Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Jessica Simpson Speaks - A Little

Jessica Simpson has given her first post-pregnancy interview and it was to USA Today. If you are one of the people who believe that USA Today can write ten paragraphs and not say anything then the article with Jessica is not going to change your mind. These are the salient facts that can be found in the article. Jessica's boobs are too big to run so she walks. She uses 28 Weight Watchers points a day down from 34. She eats a mini bag of M&M's everyday and does not have mac & cheese everyday. That is it. Nothing else was revealed. She did not say how much she weighed when she was at her peak or how much she weighs now . She did say she has lost weight every week and that her body is not bouncing back like a super model. She reveals her body on Monday on Katie Couric. I wonder if she will do the whole bikini thing like Kirstie Alley did. I wonder if she is ever going to get married or just be permanently engaged. Cheaper that way.


  1. If this was anyone but Jessica, her weight loss struggles would make her feel more relatable. Somehow, she stopped feeling like the girl next door. Maybe it was carrying her dogs in Louis Vuitton bags. Her dogs shit in bags nicer than most people could ever hope to own.

  2. Poor Jessica Simpson. For all of her millions of dollars, she still isn't the prettiest girl in Hollywood.

    It's a hard knock life.

  3. She'd be crazy to marry that free loader...he's done his part it's over. At least it should be.

  4. Kirstie Alley, Delta Burke, and Carnie Wilson, meet Jessica Simpson...

  5. aww, i hope she turns out ok.

  6. If she's eating refined sugar every day, she's going to stay a fat ass.

  7. It's not that bad, Joe will always like her boobs.

  8. Just a guess, but maybe WW doesn't want her to reveal her starting weight & how much she's lost so that can be part of their big reveal. They're paying her a lot, & I'm sure they want to be the ones to share the big news.

  9. It's kind of sad, really. Not sure what she has to offer 'Hollywood' now. That sounds so sexist or whatever, but she's no different than any of the rest of us now. I'm not sure her voice still works, either. Hopefully she saved for a rainy day.

  10. I've said it before, and will say it again - my money's on sister staying plus- size, marketing a plus-size clothing line, and proceeding to laugh all the way to the bank. Again.

    Obviously, how much she weighs is her beezwax. As long as she's healthy, I say, go on with your chubby self, Jessica. Weight Watchers might feel a little differently about that, though :-).

  11. Like I said in another thread...Katie's show will be a WW commercial.

    And she did give an interview after the baby. I remember her gushing about how she can't stop looking at her baby and how her life has changed. You know, pretty unique new-mom stuff because no one else felt that way after their baby was born.

    Jess, please go back to signing your endorsement deals (um, I mean desinging things) and fade away.

  12. In her interview she stated she wanted to be a role model for everyday women cause she's just a normal girl. WTFE!! I can't afford weight watchers or a personal trainer 5 days a week and don't know many who can.

    OT but I may be just a bit bitchy, I started the yeast free diet 2 days ago and am about to go out of my ever loving mind for coffee.

    1. @Bobbi
      Can you use sit milk in coffee?
      My sis-in-law did that diet for 2(?) months, and even now that she's finished she still feels wayyyy better.
      Just trying to give you encouragement to stick with it, it's worth it! :-)

  13. I think she just needs to accept that she's not supposed to be rail-thin. Even when she was younger she had meat on her. She must've been starving when she "got in shape" for that Dukes of Hazzard role. However, accepting that you're naturally curvier doesn't give you a pass on mainlining Taco Bell and Twinkies.

  14. Anonymous7:08 AM

    @Bobbi- have you researched Coconut oil at all?? If yeast is a problem for you, it could be very beneficial!!!

  15. Geez, another one that I like! I guess I am the minority......

    Enty, you and I are on total different wavelengths, imagine if we went out and drank together we would fight over every conversation!! That would be awesome:)

  16. If she's lost 6 points, she's lost approximately 60 pounds.

  17. Tmz reported that she wanted to "enjoy" her first pregnancy by eating Mac and Cheese along with other unhealthy foods and had NO IDEA that her body wouldn't automatically drop the weight after baby.....duh!

