Monday, September 10, 2012

Hannah Truelove's Dad Speaks

For the first time since August 24th when Hannah Truelove's 16 year old body was found behind her mother's apartment complex, her father has spoken and police think they have found a car that might be connected to the death. Apparently Hannah was seen exiting the car once and police say the car is damaged. They still have not released much information other than to say that she was not forced anywhere and went willingly. This is a link to the news report where her father speaks. In the weeks prior to her death, Hannah had said she had a stalker and that she was scared. Her dad added that she had told him she didn't want to take the school bus any longer because she was scared.


  1. Ugh, my heart breaks.

  2. This is so sad. What a waste of a beautiful life. God bless you Hannah!

    I hope they find whoever did it. These kind of threats should always be taken seriously. Prayers for her family.

  3. I hate this. At her age I had a few situations where I was being watched and/or followed. Most kids don't have the sense to talk to their parents, they assume they can handle it or don't want to mess with their curfew or privileges. I hope they catch this bastard.

  4. I'm sorry, is that the only picture available of the child? I am sure there was more to her and her life than what this picture is presenting.

  5. Getting into a car sortof contradicts not wanting to take the school bus anymore. I would assume that the person she was afraid of was on the bus and not driving a car???

  6. @Sasha: maybe she had to wait for the school bus? If she didn't have friends at her stop, she'd be all alone.

  7. I have a 14 year old niece who is very cute, kind of Selena/Demi-ish in looks. She has a twitter account with 1,500 followers. When I read the story about Hannah's murder I forwarded the news link to my brother and asked him if he read niece's twitter feed. He said, "Yes. And it's mind-numbingly boring... THANK GOD!"

  8. BigMama, good point. But those other pix just don't "sell". It is sad.

  9. I don't get the outrage over the photo. She's not showing any skin. She's posing like any pretty teenage girl would.

    I really, really don't like the implication that there's something wrong with girls posting pictures of themselves that emphasize their looks.
    It's fine.

    1. Really? I DO think there is something wrong with this culture where teenage girls feel the need to constantly post these pictures of themselves - that are trying to emulate sexy rather than pretty.

  10. Sickening. People are getting scarier and more evil.

  11. @Mango, I have a twitter account (mainly because I follow some celebs), and I have like 5 followers. Only time I "tweet" anything is to comment to someone I'm following. I couldn't imagine have 1500 followers. I'm 31, and don't even know 1500 people!!!

  12. About the picture, I was thinking of her parents and that it would be nice to see a picture of her that was not associated with her murder. This is such a brutal experience for them.

  13. Hope the killer is found!!!

  14. Just because she's not showing skin, it doesn't mean that the picture is not provocative. She's blowing a kiss while showing off her ass. I'm sorry, but just because other teenage girls do it nowadays, it doesn't mean it's appropriate. The widespread, voyeuristic nature of the Internet is dangerous and when you put an image of yourself out there like that, people you don't know/don't know well/psychopaths get an impression that you are one way when you could be 100% the opposite. It's all about perception. I know. It's happened to me.

  15. @ abigail - I checked her twitter page and she has 1,533 followers. I don't know how she got them or why anyone would want to follow her, unless they are all other 14 year old girls *fingers crossed*.
