A few years ago, Nadia Lockyer was a rising politician in California. She was in her late 30's and her almost 70 year old husband was the California State Treasurer. Nadia ran for office herself and was elected to a county supervisor position (top photo). Then she got addicted to meth (bottom photo). Since then she has had an affair with a convicted felon she met in rehab and had a sex tape of one of their trysts sent to her husband. Her husband filed for divorce. Ms. Lockyer also recently was arrested and charged with child abuse and felony drug possession because she kept meth at home with her 9 year old son. Last week she pleaded not guilty to the charges.
A la Rick Jame....Crystal Meth is a helluva drug
ReplyDeleteI don't get it.. You don't just go from being a successful, affluent young business women to waking up one morning and being like, "Yea, I'm gonna start doing meth today". There's got to be more to the story...
ReplyDeleteHappened to my friend's 40 something year old brother. One day regular wirking guy with wife, next day blowing tons if money, his job, and marriage for meth. Clean now, duvorced, lives in anither state. It happens!!
Delete@Danielle maybe she needed a little pick-me-up in order to bang the 70 year old husband
ReplyDeleteShould I be concerned that my hair looks like her after picture?
ReplyDeleteMy exact reaction!
DeleteShe still doesn't look as bad in her after picture as some of the Faces of Meth I've seen.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping that she can still get clean, get her life back on track, (kind of) keep her looks, and consider herself blessed for surviving.
Meth is awful stuff. It destroys people. Along with heroin, crack, and pills. I've watched way too many people I love ruin their lives with the poison.
ReplyDeleteShe's got the crazy eyes.
ReplyDeleteMeth IS awful stuff. I had my turn at it when I was younger. Now I go to teenage rehab centers and tell them my story. I don't know if it makes a difference or not, but if one person stops and/or doesn't try it, then it'll be worth it.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about meth is that you really feel like you're on top of the world, unstoppable, a better version of yourself. You don't see the truth. All drugs lie to you but IMO, meth does it more than the others.
Same thing happened to me. I feel so lucky that I was able to quit. I had dreams for years about using it again. It is so unbelievably addictive. Im glad you were able to get away too!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. That's really cool of you to admit that.
I have to say I feel the same way after a long run, and it's cheaper :)
What Danielle said... I get that younger people get trapped, but how did someone in their mid-30's f-up so badly? I'm going ot google this, there has to be more to this story.
ReplyDelete@ karen - her hair looks better than mine on most days. Hah.
ReplyDeleteAs stated above, I'm really curious what the full story is. It's such a big leap, especially at that age. How do you just up and decide to start doing drugs when you're 40?
Here's the local newspaper's story on it:
@EmEyeKay, Thank you for sharing. I think it is great that you do the mentoring. I am sure you have changed people's lives, even if you aren't aware.
ReplyDeleteProblem #1: 70 year-old husband.
ReplyDeleteShe still looks pretty good actually, definitely seen worse on Faces of Meth. Yeah I watched some high school friends lose EVERYTHING as a result of meth, nasty nasty stuff.
ReplyDeleteHow the hell did she get started on meth? It's not like a lobbyist went to her office and offered it up. This just doesn't make sense. What's missing here?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't something new, sadly. She's been off the rails for a long time. The Bay Area press has been covering her for a long time. And despite her husband's age, he's a good guy.
ReplyDeleteWow. Bill Lockyer was also CA Atty General. My mom dated him many years ago. I've met him. He ran for Governor, also. This can't be the wife I met, she would be too young. It's sad. He was a very ambitious guy and not someone I pictured as a family man but people change.
ReplyDeleteMeth is horrible. I watched a friend walk away, lose everything and become completely psychotic from meth. He had everything going for him..home, job, AA/NA, friends, but the drug was too powerful. The end result was jail and insanity even though he had a lot of caring people in his life.
Honestly, I'm surprised she does not look worse. Just like others I've seen some horrible meth pictures i.e. Faces of Meth. Meth is a horrible thing, luckily I never got to caught up in it. The recovery rates are dismal too.
ReplyDelete@EmEyeKay, you are doing a wonderful thing and I'm so happy you did not get sucked in far enough so you could not get out!
She lost herself to meth. Smh
ReplyDeleteThat crazy eye in the first pic explains it all.