    1. To be fair, i lost exactly what i gained with both my children like the next day. I was young, and didnt start out at perfect weight, but baby weight came right iff. It was funny, gained 30 lbs with my son, lost 30 lbs. only gained 12 lbs with my daughter- rough throwy up pregnancy- but i was shocked, Shocked i ddnt lose 30 lbs like the first time, lollol. Wish it did work like that!

  18. Anonymous7:19 AM

    when is her interview with Couric?

  19. Jessica seemed to go from 200 lb to 130 in less than a month!


  20. @bobi_1025

    Is that the Candida cleanse? One of the moms in my secret FB granola group was doing it and started to get us all on board.

    Until she mentioned no coffee and wine. Good luck - stay stong!

  21. Yikes, some of these comments give me a sad.

  22. i don't understand why people care about this.

  23. I also don't understand, and feel the focus should be on the newborn. It'd weird that a new mom is revealing how her body bounced back on a show after 3 months. It's "circusy" and sexist.

  24. @bflogurl- I have almost all the symptoms for the candida overgrowth. My hair stylist is the one who clued me in on it. I've been having these issues for years and no dr can give me a definite dx so I figured what the hell. I have been using the coconut oil every am for the oil pulling and also put it in a detox tea. I'm also using the apple cider vinegar and I've got to say the ACV does give me more energy since I've started it and I'm not having as much stomach pain. The only problem for me so far is headaches which I've always had but these suck and I can't drink caffeine to help ease them.

    @Sunny yeah that's it. The wine part was a total downer for me to read too. Especially when I had a girls night with lots of margaritas planned in 2 weeks. I'm also a big diet Pepsi drinker and I can't have that either. It's crazy at the amount of food that has yeast and other chemicals in it. Some of which I never realized. And thanks:)

  25. She doesn't really need to say anything at this point. Any picture of her is worth a thousand words.

  26. But wait!!!@bobbi_1025

    What are the symptoms a hair stylist can see? I've been reading about it on Its my favorite site along with this one! : ) I'm trying to make my hair fuller with vitamins maybe I'm doing it all wrong.

  27. She's got like a billion dollar empire.

  28. PS I've been a wallflower to long on this site. How to I make a profile without being unknown? It's time to get in on all the fun I read here everyday!

    1. Welcome! Sorry, dont remember how i did it, lol

    2. Lol alright I'll look through it again. Thanks!

  29. @unknown-nothing having to do with hair. I've had severe fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach pain/problems, mouth sores constantly, and no matter what I do I'm always cold. The cold sensitivity is what she pointed out to me could be a sign of yeast problems. I can stand under a scalding shower and still be cold.

    However, coconut oil is great for your hair. A year ago or so I got bored and bleached my hair. I came out looking like a calico cat and had to have it evened out. My hair was as white as the girl from Game of Thrones. I totally ruined my hair but started putting coconut oil on it and sleeping with it on under a shower cap. It helped a lot. Also the apple cider vinegar is good as a rinse for your hair and it also helps with acne for those who are prone to it.

    1. Thank you for the great info. I appreciate your time!

    2. You could have Lyme disease, also known as the great imitator because it has so many symptoms that resemble other illnesses

    3. You could have Lyme disease, also known as the great imitator because it has so many symptoms that resemble other illnesses

  30. @bobbi_25

    Good luck! I'll drink that coffee for you, the cleanse is a bitch and a half from what I've heard. I went the other route Master Cleanse for 30 days and then went grain-free, low carb and zero artificial and processed anything.Master Cleanse worked great for me, but then I was a stay at home mother back then and could afford to spend hours in the toilet.

  31. @Bobi_1025
    Thx so much for sharing. I am prone to canker sores too and should probably try the cleanse (gah!) Also, maybe try taking zinc for your mouth sores. I have seen a major improvement since I added zinc/magnesium/ calcium supplement

  32. @Sunny
    I have a secret fb crunchy mama group too, but now that fb posts every move I make to the newsfeed it us hard to be secretive anymore.

