Saturday, September 15, 2012

James Cameron Says There Was Only Room For One Person On The Raft And Stop Talking About It

James Cameron is tired of talking about how there was room for Jack to get on the raft with Rose in Titanic. He is tired of the groups dedicated to showing people just how much room there was on the raft for two people. If you gave them a chance, they could probably find the room for three or four people, and a car and then lots of clowns and dogs would come out. What would the circus do if they performed at a place that didn't have a trap door to do that? Just blow off the trick? Anyway, Cameron says the reason Jack did not get on the raft was a matter of buoyancy and says the raft would have sunk if Jack had got on it. Cameron says that Jack tries and it sinks a little so he stays in the water to die. Or did he? He might come back as a cyborg in Terminator 5.


  1. Ugh. James Cameron is such a self-aggrandizing douche.

  2. The raft situation was just the pinnacle of all the stupid things in that movie.

  3. I don't like that movie and it makes me a total outcast amongst my friends. Going to see this movie was the cool thing to do when I was younger and every time I've tried to watch it, I fall asleep.

    But I woke up to this part and Jack so could have fit.

  4. LOL @ g.strathmore

  5. Wait, who has been talking about how Jack could fit on the raft? I'm guessing only James Cameron's dinner party guests where he ALWAYS brings it up as the topic of conversation and everyone debates accepting his invitations because they are so sick of the same conversation every time.

  6. What g.strathmore said. The movie was so overrated, and often inaccurate. Cameron needs to get over himself. Titanic is not turning out to be the classic film he thought it would be. It was big in my generation, but the younger generation growing up doesn't seem to be making it a must watch.

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    They made a movie about the Titanic? When's it coming out?

  8. James Cameron is not worth talking about nor is his raft.

  9. But he's king of the world!!!

    In other news, his digital effects company has filed for chapter 11.

  10. It's not about real estate, it's about mass and bouyancy. With Jack's weight aboard added to Rose's, the raft -- which was clearly about to capsize when he put his weight on it anyway -- both would have been submerged in freezing water, and both would have died of hypothermia.
    (Which, you'll recall, did kill Jack.)

    Cameron's right, the people on the gym floor are doofuses.

  11. Not having jack fit on raft- or door- served the story. Its called movie making. Reel life as opposed to real life. You cld do this with any movie plotline, but it spoils the movie. Just relax and enjoy. Or not, as u wish.

    1. I also think the picture of raft arrangers is hilarious. Cameron shld realize,too, that he made such a good movie people are invested in keeping characters alive.

  12. In his defense, the raft talk is usually followed by people calling Rose fat and such. Maybe he wants THAT talk to stop. I hear it mentioned once in a while to this day and Kate Winslett being so disgusting and fat is always a part of the convo. Which is why I hate people.

  13. Remember when they re-released The Titanic in 3D last year, or the year before? I remember a post somewhere about how all these teenagers were updating their FB statuses with shock and awe after seeing the movie then learning the sinking of the Titanic was a real event. Makes me sad for the youth of today.

  14. Anonymous10:40 AM

    James Cameron is the George Lucas of the 90s (or whenever)...

  15. It was a twitter thing, and I think I read somewhere that the whole thing was a joke, sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet, blah blah blah. Not sure what to believe on that one. I have two nieces in high school, they both know about the Titanic.

    I agree, Cameron might have a bigger ego than George Lucas, he probably brought this up to see his google alerts blow up for the next week. Guess it worked.

    1. Is George Lucas an asshole?? I know everyone loved them but I never ever got into star wars. I have loved George lucas tho ever since the story about how he spent years planning an creating a giant movie studio megaplex type thing that would have brought in a crap load of jobs; it got shot down by the locals because it would bring in "too much foottraffic" so he said okay you win and sold the property to developers wanting to build projects haha! The Superficial wrote an amazing article on it

  16. When I first saw Titanic I was 16 or 17 and I LOVED it, I bawled so much through that movie.

    I tried to watch it again a couple of years ago and didn't even get 45 minutes into it before I had to turn it off. It really is a truly horrible awful movie. Complete crap.

    1. Same here. I watched when I was 18 or so & bawled like a baby. Now, when it comes on tv, I can't even watch 10 minutes.

  17. I thought the whole deal with that scene was that there WAS room on the door, but Jack couldn't get up on it because, you know, it was floating in water and Rose was already on it. Frustrating.

  18. OK, He couldn't get on the raft or door, if I remember correctly. But there were lot of other things floating around them in the water. He could have found some big enough piece of wood to get on

  19. But but it's what do u call it, fictional drama? IT'S A STORY! The writers create this made up world out of a story of a sinking ship. They are allowed to do whatever they want because it's THEIR movie. If obsessed "fans" want to make a documentary about the sinking of the Titanic, fine. But this movie belongs to James Cameron and since "Titanic" doesn't seem to be on anyone's must watch list anymore, maybe it's time for another multimillion dollar earning director to have another go at it? If I painted a painting of the Titanic 20 years ago imagine how ridiculous people would sound ripping apart my color choices and placement of the debris and frozen bodies? Wow, God, just typing that put an awful image in my head. In conclusion, analyzing a persons vision loosely depicting a scene in history is stupid. The End.