ReplyDeleteHer poor kid:(
Its a running joke in my family now, but when my nieces and nephews were younger, pre teens, I would have this long lecture with them about "The one drug you NEVER try, well there are Many, but the one you should NEVER use or touch is Meth!" They think its so funny, but I am telling you they are golden now, with the occassional toke of weed - just like their Auntie! Better stay that way or I'll be the first to kick em in the ass!
ReplyDeleteThank you guys for the kind words. What I do is as much for me as for them. Seeing people all twisted up reminds me not to go back there.
ReplyDelete@tracynator pointed something else out - if you do enough meth, it can completely change you, enough to where you end up in the psych ward. I had a friend who lost it and ran naked on a freeway. He ended up at Western State Mental Hospital for eight months. He was FINE before he started doing meth. It changes people permanently. He has his life back now, a decent one, but he's not quite the same.
Seriously, try other drugs if you want to, but stay the hell away from meth.
I don't know; I think something wasn't right with her early life prior to this.
ReplyDeleteShe married a man, what 30 years older than her?, then runs for office and then tries /gets hooked on meth? I just wonder if she went through something bad in her adolescence....
(No, not that that is the only way this would happen, but the combo of much-older hubby and drugs just says 'something's off'.)
Sometimes there are no answers. Someone somehow gets in position to try ut, thinks nithing will happen, then hooked.
DeleteThis is scary. My BF's 19 yr old has been dabbling in meth & he really doesn't know what to do. On one hand, he's technically an adult now. On the other hand, its METH! Just the thought of this drug makes me sick knowing the damage it does.
ReplyDeleteEmEyeKay - You are a tough cookie to get past meth and help others in the process.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Em and I can scare him straight! How did your boyfriend find out?
@Sunny, the kid just breezed in the house, couldn't stop talking, wouldn't eat a thing & didn't sleep until the next day. In other words, was SPUN out! Now that the shock has worn off, my boyfriend is super pissed, but isn't sure how hard to come down on him.
DeleteThanks EmEyeKay for sharing your story. You are courageous to share! And kudos for talking to troubled youth. We definitely don't need more people on this drug.
ReplyDeleteI've lived in several major cities (in not the best parts of town) and I have to say Meth scares me the most. Of all the addicts Ive been around, witnessing the drugged out street kids in Portland is the most terrifying and tragic of all. There is no one inside anymore. Like no sense of humanity. It changes and destroys your brain in ways we are only just now learning about. Scary stuff.
I remember Barton Fink sharing the best explanation Ive ever heard of what happens. I think it was Barton?
Drug addicts-waste of air. NEXT.
ReplyDeleteI think you should contact me offline. If you are so bold to say this on a computer then ur big ass enough to speak to me face to face. Your comment struck me so hard that I feel you need to see what I see.
DeleteLizzy or I'm sorry Beezy
ReplyDeleteLizzy maggett your ignorant comment is sad. Go back to ur glass house.
ReplyDeleteF*cking devil drug! Dont touch it eith 10 foot pole, people, please!
DeleteBoy, she looks like Mary Louise Parker so much.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah. Spun Ruby for sure
Do they have a close relationship, or distant? If my parents would've sat me down compassionately and expressed their knowledge of my actions (and that they were worried and why), that probably would've been enough for me
My husband on the other hand, did NOT have a close relationship with his parents, and when he was caught with drugs the mother would get hysterical and say he was going to hell etc. That just made him want to rebel more.
I "dabbled" for 6 or 7 years. If I was holding, I was using. When one of your "friends" wants you to do it with them (misery loves company) they'll provide it for free for ages. Then you find yourself in the shittiest of shitholes buying and wonder how a "good kid like you" finds yourself there.
I was a functional drug user for years, but slowly things started chipping away. Dropped out of college, hallucinating from being up all night and my marriage fell apart because I was a selfish idiot.
I hope your boyfriend can find a way to lovingly tell his kid that he knows what he's up to and he's walking a dangerous path. Good luck, and I'll be sending good vibes your way :)
Thanks Sunny. That is great advice. He really is a good kid, which is why I hope he gets his head out of his ass about this drug. I know its a really slippery slope when dealing with hard drugs because initially, they aren't the monster you hear about in drug education.
DeleteOn a side note, WTF is up with the trolls on this post? Weird.
