Friday, September 07, 2012

Ireland Baldwin Talks About Pig Voicemail

It is hard to believe Ireland Baldwin is just 16 because that voicemail Alec Baldwin left her calling her a pig seems like it was forever ago. Of course it means that she was only 11 when it happened. For the first time ever she actually spoke about the call to The New York Post and said that her dad just gets frustrated sometimes. Yeah, so that is a good reason for him to call an 11 year old a rude, thoughtless little pig. Nice. She said it was no big deal and that he has done it before and since and that it is just the way he is. Alec said after it was released that he thought about killing himself and then he realized how much he would miss looking at himself in the mirror. I'm not trying to be callous, but if he has done it since, then it obviously did not affect him like he said it did or he would not have done it again. He was just upset that it went public and people knew what an a-hole he could be.


  1. Sounds like Alec is prone to projection.

  2. It's sounds like this is normal behavior for him. Sad that Ireland has to defend this kind of behavior.

  3. Could she look any more look Kim? Wow. I realize she probably feels the need to defend him, but I can't get past those comments. I wouldn't say that kind of stuff to my worst enemy, let alone my own child. It's inexcusable.

  4. Wow she's beautiful. Too bad she has a crazy daddy

  5. He is a thoughtless little pig!!!!!!

  6. I can think of several times my parents said nasty things to me when in the heat of an argument, and the same for me. Similar to my husband and I arguing. I'm sure I'll call my kids something vile at some point, we all do. To say no one ever expresses themselves inappropriately is wrong, we all do it, it's to the degree with which it happens. It's not right, but it happens to everyone.

  7. She is very stunning girl but sadly I heard from a photographer friend of mine that she has an eating disorder, not sure if it is true or not.

  8. co-sign with NapAssasin. Who doesnt say terrible things in the heat of the moment.

  9. i never did feel comfortable knowing all of this and hearing that voicemail. i find it to be too voyeuristic on our part to participate in this story, even if he was horribly out of line.

  10. Now, what else is this young girl famous for? Accomplishment, anything?

  11. Co-sign with NapAssasin. My mom could be a wicked bitch when she wanted to but she had Lupus and when she was in a flare she could be awful. But I rode it out and now I miss her.

  12. I'm sorry but there is no excuse for an adult talking to a child that way. Maybe a teenager because teenagers can be awful, but not an 11 year-old. Nope.

  13. Poor girl. Just because you're used to it, doesn't make it okay.

  14. She is beautiful and Kim has tried to keep her out of the spotlight....
    Alec will never change, at least she seems to know that and gives him a pass...I'm sure he's crazy about her.

  15. my dumbass father used to call me a little bitch on an daily basis when i was younger, he's verbally & emotionally abusive. i really wish he would just drop dead.

    1. That sucks and it's ok to cut someone out of your life. My stepdad was like your dad, and when my mom died, I just cut him off. So liberating.

  16. Sad for her. Both her parents batshit.

  17. I agree that most people say things in the heat of arguments that they wish they hadn't said - even to spouses, parents or children. However, Alec Baldwin has a history of being nasty to pretty much anyone who displeases him. So I'm not going to excuse him for this.

  18. It was a messy divorce and Kim blocked him at every turn. I think Ireland knows it and understands his frustration.

    I'm not defending him because what he said was awful. As mad as I've been at my kids I don't remember ever calling them names like that.

    I believe the eating disorder story. Look at her.

  19. She looks ok to me, thin, but not eating disorder skinny.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. My parents went through a bitter divorce when I wad a kid. My mother was a bitter, bitter woman who did everything she could to poison our relationships with our father, to the point that she used to work us into a frenzy where we'd scream at him on the phone about his new girlfriend. When my (admittedly a hypochondriac) paternal grandmother died, my mother encouraged my sister to send my father a card saying "congratulations, your mother finally got what she always wanted - a terminal illness!". However, once we were older, we realized we had been horrible to him because the way our mother brainwashed us & felt badly about it. Thankfully we were able to recincile before he died.

    Divorce can be hell. Cut the guy some slack. None of us know what he was going through, but the fact that Kim leaked a tape of that message - combined with the fact that Ireland now says she forgives him & is regularly seen with him in public, looking happy to do so - leads me to believe that she probably was being a thoughtless little pig, at her mother's encouragement, and that she realizes that now & feels badly about it.

    We're all just people. Everyone gets driven to frustration with their children from time to time, and divorced parents have extra stress thrown in as well. The difference for most of us is, though, that noone in the media cares to buy tapes of us at our worst & then broadcast them to the world...

