10. She does look thinner, but she also has a LOT of pressure on her right now to do so! I strongly believe your body has an ideal type and I'm not sure hers is thin. According to the BMI scale, it says I could loose 30 lbs and be at an ideal weight. On me, that's too much weight to lose. I've been there before and I am NOT healthy at that weight. I'm skinny, but not healthy. There's a big difference. Jessica needs to find where she is healthy, then she'll be OK and we'll leave her alone. Or mostly alone, until she opens her mouth again. Then it's game on. :)

  11. Silly said it, my doctor say's it all the time...

  12. I think you can totally tell she has lost weight and probably is within that 10pounds of her pre pregnancy weight...which wha a hit heavier then her daisy duke days! But....I really hope she wears a normal outfit today on Katie and not a here've ledger dress with 2 pair of spanx underneath and claim she is something that she quite isn't. It isn't fair to try to lie about being thinner then you are just by wearing spanx. People will support her journey more if she is just upfront an says "yeah I am 10 pounds away from my pre pregnant weight and another 25 away from my daisy duke days!"

  13. I wouldn't be surprised if she turned to diet pills like phentermine to dump the weight for the check.

  14. I agree that she looks great, and hope like others, that she doesn't wear Spanx.

    Does anyone remember when Adele was interviewed by Anderson Cooper, she told him she wore FOUR pairs of Spanx under her dress? Never mind that I don't even know how that's possible, but then it turns out that she was actually pregnant at the Grammy's, and didn't want anyone to know. Isn't that kind of risky?

  15. She looks great! I think you can totally tell that she's dropped a TON of weight already! Keep up the good work Jess! ;)

  16. I think she looks gorgeous, and I'd love to know where she got that blouse - I need!

  17. She looks really good. She has lost a lot of weight. Good job, Jess!

  18. @surfer - while four layers of spanx might be crazy crazy hot and uncomfortable, I don't think it would affect the baby. I don't know for sure, but that's my belief.

    Now, are we going to discuss what kind of funky swamp crotch/infections four layers of spanx might cause? I know, gross - but that's immediately what I think of. That might impact a pregnancy, more than just squeezy spandex.

  19. She looks good - but I want to know what is in that fucking gargantuan bag of hers!!!!!

  20. LOL Frufra. THANKS for the mental sensory overload!

  21. The clothes are deliberately baggy. Her Spanx will have Spanx before she does her exhibition for WW.

  22. I've always thought Jessica Simpson was beautiful. She's not happy when she's heavy, though. She looks really good here. I love her outfit.

    I also have never thought her stupid or untalented. She has a nice pop / gospel voice, and a great business sense.

    She's managed to carve out a life for herself, and I hope it works for her.

  23. Frufa - all I can say is "aaak." Not something I care to visualize, thanks.

  24. Sorry, surfer :-). Not trying to ruin your Monday morning! Having been a chubby, sweaty, pregnant lady before, it's just where my mind goes.

  25. Her clothes are deliberately baggy, but in her defense, when I fly I wear the baggiest stuff I have too. A four hour flight is miserable in tight clothes.

  26. I agree Jessica will probably continue to have a lot of ups and downs w/ her weight.
    She's the next Janet, Kirstie, or Delta. Her fluctuating weight might help keep her relevant.

  27. I have some weight to lose, and I deal with enough stress about that from my family. I can't even imagine having people post awful pics of me online and mocking my progress every day. I am happy for Jessica and hope she tells everyone to suck it one day!

    I do wish I had her resources to help me lose weight - and a $4 million check from WW would be great. I am very fortunate to have a super sweet boyfriend who cares about who I AM rather than my fluctuating size. I am healthy as a horse, though, and want to stay that way for my kids, so I will lose the weight. I know it's hard and it takes time, so here goes...

  28. She's on her way, she looks great

  29. She looks a lot slimmer, especially looking at her legs. Looks great.

  30. funky swamp crotch/infections

    OMG, that's hilarious...all of our male posters just lost their breakfasts and Enty is starting happy hour a little early today.

  31. Awwww, Delta Burke. I have a soft spot for her because my Mom has big hair like hers (The higher the hair, the closer to God)

    Of course I laughed at your Spanx cautionary tale. When I wear my Magic workout pants, I'm always sure to shed those suckas as soon as I get home. Mama don't mess around

    Jessica looks pretty! I like her little getup too, but Holy Hell she's going to sweat as soon as she hits that 80 degree weather

  32. I live that the title of this post is simply "Jessica Simpson"

    She will undoubtedly be spanxed, caffinated, and probably duct taped for the show. While she has lost weight, she's got a little ways to go to be in a single digit size.

  33. She does look thinner and I wish her well. Losing weight is not easy and having everyone watch you do it is damn near impossible!

  34. Weird, but she looks taller!

  35. Seriously, is it really necessary to police every celebrity's weight loss or gain? Funny how it's only/mostly women that a 300-lb man is judging.

  36. She looks very good, but will yo yo like Janet Jackson for the rest of her life. It is obviously a struggle for her to stay slim.

  37. She looks good, but she's obviously well disguised. I see a plus size line coming soon, because she will tell us how sympathetic she became to bigger women while she was pregnant.

    I hope she's healthy, and I agree that once the trainer and the nutritionist aren't hovering over her, she will yo yo like the rest of us, especially if she has another baby in the next 3 years or so.

  38. she's looking great! i know she has a ways to go, but it looks like she's on the right track. that must have taken tremendous discipline, which is borderline miraculous given her eating habits during pregnancy, so mega kudos to her!

  39. What does it matter how much she loses or what size she is?

  40. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I think she looks good, she's definitely lost weight, but I think she has some more to lose. Guess I'm in the minority here.
    She's doing her old trick of hiding behind the colossal bag ! She's famous for that.
    Keep going, Jessica ~

  41. I think she looks fantastic

  42. She's beautiful. Her face is slimmer.

  43. she looks very pretty, bearing up well under pressure, lol

  44. I think she looks great!! GO JESS!! For some reason, I'm always pulling for her. I hate all of the bad press she gets..

  45. Here's her reveal picture..

  46. @1jazz
    Where? Where? :)
    i looked at the link on my phone but only saw her preggo pic. Are you punking us? (Am I supposed to use an apostrophe in that word somehow?)

  47. She looks great! If she really needed motivation, she only needed to read the comments section of any celeb blog, right? ;)

    Does anyone know if she lost what WW was requiring for the $$?

  48. Anonymous5:31 AM

    All I know is if someone sat me alone in a room and there was cake on the table and said if you don't touch the cake for 3 minutes we'll give you £50,000 I would say easy.

    They would return and I would say; 'Can I have my money please?'

    'Im afraid not you touched the cake'

    'How very dare you (cake crumbs flying and spitting)'the cake attacked me I deserve compensation!'

    I reckon this is how J Simpson feels. She looks good she's a new mum and she like her food. If I had a personal chef it would just be a gateway to all my food fantasies coming true. I reckon it'd be harder.

  49. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Mmmm cake. 😍
