Saturday, September 15, 2012

Honey Boo Boo Has A Bodyguard

Granted, I'm sure the bodyguard the Shannon family has hired is probably paid in live chickens, but still, the fact they have a bodyguard who is with them even when they go to the store, show me they are making about as much money as I thought they were making and I'm also wondering if June Shannon has control of all the funds somehow. I doubt just her money alone is covering all these expenses. Do you think there is a big stalking or kidnapping threat against Honey Boo Boo? the bodyguard also doubles as a driver. In order to really make them look like big shots the Shannons have him put on a cap while driving them and opening the door for them. No matter what though it is still six people being jammed into the front cab of a pickup with Sugar Bear and the dogs in the bed.


  1. This picture makes me sad. All I see is poor nutrition, the threat of diabetes, and the fact that she'll go through puberty early. Breaks my heart.

  2. Ok, we get it.
    PWT with money.
    I only hope that someone, somewhere in what passes for that family has set up a trust for her college fund.
    And therapists.

  3. Yea they're making a lot of money now, but they're spending it all and not saving. They are going to be broke in a few years. @Cece, yea, its so sad how unhealthy she is while she is so young

  4. It makes me mad that people watch this ridiculous show. People in other countries look at what passes for American entertainment and shake their heads. Art is dead.

  5. We watch Honey Boo Boo, and have always taken it for just lighthearted, funny reality TV. But, this past week's episode featured June "cooking" dinner for her family...her sauce for her spaghetti was half a tub of margarine, microwaved with a heaping pile of ketchup. I thought I was going to hurl just trying to watch.

    Then I wondered how many people were going to try making that "sketti sauce." Ick.

    That's my big gripe with the show. Poor nutrition, lack of self control, love of all things pre-packaged and cheap. It's the reason we have an obesity epidemic today.

    /end rant

    But seriously...MARGARINE AND KETCHUP?!

  6. Yuk, that child is 20 pounds over weight and due for major health issues in the future...

  7. The apple really doesn't fall far from the enormous tree

  8. If Kate Gosslein can have a bodyguard well then so can Honey Boo Boo.

  9. At the rate they are bulking up that poor kid she'll be able to take any troublemakers all on her own.

    This poor girl needs some proper nutrition!

  10. I made Sketti last night. One word, delicious!

  11. @cece, me too. The poor kid doesn't have a chance.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I don't watch that pos show, but I do like the fact that she is overtaking kk and the snook as the reality show queen.

    but, all of the reality show producers will, I truly believe, rot in hell. they have brought down the social discourse to the bottom of the barrel. all for a cheap buck. and yes, I'm talking to you andy cohen, creator of 'real housewives.'

  14. When is a kid too old for kid pageants? Because that's when she'll discover she will not qualify for the adult version unless she takes some drastic measures. And that will probably be the start of the downward slide.

    Maybe they can use some of that money for a nutritionist. (Yeah, right. As if).

  15. Hooray for American Exceptionalism!!! Just think how we present ourselves to the world - warships, drones, the Kardashians, pregnant teenagers and Honey Boo Boo.

    This show, and all of the trainwreck reality shows, make me sick. I'm sorry, watching them for entertainment and to point and laugh at how unfortunate, stupid, and sad they are, is still putting money in their pockets. It's still encouraging the broadcast world to make more shows like this, to continue dumbing down our TV even more. Hoarders, which started out as somewhat educational, is now leaning towards extremism.

    This poor child. So much exploitation, from her own dimwitted parents to the network that is only in it for the money. It's just sickening.

  16. I watched the video of the Sketti sauce on D listed. I can see why this family is so huge in the ratings. My gosh--such entertainment watching a mother give her totally ordinary daughter Red Bull and soda and calling it Go Go Juice ranks up there in reasons to award someone with a tv show. And now-- an episode where said child climbs up on the counter to eat the noodles tossed at a kitchen cabinet--why isn't this a forerunner for Emmy consideration? My gawd...isn't there anything else on Tv that would capture your attention? Isn't there something far more important to do in real life than spend time watching this????