    12:06 PM

  22. She's 6'2" and 16 - teenager's metabolism and an amazing growth spurt. If she had an eating disorder, she'd be way skinnier. Her legs look perfectly healthy to me.

    Why is she suddenly in the papers every day? Shouldn't she be back in HS? Does Kim still have primary custody in CA?

  23. My father was verbally abusive, he liked to have an audience though. I don't know if it was to show his *power*, or to show he had a daughter that could take a tongue lashing and not cry or talk back.

    Verbal abuse is soul scarring. I know exactly how to shred someone with words. It is a destructive thing to know and I have worked my whole life to not use it.

    People do fly off the handle and say things they wish they hadn't, but a track record of this behavior is destructive to those in it's path.

  24. Let's face it. Not too many has had the perfect disney childhood. But i don't hold a grudge against my parents. I didn't know what they were going through at the time. What matters now is how's your relationship now.

  25. Alec does do a lot of work with addicts and substance abusers. He's not all bad.

  26. Yes, people say things in the heat of an argument, but it still doesn't make it right. I really feel sorry for Ireland.

  27. Okay ... I really came back here to see what the hell happened with Will & Amy and figured EL would know. But gotta comment on this as the daughter of an "Irish Father." Granted mine also was an undiagnosed Bi-Polar for the vast majority of my life .. but my point is .. I think this is what Alec is as well.

    Ireland got "rude, thoughtless little pig" and I got - on the occasion of arriving in Minneapolis - Saint Paul in 1976 for my beloved aunt's [who was more like a sister as she was 18 and I was 11] funeral after her death from Lymphoma - "Now say anything stupid like 'Jane croaked'." I am sure there were "Words with Friends" moments .. but again .. my point is .. I really think given his behavior at times he might be ever so slightly bi-polar.

    Hopefully .. now stop me if you have heard this before .. but hopefully if Ireland has trouble dealing with both of her parents - given Kim's anxiety disorders - she is smart enough to seek professional help both with their behavior issues and also any she might begin to exhibit.

    Okay .. getting off my "Get professional help" soapbox so I can scan the blog to see what the hell went wrong with Will & Amy!

  28. I've been called nasty things by my parents too. Frankly, I probably deserved them. I have also said some nasty things to my parents. It's not abnormal. Everyone says things they wish they could take back in the heat of the moment. It doesn't make Alec a terrible parent.

  29. Wait, Ireland is 6'2"? Wow!

  30. Agree with everyone who's been verbally abused by parents. Del, I really like what you said about knowing how to verbally tear people to shreds and working hard not to use that power. I've had to do a lot of work to unlearn what I heard as a kid, and to not hate my parents for using the only tools they had, even if they were the wrong ones.

    Words are powerful - they can harm and heal. I feel lucky that I have learned that and can apply it in my life. Hopefully, Alec and Ireland have evolved also.

  31. Agent- she's 16 years old and has two famous parents, stop playing fucking coy.

    what were YOU famous for at 16?

  32. I have to agree with those who've pointed out that we've all said nasty things in the heat of the moment, and those words are not necessarily always technical verbal abuse. To me, the worst word in the phrase was of course "pig." That was fairly nasty and I'm sure Alec wishes he'd said something different. But telling someone that she's being rude and thoughtless, especially when she's your child and you expect better behavior, is not necessarily abusive.

    Given what we know about Alec's explosive history, though, and Ireland saying that "that's just what he does"? Erm. He seems like he can be such a nice guy sometimes, and other times, he's just a mess, to put it mildly. I wonder if he needs meds, therapy, or both. Or maybe he doesn't. I'm not his social worker, so I don't know.

  33. It was just the "pig" part that really made it feel bad. My dad used to lose his mind when I wouldn't clean my room (now he just ignores the mess) and worked himself up so much once that he called me a name. He's never done it since and felt bad straight away.

    Alec just seems to have unresolved issues. And that photo is fairly indicative of a normal father daughter relationship where he's probably making her talk about something she doesn't want to. And nagging.

  34. I think describing impolite actions is slightly different from calling someone a vicious epithet.

    "You're behaving very stupidly right now."
    "You're a stupid idiot"

    One describes a changeable behavior while the other implies that the person is and always will be, something undesirable. I purposely used mild examples, of course.

