Sunday, September 02, 2012

Gerard Butler's "Motor City" Is Really Really Bad

You know you are an awful movie when you go straight to DVD instead of getting a theatrical release. But how bad are you when the financing people can't even get enough money together to finish post-production when you have a deal with Warner Brothers and Gerard Butler is your star. "Motor City" is just such an example. The producers are having trouble getting a completion bond which means they can't make their deadline for Warner Brothers which means Warner Brothers can drop the movie. If the movie was any good at all this would not be an issue. The movie must be spectacularly awful. Now I want to see it to see how awful it is.


  1. This dude needs rehab for sex addiction.

  2. He is greezy lookin. I used to find him so manly and handsome. Now he is just noooot.

  3. I think he looks rather handsome in this photo, speaking from a strictly aesthetic point of view.

    I've had a soft spot for him as an actor since Phantom and 300, he did awesomely in both those movies. I've got no comment on his "extracurricular activities" though, lol!

  4. Morning, @Corie!

    I can ignore GB and just watch "300" over and over. Hel-LO. Here's what's funny: I didn't know that GB was THE guy in "300". Didn't put it together for a few years. Didn't pay attention to the cast (other than their dirty, sweaty abs), was too busy focusing on the beauty of the film. I love "300".

  5. @EmEm Hello there! :)

    (Uh oh my geekette is coming out...)

    I started paying attention to him after Phantom. I was really impressed with his portrayal of Erik. He didn't nail it, but then again in the past of Phantom movies, most fail miserably- tbh, it is a hard character to nail with so many complexities and subtle shades of insanity and pain. But GB did pretty well grasping the part that was emotionally unhinged and scarred, which was enough to impress me. The only other actor that has come close has been Robert Englund (Freddy) in the '88-89 movie. RE nailed the psychotic cruel savage psychopathic side.

    ....I'm not even mentioning the plots. They were murdered in both movies. They didn't even have Nadir (the Persian)! IMO I don't think you can fully grasp some aspects of that story if you cut him out. The only one that I know of that has the Persian included was the classic silent film, but even that just reduced him to a creepy stalker with mad crazy eyes, lol.

    OK, geek meter off. Thank you for humoring me, lol. *blush* ;*)

    But yeah, 300 was an incredibly beautiful movie.

  6. Remember he was in Reign of Fire and died in it too. My son actually cried when he did

  7. Dear Frankie was a sweet movie and he was good in it, he got lucky with 300.......but he wasted whatever good will he gained making an avalanche of crap. I see him coming to the small screen just to hold on...
    For a smart guy he certainly wasted the chance he was given.

  8. I would so hit that.

  9. Teehee. I repeated myself. ;)

  10. Just watched a Lara Croft movie on TV yesterday, Gerard was so hunky then.

  11. I'm curious to see it now too. I think GB owes Enty a gift basket. This is the most promotion the movie is going to get.

  12. My daughter is a total Phantom freak/geek and she thinks Gerard Butler pretty much sucked (but oddly thought Emmy Rossum was pretty good, even though she lacked the pipes for Christine). She thinks Michael Crawford is the be all end all of Phantoms (duh) followed pretty closely by Ramin Karimloo. Granted, that's stage rather than film.

  13. @Lola Yeah, I'm an old school literary Phangirl. The original Leroux classic & Susan Kay's book all the way. That would explain it. :)

  14. I have always wondered why Angie didn't sleep with Butler while working on the Lara Croft movie. He sure tried and since she had sex with almost everyone else she's worked with this would be an interesting little morsel to know..

  15. @Misch, yeah, I wonder if Angie smelled the gonorrhea wafting from his privates.

  16. @g.strathmore

    Lord I can only imagine what meds he's on...and how many STD's he's juggling ....his immune system must be wrecked.

  17. I would autoclave that.

    Maybe Gerard is taking the Nic Cage route to fame and fortune, where you never say no to a script with a paycheck attached.


  18. the real story (not Enty's version)

  19. This can't be as bad as Jumper. And I say that as a a person who would give their left arm to sleep with Hayden Christensen.

  20. @Alex T: LOL! Autoclave that!!!
    You are one funny gal. If not too personal, are you a writer?

  21. According to that article, the lead was originally cast as Dominic Cooper, then when the problems started dropped to Jake Gyllenhaal, and then finally dropped to Gerard Butler. So now we know how Warner Brothers ranks these guys.

  22. I think his mistake was to go and make all those dumb romcoms with talentless actresses. He has gone down since. Making dumb movie choices.

  23. What shocks me about this film is that Adrien Brody is also in the cast. Didn't take him long to whizz away the prestige of being an Oscar winner, did it? Maybe he and Nick Cage should find a project together.

  24. Anonymous8:26 PM

    So, I realize that this is just a gossip blog, and as such, doesn't necessarily believe that what you post has to be the truth. The whole "I heard so-and-so said such-and-such," and just repeats and expands on it.

    The whole verifying facts and citing sources is just so passe.

    I have also realized in the short time that I've read this blog that the writer pretty much has a vendetta for GB, and that any piece of information that can be slanted, skewed, or twisted negatively will be.

    And I don't really know that much about the film industry, but my third grade English skills tell me that post-production refers to something at the end of the project ("post" meaning "after.")

    Motor City hasn't even filmed yet.

    This whole post is a load of BS.

    Which if a writer has such a lack of concern for such basic facts, it really calls into question the credibility of anything posted here.

  25. @Dewie, I agree. I don't know what happened with Brody. Did he party too much? Did he skank around too much? Was he a pain to work with? I knew he had seriously dropped when I watched Predators (terrible, although I did like Lawrence Fishburne's character) and realized the level of movie he was willing to do.

  26. I've just been reading the IndieWire site. Wow!

    Enty! Enty! Enty! Oops. Make that FAUX-ENTY!!!!!!!

    What a load of bull-shite you've posted. Where is the REAL Enty and the REAL T that that REAL Enty started this site with?

  27. " The movie must be spectacularly awful. Now I want to see it to see how awful it is."

    The movie: supposed to start filming in 2 weeks' time. Enty as supposed industry insider: once again proven to be lie.