  17. @FS and Annabelle: Have I told you lately that I lurve you? Yeah Reality TV is pure shite.

  18. Good morning @Sherry!

    Does the dad really ride in the back with the dogs? How do they get six people in the cab of a truck? Aren't they all kinda overweight?

    I saw that sketti thing on DListed, too. Nasty.

  19. Let's exploit the lowest segments of society displaying stupidity, on the damn LEARNING channel no less. ::face palm::

    I was appalled enough by the concept of Toddlers and Tiaras- there's no way I'm watching this garbage.

  20. @Kat what's odd is in the rest of the world, shit like this never gets really seen.

    People would never believe or understand this as America, they'd be like "whaaa?? Where all the pornagrphic super models, big guns, and the money on trees"

    The U.S govt/media super power works it's ass of to make sure America's image = power, money, and beauty.

    The media has your back-they will never let the world know the truth. And they only show you cuz it keeps you feeling disgusted at shit that doesn't really matter in the big picture.

    For the U.S super powers, this shit is win-win.

    Wow, I had no idea I had an opinon on this.

    End Rant.

  21. I loathe Toddlers & Tiaras with a passion but recently I caught an episode or two and I was completely rapt by this little girl.

    I couldn't tear myself away!

  22. I am so pleased that I was able to exist over the summer 'til about .. oh .. 8 days ago or so?? .. without even the slightest notion that a child called Honey Boo Boo even existed. ; )

  23. I know I say this every time but it's not calls The Learning Channel anymore, hasn't been for years so for the love all all things Holy, please stop using that as some kind of high ground.

    I watch to make fun of them, I'm sorry, I wish I could look away. The recent episode was beyond disgusting. That "sketti" was revolting. Both in the food and their ignorance. It was margarine and ketchup. But kudos to their commitment to recycling as one of the daughter's was eating that fine meal from a Country Crock container. And why should table manners count? Oh wait, if they ever try to make it in the real world. Can you imagine any of them interviewing for a job at your work? They'd fart in the meeting.

    The only nice moment was Alana and Sugar Bear going out to play. It was the only time she seemed genuine and not being her pig mother's puppet.

    June was proud of feeding the family for $80 a month (a week?) yet the girls go to the gas station every day and spend how much? I love a bag of chips or a chocolate bar every now and then but I know I can't do it every day. For many reasons.

    I just want to educate them.

  24. This family is beyond disgusting. I don't understand why anyone is watching this crap. And how did that ugly little kid get on Brats and Tiaras to start with. I thought the kids had to be pretty to get into those things. TLC just needs to be taken off the air. All they ever show is pure shit.

  25. @Kat - You live in a very narrow tunnel if you believe art is dead due to cable tv programming.

  26. It makes me sad to see a young child this overweight, it's going to be a very hard road for her. I've never watched the show, sadly I think if I did I would DVR it every week so I'm trying to stay away. This is not healthy and will continue to be a problem for this child (and looking at her mother, her to) for the rest of their lives. It's not fair to set a child up at this age for something like this.

  27. Anonymous3:39 PM

    UGH ! This kid is gross. I feel sorry for her, being born to those parents. Is it true the mother is only 32 ??? She looks about 50.

  28. Wait, her mom is 32????? That's how old I am, there's no way!! If so, wow...

  29. Reality shows like this are a scourge and plague on society!

  30. All this sexualisation of children makes me cringe. I remember Jon Benet Ramsay and how most of the US, reacted in absolute horror over these pageants, and the way young girls were portrayed.

    Fast forward to today and many folks hardly bat an eye over little girls dressed up like movie hookers and sexy police. The whole fantasy outfit scenario these pageants feature, is open fodder for deluded mums to dress their girls, to me it seems, exclusively for the viewing pleasure of creeps.
    It's awful to watch a young girl try to make sexy moves, blow kisses, pout and push out their hips, in sexual moves they should not even know about at such an age, let alone try to perform.