    I could never say to my son that he is a
    (stupid, idiot, pig, ass, etc.)
    BUT I have told him he is behaving like a (stupid, idiot, pig, ass, etc.)

    To me it's the difference between telling someone they made a mistake vs telling someone that they ARE a
    /dissertation ended/

  35. @Frufra, yeah, you can't help but learn when you get the daily lesson.

    My mantra was *I will not be like my father.* He was a very nice guy once I was an adult, but I was always wary and never trusted him not to let loose on me. I forgave him long, long ago, and happily before he died.

  36. @RenoBlondee: See this pic:

    Scroll down to the 5th pic with Alec, HilarĂ­a, and Ireland. Alec is reported to be 5'11" and he's never struck me as much off that. She seems to be wearing flat boots and her natural waist is around his nipples. Sorry if that grossed anyone out; just a height comparison. She is very very tall. Geena-Davis-like inseam. Endless legs.

    Also agree with everybody who says that parents say things they regret. I am not a parent, but I have been a child and a tween and a typical annoying teen.

    Believe me, both my parents called me worse than a pig. We all got over it.

    And I like that Alec fought very hard to have access to his daughter. If we women want equal rights, we have to recognize that the parenting model of the Don Draper days is over. Dads these days are often just as involved with their kids as mothers are. For dads like those, it's wrong that the mother get custody automatically.

    The key word there is automatically.

  37. @ Jarriel I think that's an important distinction, for sure. Alec called her a pig directly, right? There was no "behaving like a" in front of it.

    What a difference just those three little words would have made.

    Someone correct me if I've got his quote mixed up and he did use the "nicer" grammar - I'd wouldn't want to be extra hatin' on Alec for nothing. I love his acting - especially his 30 Rock stuff!

  38. There's a difference between a poisonous person, and someone who has a few times said something he or she regrets. I agree with BFskinnerchick that if you're dealing with a really toxic personality, you just have to cut them out of your life like a cancer.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. "Not eating disorder skinny"? Oh my God, not everyone with an eating disorder is stick-thin. There was a girl in my class, probably a size 14 or 16 as long as I knew her, who was bulimic. And that was more than twenty years ago.

    Still so much ignorance, good grief.

  41. Guys, not everyone with an eating disorder is skinny.

  42. Jax, I'm not going to tell you what I was famous for at 16 ;-)
    LOL! Just kidding!
    Or am I?

  43. I'll be honest, I was a brat when I was a teenager and my mom said mean things about my behavior and I knew she was right. I was being a thoughtless pig. I learned how to behave and my mother and I are closer than most people I know. More teens these days could use some tough love.

    That said, I can also see Alec being not nice. Still love him, I cannot explain it.

  44. I have told my children they are being pigs when they make disgusting pigsties out of their rooms. Not all the time, but when they are particularly horrible. I think him calling her vile is what. Othered me. Still though, I thought it was so wrong to be made public. Every parent has unproud moments, and neither parent. Or child deserve them broadcast. I love my parents dearly, and I should - they were awesome and tried and wanted to be perfect but are human and messed up all the time. But I always knew they loved this little pig. And if I linked or buried in mud, I am ok they called me on it.

  45. Ps I hate my autocorrect. If I Oinked not linked! And not othered me, BOTHERED ME! Grrrr

  46. @jaariel cosign!

  47. I think the pig part was a little much but as everyone said before, parents are humans who say things in the heat of the moment, doesn't make them abusive parents. I also agree that divorce is very stressful for all involved and I'm sure all the animosity between Alec and Kim played a part in the situation. By the way, even an 11 year old nowadays is as mouthy as a teenager.

  48. just because she thinks its appropriate doesn't make it okay. she was raised with these kinds of outbursts and ugliness, so to her its "nothing". she hasn't learned that she deserves to be treated with respect. her choice of partners will reflect this. its sad.

    1. I haven't seen the source article, so I don't know what exactly she said. But it doesn't sound to me that she's excusing his behavior so much as explaining it. She's not saying what he did was ok or appropriate, she's matter-of-factly stating his overall inappropriateness. At least that's how I read it.

  49. OK B if you wouldn't say those things to your Worst Enemy then you must have hella vanilla fights

  50. Both my parents said awful things to me out of frustration, it wasn't pleasant but I can tell you it makes it so much easier putting up with a supervisors bullshit.

  51. She looks older than me and I am 18. Only really knowing her from photos if always thought she was in her early 20s.

  52. My 16 year old fame came from having a Double Bacon Cheeseburg with Enty!
