Sunday, September 02, 2012

Heidi Klum & The Bodyguard

Heidi Klum is having all her friends and will probably tell Kneepads too that she and her bodyguard were always professional until Seal and Heidi split. Then, within a few days they were a couple. Uh huh. How many people are going to believe that? If you were that into a person that you were jumping into bed with them a few days after your relationship ended then I'm guessing there was some flirting and some whispering and some promises made about the future that would lead to such a quick ending up in bed. Do you really go from 0-60 after you have been in a relationship that long? I don't think so. These two might not have been having sex before the marriage ended, but they knew what was going to happen.

Oh, and don't think I'm letting Seal off the hook either. he is just using this to cover for all of his indiscretions. He is probably grateful that when it comes time for all the accusations that at least he will not have to face the fire alone.


  1. Heidi seems pretty good at keeping secrets, let's give her that.

  2. The Heidi obsession continues...

  3. Still team heidi. If she was involvex with bodyguard, prob started out by him consoling her over seal's shit. So paybacks a bitch. Team heidi!!!!

  4. But they did not go from 0 to 60. If you do some reading just by nature of the job and the necessary level of intimacy it entails a body guard and protectee are already cruising at least 30.

    Read the "Kennedy Team" those Secret Service agents assigned cared very deeply for the family and Clint Hill clearly had a special relationship with Jackie.

    It is highly understandable that if both are single that a romantic relationship ensue.

  5. @ HudsonJoe: Clint Hill's book is supposed to be very very good. Some exerpts show how he wished he had died for the president. It haunted him all his life.

  6. So while the two of them were both off "fornicating" with others who's looking after the kids, the nannies? That's so sad!

    1. Oh pogue, who even believes him ?

  7. Lancelot and Guinevere. Seal's just throwing up a smoke screen to try to get more money.

  8. I am glad we can finally admit ent that they probably didn't start the banging until after the split.

    They have been split up 6 months, who knows the last time they were actually an intimate couple before that 6 months.

    I like Heidi and I get that there are two sides to every story. But Seal seams like he is having a hay day which is the wrong thing to do. And hasn't he had a girlfriend for a couple months? Hmmm... Off to google.

  9. How come we're supposed to be so moral and judge-y? I get that this is a gossip site (sometimes) but I feel this is designed for us to all jump up on our pedestals and scream "whore" at her.

    I saw the Seal post on DListed yesterday. All class Seal. TMZ follows every celebrity and yells questions at them and they must have busted a nut when a celebrity actually stopped and spilled this. You may be pissed that your ex is moving on but you don't embarrass your children that way, let alone to TMZ. Ew.

  10. Is it just me or does it seem like so many celebrities seem like they're terrified of being single for more than five minutes and are stuck in a perpetual rebound state?

  11. It does seem that many celebrities jump from relationship to relationship but I know a lot of women in real life that do that too, I know a few that don't but they are the exception.

  12. I've no idea (or interest in) when Heidi started screwing the bodyguard, but I've seen rebound relationships happen quite a few times.

    Heidi and Seal announced their separation eight months ago. It's not uncommon for a newly-separated person to enter a new relationship quickly, and if it's someone you know and trust, probably easy to fall into.

    I know when I separated from my ex (at the ripe old age of 25) I was terrified. We'd been living together for seven years, and it felt weird not to be part of a couple anymore. I felt vulnerable and genuinely worried that maybe I was too old to date again. (*Slaps my 25-y-o face*). I was in a rebound relationship before the divorce was finalized. Like most rebound relationships, it didn't last.

  13. @Black Cat - True story. I have a few friends I'd like to strangle because of their uber-rebounding ways. I guess I'm one of the weird ones that has always had a great time when I'm single. Maybe it's the only child thing in me...who knows!

  14. does it even matter now? both have moved on to other partners, both agree the marriage is over. i have a problem with seal saying this for 2 reasons. 1) the kids don't need more ugly right now. 2) her sex life is now HER business and not his.

    they live in CA, a no-fault state, so there really is no reason for him to comment on this. he sounds jealous. would have been better to have said nothing.

  15. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Love Heidi; I don't think she is a whore...but why does she look like she'd rather be anywhere then where she is? The guy looks interested in her but her not so much in him.

  16. What is up with judge-y tone?! Someone clearly does not care for Ms. Heidi! Anyhoo, I give her a pass on this...fairly young and attractive. Although, I personally do not understand the rebound thing that so many people do. I love my alone time and not being tied to someone! Well, that kinda sounds anti-social. lol

  17. He needs to wear that pink baby sunhat ALL THE TIME.

  18. Much too judgey.

    On another site, seal gave a quote about Heidi fornicating with "the help" and that we now had our answer to why they are divorcing.

    I dont believe him for one second. He sounds angry and bitter. Body guards had to protect her from him at one point. That tells me all I need to know.

  19. I don't get the rebound thing either. Mind you, I am fat so the opportunities were never as abundant, but I always wanted to heal after a break-up.

  20. I'm still laughing at "fornicating with the help"...who the hell still says fornicating?

  21. Is she pregnant? This is the second photo I've seen of her recently with her arm across her stomach like that. Or maybe it's already been said she's pregnant and I don't pay attention. :)

  22. it could happen.

    its good to heal, feral! (())

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Fornicating with the help is pretty rich.
