Monday, September 24, 2012

iPhone 5 Glued To The Ground


  1. LAME!

    My inner geek is horrified by the waste of a perfectly good phone and my health care side is grossed out by all the filthy hands and feet.

  2. Yeah, stomping on it is reeeeally going to loosen it up.
    This video shows the idiocy of some people.

  3. Well there's goes 2 1/2 minutes of my life that I won't get back.

  4. This was lame when it was silver dollars @1980 with krazy glue.

  5. Love you, Enty, but I'm seriously starting to question your taste in humor.

    I now read the comments first for each video to decide whether or not to watch, and the comments here are saying don't do it.

  6. I worked in a gas station while in college. We used to roll up cig tobacco in a rollings paper and drop it right inside the door. THAT was great fun.

  7. There has been a quarter epoxied to the sidewalk in front of a fire station here since I was in high school. It is still there. I love that.