  20. LOL@rejected-but you still went to see it multiple times??

    1. Ya know I tried when it first came out and when it was released in 3D, same results. Snooze.

  21. @ Thomas and @ FS - If you want to see what happens when a unfettered ego makes a movie, check out this review of Lucas' "The Phantom Menace":

    Yes, it's 70 minutes long but it's more funny and entertaining than any comedy I've seen in recent years and also the narrator (a fictionalized serial killer named Mr. Plinkett) expounds some serious movie making advice. He has a whole series of reviews at under under Plinkett Reviews.

  22. This is the very definition of a First World problem

  23. well duh there wasn't any room on the DOOR, have the morons in the picture ever seen the movie? b/c when jack & rose get in the water jack tries to get on the door after roses and like cameron says it sinks and flips them over, so rose gets on and jack stays in the water. i think the people in the picture need to watch that scene again and again and again and again until they get it through their pea sized brains, and maybe take a science class or two.

    1. Well, you know, rafters arent very bright, lol

  24. Even if he had gotten on the raft and survived, he'd sure as hell be dead now. Can't blame Cameron for not resurrecting faux jack.

  25. If it's anything like the jetski that hubby and younger son tipped over last weekend, the heavier person has to get back on first, then the lighter person. Or the thing will tip again.

    Who was heavier - Rose or Jack? Do the math, and be prepared to show your work. ;-)

  26. @Mango, thanks for posting that. I'm going to try to check it out.

    @SilverOnyx, I think George Lucas is a nice guy. It's just that many/most people think his directing skills were grossly overrated and it prevented anyone from reining him in when he made the Star Wars prequels.

  27. My favorite moment from this film is when Molly Brown, watching the Titanic sink from her lifeboat, says "Now, there's somethin' you don't see every day!" Pretty funny.

  28. I was obsessed with that movie when it came out. Now, I still watch some of it if I catch it on Showtime or something, but I totally see the cheese though. I don't care. I still love it.

  29. I have never seen it. I have never had any desire to see it. Does that make me a bad person?

  30. George Lucas is an amazingly nice, kind guy (so says a friend who knows him).

    I think both Lucas and Cameron are guys who made amazing technological leaps in movie making. Sound, special effects, cameras, film, much of what is used in modern filmaking was pioneered by those guys.

    That said, as much of a wizard as Lucas is, honestly his writing is somewhat trite. Even the original Star Wars movies (which I love)...listen to the dialogue; academy award winning material it is not. I think this is the essence of why the newer SW movies failed so much; the originals flew on the amazement of audiences at the (then) incomparable special effects. They remain classics because of that nostalgia. The new ones didn't have the special effects impact and therefore had to make an impact with the story (i.e. the dialogue) and that is one of the few places Lucas is not a master.

    And yes, my 12yo,Star Wars, geek daughter and I actually have these conversations in our house. :)

  31. I hated Titanic, sorry...true...boring, ridiculous, predictable (aside from the boat shipping, duh). I loved Star Wars, but I remember the speech/dialogue was stunting...
    I DO love that Lucas admitted he used the Hero's Journey as his basis. Not many directors or writers admit to that, as much as it is blatantly true. As an English teacher, I love to point that out to my students.

  32. I also thought it was nice of George Lucas to fund the movie, Red Tails, on his own because the big studios didn't want to make a big action war movie with a mostly minority cast. However, I do wish he had just given the money to a better writer/director because it was not the best. Good intentions though.

  33. *ahem* I kindly ask you all to cease leaving comments on this thread. Mr. Cameron wants everyone to stop talking about it. Thank you for your cooperation.

  34. Never ever saw it, so....

    (I want so badly to joke "Man, you should have put SPOILER ALERT before you said it sank!" but I don't want anyone to miss the sarcasm and lecture me on history.)

  35. This is hilarious, especially since he doesn't like it. I now want to see pics with clowns and dogs.

  36. I had no idea this was a thing? And the fact that people are going to all this trouble to prove it to Mr. Cameron makes me giggle.

  37. What I always thought was funny was the fact that they are running around inside the boat for an hour or so that is filled with water that, logically speaking, is the same temperature as the water outside the boat and yet somehow they only get cold after the boat sinks. That and the southern hemisphere star-scape make the whole thing unbelievable. ;)

  38. I don't understand why people are even talking about this. It was like, 15 years ago. Who cares?

    Also, from a medical standpoint, woudln't he freeze faster being out in the cold air?!