  33. Bobbi, your symptoms sound suspiciously like mine prior to being diagnosed with, and treated for, hyperparathyroidism (NOT hyperthyroidism). I went literally YEARS feeling everything you described with no diagnosis until I had a slightly high blood calcium and alkyline phosphatase come back. I'd had high AP before but it was written off when more fine tuned live panels came back normal (AP can also come from your bones). I would encourage you to think about having your parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels checked. This disease can be debilitating if left unchecked.

    More info at or feel free to email me cdanlola@gmail. com

    PS...unknown another symptom of hyperparathyroidism is unexplained hair loss, if that helps.

    1. Interesting, gonna have to read up on that.

  34. Forget JS and WW! I want to hear more about the cleanses. I've been wanted to try one: make a radical change to my diet & start with a clean slate - but I can't tell which ones are legit & which are bogus...

    Finally!! An OT thread I care about. :)

  35. Oh, and if you have hyperparathyroidism, calcium suppliments can, at best, make it worse and at worst, be dangerous.

    The main symptoms are called "groans, stones and bones" (headaches/anxiety/depression/debilitating fatigue, kidney stones, bone/joint pain)

    My surgeon has had many patients who were originally diagnosed with fibromyalgia (or told it was all in their head) that were subsequently diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism.

  36. @bobbi - sounds like you could have a gluten intolerance. If untreated it can lead to candida overgrowth and thyroid problems. Definitely worth looking into.

    Here's a list of products that contain gluten:

  37. Her weight would be her business had she not signed a $4 million dollar endorsement deal.

    Why must she always discuss her breasts? She's so insecure, it's unreal. We know you have them Jessica, you don't have to keep reminding us.

    If she's 28 points, she's not below 160.

  38. Gluten is a bitch. I highly recommend reading Wheat Belly (or at least the author's blog wheat belly blog) to learn more about why there is such an increase in gluten intolerance and celiac diagnosis.

  39. Ok, just updated my name from Unknown.

    I'll have to check out the Wheat Belly blog. Gluten intolerance has increased 400% over the last 50 years, but I haven't really heard WHY. Will be interesting to see what they say.

  40. Wasn't there a post about her contract with WW being void if she didn't lose "X" amount by the end of August? I wonder if she got there or if they just changed their mind(s)/contract?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. @Lola- I have hair loss too! I was told it was due to stress and B-12 defiency but it has never gotten better. I will for sure check that out.

    @mah na- I've been tested for celiac and it came back negative. Can it fluctuate like ANA does and be positive one day and negative another?

    I've become so aggravated with my primary dr that I have seriously been thinking about finding a new one who will actually listen to my symptoms instead of just saying I don't know go see a specialist or here's a pill try this.

    Thanks to everyone for all the tips I'm going to check them all out and give them a go.

  43. Omama
    WHAT??????????????? Congrats!! You just caught me completely off guard with your news because you always joke you've given up on men. I guess one special one made the cut :)

  44. @goes in circles
    Our secret group doesn't show up on the newsfeeds - I wonder if yours is SECRET secret?

    When our High Granola (ha!) made up the group, she put it as Secret and Closed. The only way to see it is if someone in the group adds you. I would die if the stuff we talked about made it's way to a news feed. We can be pretty raunchy or weird

    I could add you into ours if you want, but the majority of folks there are anti-vax etc, so I take things with a grain of salt. My sister is the ultimate Crunchy Mama - home births, no vax, no doctors etc. My apple fell far from that tree :)

  45. I've had two babies, and with both, I lost all my pregnancy weight before even leaving the hospital. But, I am bigger, and definitely need to loose weight. I still think Jessica has lost a lot and just dresses baggy to hide it until her big reveal

  46. @bobbi
    Yeah, I'm negative for Celiac as well, however I'm off the charts wrt gluten intolerance. It really is a spectrum. You may have a milde case, altho I had all of the things you mention. They know little about Celiac, and they know even less about non-Celiac gluten intolerance.