    Its more than just play and dress up, these girls aren't acting their age, they're acting the parts of grown women, not recreating songs from Sesame Street.
    Try watching the faces of some of the dads watching the other girls, its very creepy, some almost drool.

    I can't help but wonder, is there some Dan Schneider types over at TLC, trying to make this obscene parody of womanhood, acceptable, so that in another 20 years, being a Pedophile will be socially ok.

  31. Hi five astrogirl. Right on.

  32. @astrogirl, I can't bring myself to watch that Toddlers and Tiaras show because I think it will just make me want to punch a bunch of people in the face.

  33. Thanks ljsmed sometimes I can't contain myself, glad there are other sane people out there :)

    Frufra hey girl. Sell any glasses to hipsters lately? ;)

    g.strathmore I could only watch it once, enough for my commentary above and to feel sad for my own country, they have started them here. :(

  34. At least they aren't bitter and rude.

    Reality TV really has done damage to our interactions when it's seen as acceptable to call a family a "piece of shit." Some of the comments made about them are far worse than anything they've done on the show.

  35. People have always had hate in their hearts. Fifty years ago they expressed it based on race. Now the only socially acceptable form of discrimination is based on size. These hate-filled comments are coming from people who probably would have expressed their rage against African-Americans if they were born into a different time. Ask yourself why this family, albeit obese, inspires you with so much hatred.

  36. People have always had hate in their hearts. Fifty years ago they expressed it based on race. Now the only socially acceptable form of discrimination is based on size. These hate-filled comments are coming from people who probably would have expressed their rage against African-Americans if they were born into a different time. Ask yourself why this family, albeit obese, inspires you with so much hatred.

  37. @warmislandsun

    I wouldn't say my tunnel is narrow. I'm married to an artist, and in a world where most people are now either 'stealing' their art from the internet, framing it and tacking it to their walls, or throwing paint on a canvas and calling it 'art', I'd say that if art isn't dead, at the very least its pulse is slowing dramatically.

    As for entertainment, I'm on board with everyone else who is frustrated that the Kardashian brood, this Honey nonsense and all other entertainment geared toward those without an interest in charm and/or information are seemingly what the general public want to see. I get that 'mouth-breather' programming has its elements of guilty-pleasure, but I find it sad that so many people either buy into it or actually find it interesting. What does that say about us?

    Seriously, 'reality' programming is the devil, not just because it isn't real at all, but also because it is exploitative. You take so-called regular people, throw money at them, and dupe them into thinking it's okay to expose themselves. These people do not end up well, having had no training or, in the case of 'these folk', education. I'm basically against anything that puts a child at risk, so I'm adamantly opposed to these beauty pageant shows, reality shows and the like.

    I really, truly believe that watching something that enriches the mind, instead of systematically dismantling it, is the better way to go. Read a book, watch something that actual thought and talent went into to produce, stimulate your imagination. A culture built on lazy thinking isn't going to stay on top for long.

  38. I have to say this but I actually prefer to watch marathon Honey Boo Boo instead of Kardashian. At least the Shannons (until now) still act as themselves with no superficiality at all. I know there are big issues underlined in the family, but who doesn't? In the opposite, the Kardashians-Jenners are totally fake, just listen to their tone of voice! And poor Robert gets his head mixed up trying hard to cope with his mom and sisters fame game!

  39. This kid is such a troll. She'll inherit her mom's pelican chin(s) by the time she has kids. You know, when she's 16.

  40. Shouldn't we be more concerned about the American children in Tunisia? Where are their bodyguards? Eek

  41. Why is everyone constantly comparing this show to the Kardashians? Apples and oranges. I dislike both.

    Size and race are two different things. These people are overweight because they are ignorant. They are overweight because they eat very badly, they could eat better and make healthier choices. Size can be controlled, race is how you're born.

    And they are rude people. They are quite mean to each other and the mother is the worst one. She's a total bitch to her husband and she says really mean things to her older daughters.

  42. after reading you guys wrote about it, I check it out, and OMG its PRICELESS!!
    its fascinating stuff. I couldnt stop watching clips for a good half hour!
