Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Love This Photo

I posted this photo last night on Twitter and Facebook, but I think it is so amazing that I wanted to make it the last thing I posted today so I could see it at the top and share it with more people. Once in a lifetime photo.


  1. That is really amazing. Thank you enty!!

  2. I've always wondered how they get the shuttle onto the plane, and how they get it off. A crane?

    And are those fighter jets in the back, or pigeons? Kind of hard to tell.

  3. Awesome photo. Thanks Enty.

  4. It's a damn shame we're letting our space program go to hell. The space program has sponsored thousands of new inventions and given people the ability to look forward to going to other planets. By now we should have had a manned base on the moon ready to go to Mars. The day is coming when we'll regret these decisions.

  5. Love it! I was at the launch of Atlantis.
    @surfer, there's actually a "mating facility"to put the bird on top in FL.

  6. Love it! I was at the launch of Atlantis.
    @surfer, there's actually a "mating facility"to put the bird on top in FL.

  7. Those are two fighter jets that escorted the shuttle everywhere it went. I wish I had seen this in person yesterday. I thought my area was in the projected flight path between Pasedena and Disneyland, but they went a different route. :(

    There's a crane at LAX that will lift the shuttle off the plane sometime today. It's going to be one hell of a trick driving it from LAX to the museum. They are digging up a bunch of trees to do it, but they promised to plant 3x as many to replace them, and they'll be using a better variety of trees in their place.

  8. Awesome photo. It flew past my office window on the way to Disneyland but I missed it! So gutted.

  9. Ha ha u want ur govt to pay for space when the ny times just reported white amercian's life expectancy is FALLING. Working class men exoectancy is 67!!! Lowest in western world. Healthcare? Nahhh. Let go to space! Yeesh!

  10. very symbolic, love it, have a great Saturday!

  11. TheTruth, they don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, both are tied to the idea of investing in our people, no matter what level of society they're at.

  12. Very cool shot. I saw it fly over here in the Bay Area.

    I had heard the space program is now very secret. So not dead just secret. :)

  13. Yup - look at all the inventions that were created from NASA.. The new Freon that you use in your car a/c? Synthetic formula developed by NASA

  14. Space, the final frontier. I think it is sad that one of the pioneering nations for space travel has shut this down. May the future see you explore once again.

  15. Love this! I saw it down on the beach in Capitola, tons of people were on the Esplanade cheering as it flew by, it was a super cool moment that made me proud to be an American!
    But the worst is that I called in sick so I could spend the last day of summer at the beach, so I can't even post my cool pictures!

  16. Looks like a Chihuahua trying to mate with a doberman.

  17. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Whew! Where the heck was it landing that it could be so low that the Hollywood sign was even with it? Or is it just the angle?

  18. That's so cute; the big plane giving the little one a piggy-back ride!

  19. Unlike most other countries, the US counts all deaths in their life expectancy stats. So when an 8 year old gets killed in a gang related shooting, that goes against general life expectancy. Many countries don't even count any death but thise from "natural causes" ( in other words, cancer doesn't count against life expectancy, because it as a disease, not a natural cause of death)

    Govt provided healthcare will do nothing to improve life expectancy stats here.

    Statistics are so easily manipulated. For instance, ost countries don't count premature babies, babies that weigh less than 3 pounds or babies that die within 3 days of being born in their infant mortality rates stats. (They call them miscarriages) That's why we score low, NOT because we have an actual high infant mortality rate.

  20. What an amazing photo! It makes me sad though. The end of an era. I dreamt of going into space as a young girl and lived vicariously through my astronaut heroes. Maybe private enterprise will get us regular folk up there. Until then I'm just sad that its over.

    1. Dia if you haven't read it I HIGHLY recommend Mary Roach's "Packing for Mars. A great read from a very lively writer.

  21. Thanks for the photo. It flew right by my office in DC a few months ago when it was going to Houston (I guess?). It was amazing to see up close.

  22. End of an era, for sure. Dia, you mentioned astronaut heroes. I could pretty much name just about all of them and most of the missions they flew. I grew up in the sixties and watched the moon landing as a child. Sad that when Neil Armstrong died, I saw on Twitter a LOT of people had no idea who he was.

    This is the coolest photo I've seen in a long time. Thanks, Enty.

  23. I work for the State of Ca and across the street from the Capitol. It flew over us from two different directions. It was pretty amazing.

  24. Michael Bay just jizzed in his pants O_O

  25. Awesome. I have a friend in Oakland and when it flew over her place of business, she said people ran outside screaming and yelling.

    I think it's so cool that they made the extra effort to show-off at major locations in SoCal.

    Oh hey, let's buzz Disneyland...

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This makes me horny....SMH
    (at myself!)

  28. Whos got money to fund a space program when billions are being sent to foriegn countries that hate us? Oh yeah the private sector.

  29. The space shuttle Endeavour did a salute tour of California flying at about 1500 feet over Sacramento, the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Pasedena (NASA JPL), part of Orange County inc Disneyland, El Segundo, and then landing at LAX. It circled So Cal for what seemed like almost an hour starting with the Malibu coast and Santa Monica pier. I thought it was a pretty neat tribute to the place that had built it.

    The space program is not dead, but it is now in the private sector and very competitive. This was the long range plan all along for the space program, dating back to the 70's. The government would start it, get generations excited about it, then eventually it would become more market drive, so to speak. Elon Musk seems to be in the lead getting a privately funded capsule to the space station in the next five years, but it is all close to the vest so we won't know until its about to happen.

  30. My husband saw the shuttle as it buzzed the Bay Area but we could not see it from my office in Palo Alto. Loads of friends got pictures though as it headed to Moffet Field. Awesome.

  31. So, they joined the mile high club

  32. This is an great picture! Imagine this thing can go into space but it can fly from one place to another?