    The best way to test if it's gluten is to do an elimination diet. Keep a daily journal tracking all of your symptoms, and stay off of all forms of gluten for 6-8 weeks. Check the link I posted earlier for the unsafe items - gluten hides in all sorts of things, including soy sauce. Because the problem is with the immune system, you need to lay off all gluten - even crumbs can set off the immune system.

    The changes can be subtle, which is why you need the journal - you can look back a month earlier and see exactly how you were really feeling.

    And for some people, because their changes are subtle, they recommend sticking with it for 6-8 weeks to really make sure. Then introduce gluten in one fell swoop - I ate 6 slices of bread on a weekend morning, without eating anything else, just to make sure that the problem was definitely the gluten.

    Doctors suck. I have a lot of them in my family and they've been of little help. Unfortunately you really have to keep switching doctors until you find the right one. Best thing is to find a local group that deals with Celiac/Gluten Intolerance, or an online forum, and ask for doctor recommendations.

    Ok, sorry for the complete OT post everyone. Bobbi, feel free to contact me separately if you want some more feedback. Best!

  47. Well, she has to mention her boobs because, like Pam Anderson's, they're her career. I am also quite large-breasted and do not jog (not so much due to the bouncing issue as that most people I see jogging look miserable). However, at my gym there are elliptical machines, stairmasters, stationary bikes, spin classes, zumba...

    I am also, like Jess, a huge junk food junkie, but I was completely grossed out when she described her diet. She thought it all came off with the birth? Did she think she was gonna have a 75 lb. kid?

  48. @OMAMA Oy, my inner workaholic is depressed now. 135 lbs is my target weight! Ive got Jessica Rabbit curves though, so that's just genes.

    As for the blind, hey there's a hole in the market. Do you know how hard it is to find Awards-worthy dresses for the curvier chicks out there?....And which in the long run would be more profitable? Just sayin....

    (I know I totally jumped on the just sayin bandwagon lol)

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. p.s. this one's dad, I've been on and off with for the past five+yrs (and only with him).

    //I forgot to add that.

    1. Omama, it isnt for us to judge each other, but support and lift each other up. U have had rough path, the choices u made hv led u to a new life. I say good luck!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. @Omama
    You are so funny, and if you've read any of my oversharing posts you know I'm never in a position to judge ANYBODY :) :) :)

    I was in my late 30's (still am) when I had both my kids. You'll be fine, and the fact you have been so active I'm guessing you will have a smooth pregnancy, delivery and recovery. Well, here's hoping!

  53. @bobbi_1025 You might want to seek the help of a naturopath or possibly an osteopath. Both are more open to help with less easily diagnosed conditions. A naturopath can really help with diet - and as a poster above said, it will most likely be an elimination diet. You can get the results of your dr's test to either a naturopath or an osteopath, this will help them refine your exact symptoms and prescribe appropriate supplements and dosages. right now, it sounds like you are trying to guess at what you have. Much better to determine what it is. I'm on an adrenal fatigue program, but it took time to figure it out and it will take time to heal. But I'm feeling much better and seeing progress, just not getting any sugar, gluten, coffee or booze-lovin' these days : /

  54. @bobbi, as I said, please feel free to contact me.

    By the time I was diagnosed, I was sleeping up to 15 hours a day. Even my best friends would make fun of me and tell me how lazy I was (they felt badly after I was diagnosed). I literally could not make myself get up. I would also go to the bathroom all of the time, every couple of hours throughout the night (it is the only way your body can get rid of excess calcium). I also felt like I was in a mental fog all of the time and towards the end feared that I had early onset Alzheimer's (like my grandmother). High calcium seems like it would be so innocuous but it wrecks havoc on your body (including your heart) and on your nerves' ability to effectively conduct. If you are feeling one bit of the helplessness and depression about your symptoms that I was, I want to cry for you. And if you've ever had even a high normal calcium blood test, don't let a doctor tell you it's not high enough. I had this disease for probably about 7 years with only 2 "high" tests (and the test was only slightly high). On the bright side, it is easily fixed by a competent surgeon and the symptoms go away almost immediately. Looking back, I really feel I lost those years of my life.

