Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jason Aldean Cheats On His Wife

Country singer Jason Aldean has been caught cheating on his wife of 11 years who is also the mother of their two kids. Jason's choice? American Idol washout Brittany Kerr who was canoodling with Jason at a club this weekend and some enterprising tourist caught it all on camera and sold the photos to TMZ. Jason and Brittany were making out and in each other's personal space. The good news for Jason's wife is Jason and Brittany did not leave together.


  1. no woman deserves to be cheated on, much less the humiliation of publicized photos...gahhhh, i know we can't help who we fall in love w/, and mr. aldean IS quite a charmer, but i just don't understand women who marry musicians--the most notorious cheaters since the beginning of time.

    1. Im gonna resoectfully disagree, as pro athelets are worst cheaters ever. A sorry competion to win.

    2. Ima gonna let auntliddy and Pookie finish, but must say politicians are the worst cheaters ever.

    3. Well him and his wife are Hs sweethearts if I recall and they were married before he became a musician. Still, what he did was wrong and shame on him.

  2. What is it with country singers??!
    LeAnn Rimes, Blake Shelton, and now this guy? Yuck!

    1. When did Blake Shelton cheat?

  3. No good news wld be him taking his sorry ass out the door with his ho for good.

  4. He played here in Orange County last night, a few of my friends went to see him. This is my only contribution to the Jason Aldean thread.

  5. I'm sensing Jason will come out with a hit album in a few months with songs about forgiveness and how much he hates himself for doing what he did. Asshole.

    1. Everything seems so calculated with celebrities

  6. And thus another Platinum album is born.

  7. He's on the cover of "Country Kneepads." I don't follow country music, so I don't know these people (aside from their names). This guy looks like such a dork! Please tell me women don't swoon over him.

    1. He sings and plays guitar. Noone is looking at his face or his body. "Rose colored glasses" anyone? Not to mention he is successful and she is an American Idol Reject. She knows what she's doing.

  8. @Emily he cheated on his first wife with Miranda Lambert and if the rumor mill is to be believed he cheats on Miranda like crazy too..which sucks because it breaks my big fat crush on him :(

    1. miranda was the other woman in his first marriage and knew he was a cheater when she decided to marry him so if he does cheat on her i'll have no sympathy for her when they divorce b/c she definitely knew what kind of man she was marrying.

  9. I wouldn't have recognized either one of them and would have thought they were just two dorks making out.

  10. I had to wiki this guy. Still don't know who he is but I feel for his poor wife!

  11. What do you expect from a redneck country singer anyway? What a loser!

  12. I witnessed him cheating a few years ago. Douchey

  13. Jason, don't you wanna stay..... With your wife? Haha.

  14. Don't know him either but feel sorry for his wife, nobody deserves to be lied to

  15. This hurts my heart. I thought he was a good guy after reading that he refused to be on the road for more than two weeks at a time because he wanted to be with his family.

  16. I have no idea who these people are.

  17. He seemed like a decent regular guy, but like most musicians with dicks who are out on the road he was thinking with his little head first..

  18. I second the douchebag comment.

  19. He actually admitted it on his FB page. I feel for his wife and family. How humiliated she must be!

  20. Aldean is big in the country music world, so this is gonna require his PR peeps to really work here. There is no excusing it, no matter what. As someone mentioned upthread, he is on the cover of the current Country People, with a feature article about how great his family life is. Someone over there at Kneepads, Countrified is facepalming at the moment. Then again, maybe it'll drive sales up as people may get curious. What the hell do I know?

    What I do know is that he probably will get mileage out of this with an album. I'm guessing country musicians don't cheat any more than other musicians, athletes, or politicians. I think it's just the combo of money, fame, and an ego that convinces you to do anything you want and believe you can get away with it. The psychology of fame and fortune is both fascinating and horrifying. It really emphasizes the worst of human nature sometimes.

  21. I have dated athletes, and an A list musician. They all cheated. None of them even bothered to hide it well. I think that it has more to do with the amount of money that the man is making...not necessarily his chosen career.

  22. She knew what she was doing!!! Taking advantage of him drunk. Come on who wouldnt want to make out with jason. Ppl make mistakes....but of course everyones making a big deal out of it cuz hes famous. If it was an ordanry person like me no one would give a shit. I still love him!

    1. Gross, slutshame much?
      BTW, if he was an ordinary person you wouldn't love him.

    2. My husband did this to me. He's and ordinary person, but I gave a shit, trust me.

  23. Jason posted this on Facebook, for those that are interested: Hey Guys – I wanted to talk to you directly, so you were hearing the truth from me and not just reading allegations made about my personal life on gossip web sites.
    The truth is that I screwed up. I had too much to drink, let the party get out of hand and acted inappropriately at a bar. I left alone, caught the bus to our next show and that's the end of the story. I ultimately ended up embarrassing my family and myself. I'm not perfect, and I'm sorry for disappointing you guys. I really appreciate being able to work through this privately with my family and for all your continued support.

  24. I love that he calls them "allegations" made by "gossip sites" ... And then admits to it.

  25. evidently he's done it a lot if you've even seen him do it right out in public. Its even worse that he does it so blatantly rather than making an attempt to keep things under wraps.

  26. NeverNudes, please elaborate!!

  27. @RedFishBlueFish - did you see that comment from a Tom ________ about Jason and his manager having unprotected sex even when the women are begging them to use it? Am I the only one that saw that comment?

  28. Drat. It's up to 26,000+ comments on his facebook now. I'm not searching for that comment with all that, but it was a doozy.

  29. I don't know who this guy is, and it doesn't really matter. Saying you're drunk and doing what he did is NO excuse. I would be so freaking pissed if my husband was splashed all over the media with this! And those poor kids...they get to grow up with evidence of their dad being a douche. Nice.

  30. I think you can just lump "People who Travel" as the high-risk category. Athletes woulds be the worst choice of among the high-risk cheaters. Their careers end early and a lot of them aren't that bright, live in bars reliving old glory days, keep putting trophies and old photos all over the house, watch football videos, and go into roid-rage meltdowns that can get physical. Maybe not golfers without roid rage issues, but they are boring as hell.

    You can at least vacuum around a skinny musician stoned out in the living room. But all those guitars they hang on the walls can detract from home decor.