Eh, she doesn't look that bad. And that first photo has professional hair & makeup & photoshopping, so it's an unfair comparison.
ReplyDeleteVery sad story.
Thanks for sharing your story Sunny! Glad you found your way back to us!
ReplyDeleteWe are all supportive sisters together on CDaN!!!
If only I could think of a fun CDaN analogy like Compassionate Darlings (bonding) anoynmously (for) ...
I am not good at word games, but you get the idea.
Wow so many meth stories. I went out with this girl who was gorgeous and she totally got hooked on meth later.. I cannot imagine what she loooks like now. This girl still looks good but for how long. And I am truly grateful for anyone who gets away from this monster. It's awful!
ReplyDeleteOne of my brothers broke up with his girlfriend of 14 years, a chef, when he found out that she was hooked on meth. She wasn't all black-toothed and missing hair but she finally admitted to having used it almost every day for years. She did it to keep up with her job, being on her feet all day, running ragged in a commercial kitchen. She didn't use a lot at first, just enough to give her a boost and when she would start to look a bit haggard she'd cut back. He found out when she made a large withdrawal to purchase enough to see her through their two week vacation in Hawaii. Yeah, she flew with the drugs, which freaked my brother out for obvious reasons not to mention he has security clearances for his job.
ReplyDeleteBro was devastated and went to a drug counselor to find out how/why he couldn't have known she was doing it for years without him having been aware. One of the things the counselor told him that meth is the new drug of choice WITH SOCCER MOMS. These women are under an enormous amount of pressure to work a job, take care of the kids, ferry them to work/school/sporting events, prepare meals and keep trim and be sexually available for hubby. They find it overwhelming so they take a little meth to give them energy to make it through the day and to stave off hunger and gradually take more and more before they turn into someone who looks like the woman above or worse, like EmEyeKay's avatar.
Of course, I am not talking about all soccer moms, but the counselor said it was a new phenomenon sweeping the country and that people in all walks of life were dabbling, using, and getting hooked.
Like I said above to lizzie maggot. She needs to stfu n go back to her glass house n her rich parents who r always there when she needs her ass wiped. Geez her comment rubbed me badly.
ReplyDeleteMango I am sorry about ur brother but I counsel "those" women n this all breaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteGeesh. Sorry but how are they not? Do they contribute to society? Are they good parents? Do they excel in school? Do thu stay out of trouble? Hmmmm. Maybe some do, true . There are many functioning addicts. But have you ever met a crack, heroin or meth addict that didn't break your heart. Didn't steal from you or someone you knew. Didn't hurt many people. Didn't end up in jail at some point. Please.
ReplyDeletePs little vegan wonder- f off and go smoke some more crack. You're probably so ticked because I am talking about you
Ur ignorant. Go back and call ur mommy n have ur dad fill ur bank of America credit card. Stop judging. Take ur lane "bieeeeee " n go.
DeleteCrack? Wow I actually just read ur note and ur ps to me. I'm gonna pray extra for u tonight as I hold my little babies and rock them to sleep. Ur a mean person and I hope you see someday how your cruel words are extremely hurtful.
DeleteUt-oh, im sensing a disturbance in the Cdan force. You cant just write people off.
ReplyDeleteYup, agree with everyone that it's a heart breaker. I lost the love of my life to this drug. He's clean now, but he is...different. I can only chalk it up to the holes in the brain thing, biochemistry, definitely something physical. He's alive, but not at home anymore.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, I never did it with him, I did everything I could to stop him, including ultimately leaving. It took the criminal justice system (and the aforementioned brain damage) to stop him. This stuff is a cancer.
Here's another one for you:
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine was working for a large company. Her boss asked to borrow some money. She didn't think anything of it, and floated him a loan. And then he asked for another. And another.
This guy wrote my friend's performance evaluations and she was afraid to push the envelope with him regarding paying back the loans and also, since she was a well paid engineer, he knew her salary and she, personally, found it hard to cry poor (she's single with no kids) and tell him "no" (I know, I know, but she was in deep and was too afraid and ashamed to say anything).
Meanwhile, the guy went from being over 200 lbs to under 150 lbs and was telling people he was doing this new weight loss program.
It turns out that he and his wife had gotten hooked on meth and he was hitting ALL of the employees under his supervision for loans.
