Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Griselda Blanco Killed By Hitman In Colombia

The death of Griselda Blanco will probably mean nothing to you unless you watched the movie Cocaine Cowboys and its sequel. If you have never watched either, I suggest you take a couple of hours and at least watch the first. It is a documentary about how much coke exactly was being moved through Miami in the 80's and the violence attached to it. It will blow your mind. One of the biggest dealers and most brutal killers was Griselda Blanco. She was given more time in the sequel to the first movie and she was a human being who scared everyone who met her. She was apparently killed over the weekend by a hitman in her hometown in Colombia. I can't believe after seeing those movies how she managed to even live this long. I'm also shocked she managed to be freed from jail.


  1. She had a toddler killed. It was a mistake but she wasn't upset by it. She was super evil and this is no tragedy.

  2. i saw the first 'cocaine cowboys' and it was amazing. seems like everything built in miami was built with drug money and everyone was in on it. i agree---can't believe she lived this long but i'm not surprised she got out of jail. the whole system is corrupt.

  3. I had no idea those docs existed - will need to find them.

    Hopefully she was offed by people who were sick of her reign of terror, and not just people looking to take her spot.

    1. If you have cable and Current TV they play both docs ad nauseum

  4. She's still well remembered in south Florida. She got exactly what was coming to her - too bad it took so long to do it.

  5. @ Amber, ITA.
    OT, but Michael Clarke Duncan died. :o(

  6. When I had a Netflix account, both documentaries were available for streaming. IIRC, one of her nicknames was The Black Widow. There's probably some stuff on Youtube as well.

  7. Such a pycho. There is so much good stuff out there. Italians know much better; never get high on your own supply and never kill anyone that owes you a debt. She broke both rules and her gross life has been romanticized to the point of fiction.

  8. @ Magness - sweet! I'll check my Netflix when I get home :)

  9. This documentary scared the crap out of me. I knew about Cartels but she makes Breaking Bad looking like amateur hour.

    She was a born serial killer.

  10. Maybe LiLo can play her in a Lifetime movie.

    1. Ha!!! She looks to be about the same age!

  11. She was shot dead by motorcycle riding assassins. She is the one that is "credited" with importing to Miami "motorcycle assassins" so it is appropriate that she died the same way. It was no mistake that the toddler was killed. When you spray bullets from a machine gun on a motorcycle and kill people, they are not "mistakenly" killed. Feds were shocked that when she was released that she was not immediately killed. She is thought to be involved in over 40 murders (NY-Miami was her main run). She pleaded no contest to 3 counts of 2nd degree murder. Between NY (cocaine trafficking) and Miami murders, she served 2 decades behind bars. This is not from the documentary, this is from case work associated with the Medellin cartel. Public knowledge (don't want you to worry that I am 'spilling the beans' YSA). May she never rest in peace. But, I am not God (don't tell the kids that). If you have Amazon prime the documentary is free, the film maker is Billy Corben.

  12. First Cocaine Cowboys is definitely better, but the second one is worth watching just for the JFK Jr kidnap plot.

  13. Anonymous8:15 AM

    This bitch is already in hell, I'm sure !

  14. Thanks for the info Agent!

  15. I was just looking at her Wikipedia page... She actually named her son Michael Corleone Blanco. Derp.

  16. I'm pretty sure Salma Hayeks character in the movie Savages that just came out with John Travolta was based on this lady, that is how i found out about her.

  17. This lady was a bad bitch..loved those docs,

  18. Wow!! After I saw that movie I didn't think she would ever get out!!

  19. There are people on Twitter crying over her death. They are calling her 'God Mother'. Seriously. Why are people such stupid idiots? It hurts my head that people are so dumb.

    @djphob - Haha. I laughed at Lilo. Yes!!

  20. Wonder if Sofia Vergara was a friend of hers???

  21. Downloading the first one, as I type. Still looking for the 2nd one.

  22. Those docs were so intense. Drug money basically fueled Miami's resurgence in the 90's along with Miami Vice. Banks ignored the "cash" deposits and car dealers didn't blink at cash transactions. At one point in the doc they said that most of the cash going around Miami had cocaine residue on it. Agree with Enty; it will blow your mind. The second one was about her lover and her; really weird stuff.

  23. Just added both to my Netflix queue. Both available to stream.

  24. I just watched Cocaine Cowboys on Amazon Prime. It's fascinating just how out-of-control Miami was at the height of the cocaine boom.

    Griselda Blanco is no loss to the world. I'm just sorry it didn't happen 35 years ago. It would have saved a lot of lives.

  25. did anyone else notice how that one cop became extremely sexy at the end (the one driving an talking about how F'ed it was the time she got but at least she'd be in the can his whole police career -then it says he retired like in June and she was released in like july or aug!!!!),well anyway, that guy is so good looking.

    OK....enough of my manhunt, I'm SURE Cocaine Cowboys and the weekly showings on the BIO channel had NOTHING ;) to do with her death.

    (sucks men get better looking with age and us women just have to find thankfulness in the fact that we were once hot or pretty).

  26. @OBAMA FAN:

    Hey, the admitted assassin (the guy still in jail) of that two-y-old is good-looking too. Looks aren't everything.

    I also don't at all buy the notion that men age better than women. They wrinkle just as much AND many of them lose their hair. Hollywood has always been dominated by men who think nothing of casting a woman young enough to be her co-star's daughter as his love interest. Probably because most of them marry such women.

    Take a look at Russell Crowe from recent pics. It's a male-written myth that men get better looking with age. The ones you see in Hollywood usually just got richer.

  27. Wow, talk about someone finally dying that deserved it. What a piece of work. I've been reading about her for years, since I'm a huge fan of true crime writing and documentaries.

  28. I live in Miami and lived in it during the 80's. A lot of people did what they did under the premise that they worked for her. Most did not. She was like Keiser Soze. It was ridiculous. I knew of a lot of families that were destroyed "supposedly" at her hands, but a lot of it was to instill fear and a lot of others were to stop any acts of revenge. They weren't with her, but by pretending they were...

  29. @Djphob

    Lilo playing Griselda. That was beautiful

  30. @jaime 2......ah, not an BO fan.

    If you MUST know, the name came from me being dressed in my Indian pants, with my camo jacket on and a wrap on my head (b/c I had a head ache) and being as I'm a gorgeous brown, (with grey popping out the sides from under the head wrap), my eldest said, "Hay Ma, you look like Osama bin laden." NOW, had I not been the slowmo that I am, I would have been Omama bin Broko......but what can I say.

    JESUS CHRIST presume much....(and yes the hit man did age well too)

  31. @Omama. . How Kinky...Hehe.

  32. @Sylvia. Her boyfriend knew some of her friends...

  33. Wow! Wow.....interesting....I never thought she'd get got.


    LILO could totally play her!


  34. I'm surprised she lived this long, I remember seeing those docs a few years ago and just being shocked at how evil this woman was!