    BTW, I mentioned calcium above but vitamin D can also be "unhelpful" if you have this as vitamin d prompts the body to absorb more calcium into the bloodstream which is already oversaturated with calcium. I think the only reason I finally got diagnosed is that it so happened I started taking Vit D supplements prior to going to the doctor which cause my calcium to spike off of the charts.

    See aren't the only oversharer. :)

  55. *It's caused by a adenoma (a benign tumor) on the parathyroid gland (which regulates blood calcium)

  56. Ok, I sincerely love this blog, because I love how people help people via off-topic over sharing. Love it!!

    Good luck with your health issues, ladies. I had hyperthyroidism, and good Lord, a screwed-up thyroid is no bueno!!

    OMAMA, blessings to you and your kids! EVERY baby is a blessing, and I understand your weight gain freak out, although I'm more on the Coriander side of things. My BFF and I were preggo at the same time, her with her first, and me with my second. She confided in me that she was up to 155 pounds (we were close to the end of the pregnancies), and I thought, "jeez, I'd love to get back down to 155 someday!". So, it's all relative. Take care and enjoy your pregnancy :-).

  57. whatever her PR is, she doesn't act like anything but herself

  58. @OMAMA Oh don't worry about it! I was just joking! :)
    I'm never gonna get below an 11-13 so I don't sweat it works for Christina Hendricks!

    No judgement here! I hope that you succeed - too many give up their goals/dreams so I like to support ppl who I see are brave enough to go after theirs. :)

    I really feel for your child. I hope she's learned healthy coping mechanisms and is healing. No one should ever have to go through sexual abuse.

  59. Omama, congratulations. You have the most important thing to give that baby, love.

  60. @frufra Right?? Good recipes, good advice, (usually) civil discourse. I don't miss Jez one bit.

    I'm off to do 90s trivia at a bar! Floral dress, combat boots, scrunchies....check check check! Look out for my tipsy posts later. ;)

  61. Congrats OMAMA!! That's fantastic news :) :)

  62. Omama said
    I'm terrified. I'm not a young 20 yr old anymore, but closer to pushing 40!!!!!! So I am afraid of not being able to loose the weight, like I did in my twenties.
    Losing weight is the least of your problems.

  63. You ladies are fab!

    Carebear I hope your mom is doing well.

    Congrats omana! You are truly awesome! We don't judge. :)

  64. @Bobbi, you should be tested for hypothyroidism as well, I've had many of the same symptoms. Make sure when you see your doctor they run a FULL thyroid panel, and not just check TSH. I was borderline with my TSH levels but was T the point I could barely function.

    Good luck.

  65. Was that really necessary, Henriette? Jeez

  66. Maybe being mean is the least of your problems, Henriette.

  67. @obama is broken, your child was one of sandusky's victims?

  68. Just want to mention that

    A) that was mean, Henriette
    B) omama, big congrats! Babies are always good news. Always. :)
    C) I never ran till I had a breast reduction, so JSimp, consider it.
    D) I gained 30lbs with my first (who was premature) and lost it + another 50lbs in a year. I gained 37 with my second (full term) and it took me over a year to lose it. There's no telling how the outcome will be after a pregnancy, so JSimp (who doesn't seem to be the quickest bunny in the forest to begin with) gets a free pass (somewhat) from me for being surprised at not losing it instantly.

  69. Anyone still here talking about celiac-gluten intolorence?

    I stopped drinking because I would get sick every damn time. Now anything with yeast kills me! I wake up with severe hand pain. I didnt eat bread yesterday but I did eat a dehydrated meal with lots of yeast in it. Is it possible to be allergic to only yeast and not flour or gluten?

  70. She's not wearing the right kind of sports bra if she thinks she can't run. I had to search high and low for the right one, but it is doable. Unless it has something to do with breast feeding?

    I wonder if she works out 6 hours a day with a personal trainer?