Anyway, the situation got so bad that finally the employees realized what was going on, that it was happening to most of them and they went to HR and management, and the company pulled him from his position and sent him to rehab. IIRC, he had kids that the put into foster care, for how long, I don't know.
He came back to work after rehab, (and was NOT put in another position supervising these people) and when approached for a repayment of loans, told everyone a hearty, "FUCK YOU".
A short time after that the company let him go, for reasons unknown. FWIW, it's my friend's belief that the company did what they could for him as far as the rehab so it would look good on paper and then looked for a reason to get rid of him.
If you catch meth..you catch your death :(
ReplyDeleteJust say no..if it grows in the ground, its probably alright but if you use explosive chemicals and sudafed to make it, you're gonna have a bad time.
wow.... this post above is why i stopped reading and posting comments on this site... ive been on here about three years and lately this site has been nothing but hateful on so many levels.... i come here for celebrity dish not to watch trolls attack one another and judge each other. sick.
ReplyDelete@Skittlekitty - I had the exact same reaction. I read the blurb and my first thought was that she was likely a sexual abuse victim.
ReplyDeleteLizzymagooass22 my sister has tried n tried. She went to Stanford and is highly educated. This is not a one off.there are so many people like this.im not a troll I'm sad and hope someday I have help on my side before my sister is gone.
ReplyDelete@EmEyeKay: thank you for talking to people about your experiences. I agree that it's hard to know who will be reached but at least you are out there making a difference and that is everything.
ReplyDelete@Mango: that explains these women I've worked with. They are always haggard at work, have magically disappearing waistlines (even after birthing lots of kids), and have dizzying schedules. They look okay but I'm easily fooled.
I have friends of mine that are beautiful but have the worst self esteem. EVER. In some ways,they're no different from this Nadia lady. Could have been her. They are amazingly brilliant (talking Mensa and Fullbright brilliant). I feel lucky to know them. They're wonderful people and I've learned so much. Some have done quite well for themselves. Yet they their self esteem is in the gutter. I'm eternally baffled. I'm naive. I thought that their self esteem would match their beauty and brains.
She is popular where I live in the Bay Area. The stories don't really make sense. It seems she was cheating on her husband with some felon. She did this bizarre interview with a local reporter with this weird music in the background and made no sense whatsovever. My hubs and I were stunned.
ReplyDeleteI hope I meet her someday and able to tell her my story. I do t do meth or crack or have been sexually assaulted like magget22 states but I'm human and would love to meet her.
DeleteIt seems like meth has made it's way into many people's lives. To everyone that was lucky enough to make it out alive- bravo!! Thank you for sharing your stories, they really do help others! @mango, I have a friend that literally is a soccer mom and yep, she got hooked on meth. Her family didnt know what was going on with her.We all noticed the fast talking, inability to concentrait and the weight loss. She told us that she had a condition with her thyroid and that was causing her symptoms. She ended up in trouble with the police but eventually kicked the habit and is better now, though when she was using she got some tattoos that she really cant explain now. She said that since she cant afford to get them removed they are a great reminder of where she never wants to go again.
ReplyDelete@yodelay, have you thought of showing him the photos from the Faces of Meth project? It was put together by police who realized they were getting the same meth offenders over and over, and that their mugshot pictures got progressively worse. They now use the pictures to try to scare kids out of trying meth.
Haha, that is some scary crap g!
DeleteIn the 1980's my step-sister lost custody of her kid for dealing and using Meth. This was back in Massachusetts.
ReplyDeleteI lived in Sacramento in the 1990's and the whole valley was awash with Meth and Meth addicts. Overly skinny kids with stringy hair, bad teeth, scabby skin and the twitches. One of my friends had to throw out his boyfriend of 7 years because he couldn't take the craziness anymore. It all started because he wanted to lose some weight and he lost everything.
I live in Arizona now.Four years ago, my husband's ex-wife fancied herself a Minister(internet approved) and wanted to minister to the homeless. She was an alcoholic, she ended up using Meth, had an affair with a hobo and when confronted; she chose to leave her family and become homeless.
