Sunday, September 09, 2012

Heidi Klum Says She Never Cheated On Seal

Heidi Klum is on Katie Couric's new show this week. Katie is going to have to keep on trotting out huge names to make up for the fact that no one will watch her after the big names are gone. Anyway, on the show which will air Wednesday, Heidi said that while she was married to Seal she never looked at another man and that she is used to this kind of behavior from Seal. Heidi has never really had to be on the defensive about anything ever. She says that what Seal has said has left her devastated. I think Seal took back what he said because he got offered more money or less money or something to do with their settlement. You don't just randomly come out and say you knew your wife was "fornicating" during your marriage. He must have known something and even though he did the same thing, now he does not look as bad. I also noticed that you have not seen that bodyguard anywhere near her since the scandal broke.


  1. You might would be surprised at how many people out here are NOT thinking about whether it is Heidi or Seal that looks worse. This kind of crap happens all the time in marriages. Just thank goodness they split because obviously they needed to.

  2. I didn't know until recently that Heidi was the subject of a (revealed) Lainey blind - it basically said she wasn't a nice person to be around and not the best mother. It also said she'd been messing around with the bodyguard for a long time.

  3. I wonder if Heidi has seen Jon Hamm's package?

  4. ITA, Brenda L! Next!

  5. Just. Don't. Care.

  6. i like the "if Lainey says,it's true"

    apparently,they were right to split

  7. What Brenda said..

    I was going to comment " Well now I can go on with my day .. Yawnnnn "

  8. Seal probably paid Lainey to write that blind when he saw the split coming. She's a hack.

  9. The thing that bothers me about both of them is that right up until they announced their separation, they were portraying themselves as this perfect couple--with the yearly vow renewals and they even had a planned TV reality show on one of the cable channels where Seal and Heidi would travel the country giving couples relationship advice.

    If the split was sudden--due to something happening--I kind of get that but it sounds like this all has been going on for a long time--so why the fake perfection? That kind of bugs me.

    I have always thought Heidi was pretty real--and what you see is what you get--she is not the warmest person but she has seemed pretty straightforward--but now I kind of think it's all been for show.

    1. I dont fault her fir not seeing things cleary while she was married. I think she saw and described things very much as she wished they were. Who among hasnt done that?

  10. Oh Katie Couric, take your millions and go away already. Does anyone think she can be successful as a talk show host? Aren't we done with talk shows?

  11. Well it looks like they were both fibbing to us and to themselves. I just feel sorry for the children.

  12. They both were fornicating! All is fair in love!

  13. It's the poor kids that suffer the most in all this.

  14. To who ever writes this blog: you must never have had a control freak as a partner. Men accuse women of cheating on them all the time with little basis for those claims. Seriously--it does happen. Welcome to the real world.

    1. Yup, u right, and its usually THEM cheating!!!

  15. this woman is blander than vanilla ice cream and seal has turned into quite the pock marked prick. they dont deserve attention.

  16. Weren't they thought to be the answer to the blind about the power couple who were incredible kind to their employees?

    I do remember a blind, popular guess Heidi, about a mother who had to pencil her kids into her schedule but on the other hand if you are so busy that you have to keep a schedule and write down everything, is that considered penciling in your kids?

  17. Can someone publish the lainey blind if easily available?

  18. Can someone publish the lainey blind if easily available?

  19. Can someone publish the lainey blind if easily available?

  20. It's not fornicating! It's adultery if you're married. Geez!

  21. Mooshki, I agree. Lainey's column has degenerated into hack-ism. Don't read it anymore since the long columns about movie/book reviews/fashion advice her friends. Who wants to read that crap. Stick to the gossip or stfu.

  22. I don't know what to think about these two. They were SOOOOO in love and suddenly kaput and dating other people. Either one of them did something so terrible that the other decided divorce was the best option or they were faking the whole perfect marriage thing. If it's the former, then I feel really bad for them, if it's the latter, then screw 'em.

  23. I always thought it was kind of weird that they got married so quick. She had a kid with that old millionaire man and then all of a sudden she was with Seal. Never liked either of them.