It's a horrible, destructive drug. I've never used it, it scares the shit out of me.
cosign Sadie Goes Electric. I just stopped by for the first time in ages and this site is wretched now. I love Himmmmmmmm but the attn/people he brought here....well I understand why Lainey doesn't allow commenters on her site. Not to mention the endless speculation on Enty's identity, esp for those of us who know. I've read a handful of comment posts and it's in half of them. Please, continue to beat the dead horse.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I won't let the door hit me on my way out. This really used to be my favourite site, RIP.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure why everyone's undies are in a bunch. This WAS a celebrity gossip site. I have been reading this blog since Timmy/Shimmy BI. When everyone else was reading Perez I was reading this site. Except there's one problem now, and it's about money (surprise!)
ReplyDeleteThe above news article in no wy shape or form involves a celebrity. Nor did the racism post that got everyone's feathers ruffled (but you could argue Gabby is a celebrity because of the attention from being so awesome at gymnastics$)
What happens when you post news items that instigate "conversation"? There's always going to be people -oh wait, sorry, Trolls- that like to comment. And one comment makes someone else respond because there is no freedom of speech on Celebrity gossip
Sites, and then someone else responds to another comment and responds again, etc etc.
SO when people who regularly read the blog but have better things to do than post comments all fing day see that there is 150 comments, well they're going to read and comment and the cycle continues.
Now when there is a lot of traffic on a website more revenue is generated. Enty knows what he's doing when he chooses the articles he chooses to.
And BTW I seriously don't even know what was so wrong with my comment to begin with. Is it insensitive ? Absolutely. But for the most part it's true.
Oh and while we're on the topic of drug addicts, himmmmm is not Robert Downey Jr people. But his stories do make for some good Internet. Enty.
ReplyDeleteThing is people here like himmmm and he cares about others and most here want to read what he writes, can't say the same about you
Jolly gee you're so clever.
Delete@Lizzy, how do you know for sure? Anything is possibly on the internets.
ReplyDeleteITA Astro - I like what himmmm has to say. I enjoy reading his comments and if it's all a big scam then so be it.
ReplyDeleteLizzy - We are here to have fun and support our fellow CDaNers. If you read the rest of the comments on this thread you would have realized that. We support each other and help each other through hard times. We laugh and cry together. We don't insight fights. But you would know that if you were really a regular...
I just re-read this thread again, Lizzy, and what comes across to me is a lot of people were sharing some tragic stories (and a few inspiring ones) having to do with a truly awful substance abuse issue, and then you popped in with some really callous and judgmental remarks.
ReplyDeleteYou voiced your opinion, and apparently some posters felt it wasn't a very nice one, so they voiced their own. I agree with dia, most of the commenters here are kind and supportive, in my experience.
Sorry they weren't callous nor judgemental. I VERY Simply said drug addicts are a waste of Air. I didn't judge anyone's story. I stated a fact. Not my fault if you plead ignorance
DeleteI am just glad that I met people like you on here dia. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Astro and LetLoveRule!!!
ReplyDelete"...And despite her husband's age, he's a good guy."
ReplyDeleteBill Lockyer? God no. Scary guy, yes. I knew a lot of CA Senate staffers when Lockyer ran the joint. Everyone feared him. But he was an excellent machine-boss.
I am very, very surprised that Lockyer would have allowed his trophy ex to sink so low.
Hey B. how's it going? That's interesting about the hubs. Do you think there's more to this back story? His scariness drove her to it?
ReplyDeleteLizzy, that is NOT a fact. Addicts are humans with a disease, just like anyone else with a disease. Do they say and do some horrific things when they're using? Absolutely. Are they still accountable for this behavior, even when it's the drug propelling it? Sure. But to just write them off as "wastes of air" IS judgmental and cruel. You might want to step out of your glass house right about now...
ReplyDeleteI second everything dia and LetLoveRule said. Maybe a Vegan Girl, I'm sorry about your sister and I also hope that she can get help before it's too late. EmEyeKay, bravo for being clean and taking a dark chapter in your life and using it to help others who might otherwise fall into the same nightmare.
Love and support, people! It's one thing to disagree and debate, and it's quite another to be downright cruel to others here. It's not just not welcomed nor tolerated by the majority of those of us here who care about each other. Take the ugliness elsewhere.
*It's JUST not welcomed...
ReplyDeleteNot cruel at all. Cancer is a disease. Being a hype is not. Nice try though.
ReplyDeleteMany times, cancers are caused by poor lifestyle choices. You know, kind of like the poor lifestyle choices some addicts have made? Addiction IS considered a disease by intelligent, learned people in the medical and social services fields.
ReplyDeleteNice try, though.
Why don't you try and educate yourself, Lizzy? And adopt some compassion, while you're at it. You WERE cruel to several people here and you know it.
Okay, everyone, we've obviously gotten upset with Lizzy's comments, but maybe Lizzy had a really bad experience with an addict and is now expressing her anger. Let's try to look past it.
ReplyDeleteg., I was supporting Maybe A Vegan Girl and other people who were very hurt by Lizzy's comments. I can do that if I'd like, thank you.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I'm not wasting any more energy on her.
Try re-reading vegan wonder's posts and tell
ReplyDeleteMe if it's a legitimate person or some ghost trying to bait me. I get it, you guys are all super smart and supportive of one another and quite obviously respect drug addicts. For christs sakes fing hypes,crack heads, junkies , etc etc. seriously?
No wonder this country is shit
I will be off now trolling around because like everyone here I have nothing better to do with my life than ruffle your pathetic feathers. Biiiiiiiiieeeeeeee
When did everyone get so goddamn sensitive here? I too have been reading & commenting since the Timmy/Shimmy days, and while I'm glad that on the whole, the commenters here are a great bunch of people who get along really well, I'm disappointed that people take things so personally.
ReplyDeleteWhen did everyone get so goddamn sensitive here? I've been reading and commenting since the Timmy/Shimmy days, and it used to be much looser in the comments section, with all kinds of folks and all points of view in the mix. Sure, there were clashes and arguments, but everyone held their own and it made for nice diversity. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that people here care about each other, and it's nice that so many of you have become friends IRL. But I'm disappointed that folks seem to take things much more personally now than people used to.
ReplyDeleteDammit, sorry for the double post. I thought my first one got eaten.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing: As a long-timer, I feel I have to stand up for LizzyMagoo. No, she's not a personal friend. In fact, I don't even know her, but I do remember her from posting, and she's not a troll looking to upset people for attention. I agree what she said was insensitive, and anyone who was hurt by her comment has a perfect right to express their displeasure, but dang, folks. It's not the end of the world. Like it or not, agree with it or not, Lizzy has as much right to express herself as anyone else. If you don't like it, tell her so and move the fuck on.
ReplyDeleteas a not every day poster but (hopefully) not a troll, I just wanted to say to EmEyeKay what an awesome thing she is doing. I've been lucky enough to have not really had much meth contact but lots of opiate/heroin contact, including casual use myself at a much younger and stupider age, and now feel like I should really do something like what you are. Thanks for putting such a positive idea out there.
ReplyDeleteAnd on a side note this lady at her best WISHES she looked like MLP!
Agreed, EmEyeKay is doing an awesome thing and deserves kudos for it.
ReplyDeleteIt gets ugly quick when people take other people's views to heart. It was her opinion. I think all drugs should be legal and if people want to OD on heroin or crack Go for it! It's your choice as an American citizen and as a human to decide what you want to do with your life.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the way everyone lives but I rather move to the next post and not get in a big kurfuful over opinion.
I am a very positive happy go lucky person. I also lived with a convicted rapist for a few months who would go on all sorts of benders, I am lucky I was not harmed. So don't get high and mighty with me either. We all have different ways of viewing life, religion, philosophy, nature.
Agree with shiny_special_one's last few comments but also everyone should keep in mind that if a post isn't your cup of tea, you have the option to skip over it or *gasp* not comment. Twitter has lead us to believe the whole world needs to know what is on our mind. Some folks seem compelled to comment on every thread, some folks seem compelled to comment on threads that they hate.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Enty would be just *devastated* to learn that I don't read all of his blog entries, but I skip over the ones that I feel won't interest me or I've had my full of (Yeah, I'm guilty of skipping over a few LiLo and Rihanna/Chris Brown entries... YAWN).
If you don't like the post or the blog, there's a million others out there. Yeah, yeah, we know everyone's been here since the Timmy/Shimmy Days but that doesn't mean jack shit and won't even buy you a cup of coffee.
I wasn't trying to single anyone out, y'all. I just didn't want the thread to blow up like the racism thread. That one got way too heated for me and I think some ugly things may have been said.